Anonymous ID: ee051a Jan. 9, 2020, 1:37 p.m. No.7764741   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Which Gang of * are you people talking bout…Figure it out


Gang of Eight


U.S. Senate (2013)


Within the U.S. Senate, there was a 2013 Gang of Eight pertaining to immigration reform made up of eight of the most influential senators, with four from each party, including:



John McCain (AZ)

Lindsey Graham (SC)

Marco Rubio (FL)

Jeff Flake (AZ)



Chuck Schumer (NY)

Richard Durbin (IL)

Robert Menendez (NJ)

Michael Bennet (CO)


113th Congress


U.S. House Committee on Intelligence:

Mike Rogers (R): (Chair)

C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D): (Ranking member)


United States Senate Committee on Intelligence:

Dianne Feinstein (D): (Chair)

Saxby Chambliss (R): (Ranking member)


U.S. House:

John Boehner (R): (Speaker of the House)

Nancy Pelosi (D): (Minority leader)


U.S. Senate:

Harry Reid (D): (Majority leader)

Mitch McConnell (R): (Minority leader)


NOTICE Mitch …Playing a roll my ASS