Anonymous ID: b7c0c9 Jan. 12, 2020, 2:52 p.m. No.7795192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5262 >>5322 >>5351 >>5652 >>5720 >>5749



there was a dig on Sacha Trudeau last night, Justin Trudeau's brother, so looked into the youngest Trudeau brother, Michel.


Born October 2, 1975. Died November 13, 1998


Visited by Castro


Michel Trudeau was born at the Ottawa Civic Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada on 2nd October 1975. He was named after his paternal grandfather. He was the youngest of the three Trudeau sons born to Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Trudeau. Michel, as a four months old kid was visited by former Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro, when his parents were on a trip to Cuba. Castro nicknamed him Miche. Michel always was very ‘kind and adventurous’ one of all her children, as recalled by his mother.


Killed in avalanche at age 23; BODY NEVER FOUND


Michel had just started working at a Mountain Resort in Rossland, British Columbia, but again, his adventures with his friends had become a part of his life, and whenever he found the time, he would embark on trips with them. On one such trip, this time in the Kokanee Glacier Park on 13th November 1998 with three of his friends, Michel embarked on a skiing trip. All four of them were having the time of their lives until the avalanche formed up and as brutish a force of nature that it is, it swept away Michel and separated him from his friends and he fell in the freezing Kokanee Lake.

Michel tried his best to reach the shore, but the freezing lake wouldn’t let him give his 100 percent and eventually, after a lot of struggle, Michel gave up. His friends found themselves unable to help him and Michel drowned into the lake. One other of his friends was also swept away in the lake, but he managed to swim to the shore.

When the Trudeau family came to know of it, they were emotionally destroyed, and extensive search was initiated to locate the body, but all the efforts went in vain due to the extremely high altitude of the terrain on and very little days of open water into the frozen lake. A year later, the Trudeau family called off the search for Michel and accepted with bitter hearts, that Michel was no more with them.


Michel Trudeau talked of faith before death


While most remember him as the son of a prime minister, Dennis Walker remembers him as a young man wrestling with his faith.


The two met in July under unusual circumstances in Walker's hometown of Portage la Prairie, a small city along the Trans-Canada highway.


Four months later, witnesses who had been wilderness skiing with Michel in B.C. said the avalanche swept him 40 metres out in the glacial lake, wearing a 20-kilogram pack, skis and hiking gear. He struggled for some time, called for help, then disappeared. The lake froze over before divers could recover the body.


Michel Trudeau's life, death recalled with pain and pride


The avalanche pushed him into the Kokanee Lake in eastern British Columbia. Weighed down with skis and hiking equipment, Mr. Trudeau was unable to make it back to shore and his friends were unable to save him. A search last summer after the ice melted failed to find his body.


Me and Michel Trudeau: The story of two drug busts


Six months before Michel Trudeau’s death 20 years ago during an avalanche in the Kokanee Mountain range of British Columbia, he was apparently in a serious car accident on his way home to Montreal.


As the investigating cops helped the 23-year-old Trudeau gather up his belongings that had been scattered along the roadside, they came across a couple of marijuana joints in a Sucrets can.


Simple pot possession back then was still severely frowned upon by law enforcement, and so young Michel Trudeau, like hundreds of others on any given day in 1998, was busted


“(My father Pierre) was very confident that we were able to make those charges go away,” our PM told a small town hall organized by Vice Media. “We were able to do that because we had the resources, my dad had a couple of connections and we were confident that my little brother was not going to be saddled with a criminal record for life.”


And, poof, just like that, the charges disappeared and the catalyst for Trudeau to legalize marijuana was supposedly born.


Trudeau says his father used connections to help brother Michel avoid criminal record after pot charge

Anonymous ID: b7c0c9 Jan. 12, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.7795322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5344 >>5433




no numberfag here but will do my best. Info from this site:


Michel died on November 13, 1998 which was a Friday - Friday the 13th


The number 13 and Friday 13s are symbolically very important to illuminati Satanists


He died when he was 23 years old

23 = pain


Justin Trudeau is the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada


Both Justin and Michel Trudeau each had one raven tattoo


Justin got the first half of his tattoo, the globe, when he was 23-years-old…"Trudeau added onto his ink when he turned 40 with a Haida raven, representing the native people in the Haida Gwaii territory, British Columbia, and parts of Alaska."






"…In Greek mythology, ravens are associated with Apollo, the god of prophecy. They are said to be a symbol of bad luck…"


"…he demon of despair seeks to deprive us especially of this hope. In the last stanza of "The Raven," the unholy messenger is unmasked and his purpose accomplished…"


"…The raven is Satan's bird and the evil spirit, and the dove is God's bird and a symbol of the Holy Spirit. (Mt.3:16,17). They show our old unclean nature, and a new clean nature when we're born again by the Holy Spirit…"


"…The Raven is generally thought to be a symbol of sadness, loss and death in most European countries…"

Anonymous ID: b7c0c9 Jan. 12, 2020, 3:21 p.m. No.7795433   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Michel also had a Haida raven tattoo


"Within Haida mythology, Raven is a central character, as he is for many of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas, see Raven Tales. While frequently described as a "trickster", Haidas believe Raven or Yáahl[1] to be a complex reflection of one's own self. Raven can be a magician, a transformer, a potent creative force, ravenous debaucher but always a cultural hero


Raven has been described as the greediest, most lecherous and mischievous creature known to the Haida, but at the same time Raven often helps humans in our encounters with other supernatural beings. Raven acquired such things as fresh water, salmon and the house for humans. Robert Bringhurst has noted that Raven never actually creates anything; he made the world by stealing, exchanging, redistributing, and generally moving things around."


Michel Trudeau was Justin Trudeau's Satanic ritual blood sacrifice


From SAINTANDREWSTWINFLAME website published three years ago in 2016:


Justin Trudeau, the Raven Tattoo, the Satanic 23 and the Mysterious Death of Michel Trudeau – Global Agenda