Anonymous ID: a4e9a5 Jan. 12, 2020, 2:28 p.m. No.7795008   🗄️.is 🔗kun

France, Germany, UK Committed to JCPOA, Call on Iran to Return to Compliance


French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a joint statement on Sunday that they remained committed to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and urged Tehran to cancel all measures that go against the Iran nuclear deal.


"We stay committed to JCPOA and its preservation; we call on Iran to cancel all measures incompatible with the agreement," the statement, released by the Elysee Palace’s press office, read.


Paris, Berlin and London also urged Tehran to refrain from further proliferation and reaffirmed their readiness to continue dialogue with Iran in order to maintain stability in the region.


"Together, we unequivocally expressed our regret and concern after the United States' decision to withdraw from the JCPOA and reintroduce sanctions against Iran," the statement said.


The three European leaders added that Iran should return to full compliance with its obligations under the agreement.


"We must also determine a long-term framework for Iran’s nuclear program," the statement read.


Macron, Merkel and Johnson noted that recent events in the Middle East have revealed Iran’s destabilizing role in the region.


"We are always committed to the security of our allies and partners in the region. We must respond - diplomatically and substantively - to general concerns about Iran’s destabilizing regional activities, including those related to its missile programs," the joint statement said.


The JCPOA was signed in 2015 by Iran, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, and the European Union. It required Iran to scale back its nuclear program and severely downgrade its uranium reserves in exchange for sanctions relief. In 2018, the United States abandoned its conciliatory policy on Iran, withdrawing from the JCPOA and hitting Iranian petroleum industries with sanctions.


On May 8, the first anniversary of the United States' unilateral withdrawal from the agreement, Iran announced a gradual reduction of its JCPOA obligations.


On Sunday, in the aftermath of the US drone attack that killed Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani, Iran announced that it was discontinuing its remaining JCPOA obligations. Iranian Ambassador to the UN Majid Takht Ravanchi said on Tuesday that despite the JCPOA rollback, Tehran is not interested in possessing nuclear weapons.

Anonymous ID: a4e9a5 Jan. 12, 2020, 2:44 p.m. No.7795129   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Surprise! Surprise!”: HTS Strikes Aleppo City Immediately After Start Of Idlib Ceasefire


Update: Syrian state TV reported that the number of casualties grew to three civilians, with at least five others injured.



Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) violated the new ceasefire a few hours after it started, shelling civilian areas in Aleppo’s city center.


According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), several munitions landed on January 12 morning in the districts of Shahba, al-Khalidiyah, al-Neil, al-Sabeel and Tishreen.


A source in Aleppo Police Command told the state-run news agency that two civilians were killed and three others were injured in the shelling. Local sources confirmed the losses, revealing that most of the wounded are children.


A new ceasefire in Greater Idlib, that was brokered by Russian and Turkey, became active at January 11 midnight. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) committed to the ceasefire, halting all ground and aerial operations in the region.


Local observers had warned that HTS and its allies will not respect in the new ceasefire. Last year, the terrorist groups took advantage of similar initiatives to reorganize their forces and launch more attacks, mainly on civilian areas around Greater Idlib.

Anonymous ID: a4e9a5 Jan. 12, 2020, 2:50 p.m. No.7795179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5197 >>5264 >>5362

John Kerry Lashes Out at Trump, Gets Testy with CBS’s Margaret Brennan For Pointing Out Iran Nuke Deal Funded Terrorism (VIDEO)


Former Secretary of State John Kerry got very testy with CBS’s Margaret Brennan during a Sunday interview on “Face the Nation” after Brennan pointed out that the Iran nuke deal funded terrorism.


Kerry, who is the architect of the Iran nuke deal and happily gave Iran billions of dollars, lashed out at President Trump for exposing the deal to be a dangerous dance with the devil that resulted in the US funding terrorism.


Margaret Brennan played a clip from 2016 of John Kerry admitting that some of the money given to Iran will “at some point” fund the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps).


“I think that some of it will end up in the hands of the IRGC or other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists…I’m not going to sit here and tell you that every component of that could be prevented,” Kerry said in a January 2016 interview.


Margaret Brennan then asked Kerry, “Why would you think that this was a risk worth taking if you knew the possibility of what would happen with that money?”


John Kerry became visibly annoyed with Margaret Brennan and lashed out at President Trump.


“You know that President Trump’s tweet is a lie.” Kerry said, referring to Trump’s Sunday morning tweet where he blasted the former Secretary of State.


“John Kerry got caught essentially admitting that funds given ridiculously to Iran were used to fund attacks on the USA. Only a complete fool would have given that 150 Billion Dollars Plus to Iran. They then went on a Middle East Rampage!” Trump tweeted Sunday morning.


John Kerry Lashes Out at Trump, Gets Testy with CBS’s Margaret Brennan For Pointing Out Iran Nuke Deal Funded Terrorism (VIDEO)

Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila January 12, 2020 21 Comments


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John Kerry


Former Secretary of State John Kerry got very testy with CBS’s Margaret Brennan during a Sunday interview on “Face the Nation” after Brennan pointed out that the Iran nuke deal funded terrorism.


Kerry, who is the architect of the Iran nuke deal and happily gave Iran billions of dollars, lashed out at President Trump for exposing the deal to be a dangerous dance with the devil that resulted in the US funding terrorism.


Margaret Brennan played a clip from 2016 of John Kerry admitting that some of the money given to Iran will “at some point” fund the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps).


“I think that some of it will end up in the hands of the IRGC or other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists…I’m not going to sit here and tell you that every component of that could be prevented,” Kerry said in a January 2016 interview.


Margaret Brennan then asked Kerry, “Why would you think that this was a risk worth taking if you knew the possibility of what would happen with that money?”


John Kerry became visibly annoyed with Margaret Brennan and lashed out at President Trump.


“You know that President Trump’s tweet is a lie.” Kerry said, referring to Trump’s Sunday morning tweet where he blasted the former Secretary of State.


“John Kerry got caught essentially admitting that funds given ridiculously to Iran were used to fund attacks on the USA. Only a complete fool would have given that 150 Billion Dollars Plus to Iran. They then went on a Middle East Rampage!” Trump tweeted Sunday morning.


John Kerry demanded that the media call President Trump a liar for speaking the truth about the Iran nuke deal


“You and the media I think need to call a lie a lie–” Kerry said as Margaret Brennan interrupted him.


Kerry pushed back on Brennan and continued to spin, spin, spin and push his talking points (lies) that the money given to Iran was used to fund the Iranian economy, not terrorism.