Anonymous ID: e195c6 Jan. 12, 2020, 4:25 p.m. No.7795882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5887 >>5920 >>5956 >>6171 >>6289 >>6326 >>6470 >>6505



Wendy Sherman is a constant and significant player for the left, within the tier she occupies: namely, negotiating and setting US policy while remaining under the radar as an aparatchik for those further up the food chain.


Was a key advisor to Feinstein during the Kavanaugh hearings:…/1338609002/


Oh boy, she was on the Jerusalem Post's list of Top 50 Most Influential Jews, haaaaahaa


Oh, and Harvard, boola boola!


"She serves on the boards of the International Crisis Group and the Atlantic Council, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Aspen Strategy Group, and the Massachusetts Women’s Forum. Ambassador Sherman led the U.S. negotiating team that reached agreement on a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action between the P5+1, the European Union, and Iran for which, among other diplomatic accomplishments, she was awarded the National Security Medal by President Barack Obama. Prior to her service at the Department of State, she was Vice Chair and founding partner of the Albright Stonebridge Group, Counselor of the Department of State under Secretary Madeleine Albright, and Special Advisor to President Clinton and Policy Coordinator on North Korea, and Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs under Secretary Warren Christopher.


Ambassador Sherman, with a Masters in Social Work, began her career as Director of Child Welfare for the State of Maryland. Later, she managed Senator Barbara Mikulski’s successful campaign for the U.S. Senate, served as director of EMILY’s List, and ran Campaign ’88 at the Democratic National Committee for the Dukakis presidential campaign. She served on the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, was Chair of the Board of Directors of Oxfam America, and served on the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Policy Board and Congressional Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Proliferation and Terrorism."


Check this out, if only because it came up as a Wendy Sherman search result, but for all the IRAN mention. Just skimmed it, and saw that Nancy Pelosi's daughter Christine is Catholic, but married to a Jewish man and has her daughter in a Jewish school. Alrighty:


Sherman was the fucking LEAD NEGOTIATOR for the Iran Deal. Shit.


"Diplomats from Iran and the European Union said Friday that they were able to reach agreement on implementing the Iran nuclear accord. Pending review by capitals of six world powers, an announcement on a start date for the accord to go into force could come as soon as the weekend.


Negotiators “made very good progress on all the pertinent issues,” Michael Mann, a spokesman for the EU, said Friday. “This is now under validation at political level in capitals.”


The announcement came after two days of talks in Geneva between European Union deputy foreign policy chief Helga Schmid and Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi. Lead US negotiator, Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, accompanied by her non-proliferation advisor James Timbie and Treasury Department’s Adam Szubin, also held bilateral meetings in Geneva Thursday with Araghchi’s team as well as met with Schmid, the State Department said."

Anonymous ID: e195c6 Jan. 12, 2020, 4:37 p.m. No.7795981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6102

@drawandstrike on Joseph Pientka, who may be on the side of the good guys, from the archives:


#1378300 at 2018-05-12 03:16:24 (UTC+1)

Q Research General # KEEP CALM, EMERGENCY BAKE Edition


Tip of the hat to @drawandstrike for letting the world know that Joe Pientka is a white hat.


It's been known for MONTHS there was another agent besides Peter Strzok at the Flynn interview, his name NEVER leaked. In over a YEAR. Then Grassley reveals this other agent's name today just before the IG report drops.



Ever since the Strzok/Page text message drama went public last October, it's been known there was another FBI agent present at the Michael Flynn interview on Jan. 24th, 2017.


And the IDENTITY OF THIS OTHER AGENT was carefully guarded, oh so carefully guarded secret. UNTIL NOW.

Remember when I told you Sessions & Horowitz and Huber don't leak ANYTHING?


NOTHING gets out from their investigations. Their hundreds of staff people simply don't LEAK anything.

Sessions practically rubbed the DNC Media's face in this fact earlier this year when casually dropped in a Fox interview that he'd appointed a prosecutor who was investigating stuff that Horowitz couldn't act on.



Sessions let the DNC Media twist in the wind desperately trying to find out who it was so they could leak it.


And after about 13 days - almost TWO FULL WEEKS - they had NOTHING.


And then smirkin' Jeff Sessions revealed the prosecutor's name himself in a letter to Congress.

Now try this on for size. Sessions/Horowitz/Huber knew who this other FBI agent at the Flynn interview was over a year ago. They got to him early.




Nobody was allowed to know who it was. No evidence was handed over.

Any text messages bearing his name, any official documents revealing his name were withheld.


This was to protect a whistleblower.

And the fact that Grassley has now gotten the go ahead to publicly reveal this FBI agent's name is HUGE.

The endgame is approaching. They can reveal who their whistleblower is because it's too late. The IG reports on the Clinton Email fiasco and the FISC Court scheme are dropping any day now.


After that, when the public has digested them, the indictments are unsealed.

FBI Agent Joe Pientka ALSO filed a FD 302 form following that interview with Michael Flynn.


Now Grassley is demanding to see both his & Strzok's FD 302 forms from that interview.


And he's going to get them.

Grassley assumes the 'ongoing criminal investigation' he discusses at the top of page 2 of his letter was the FBI's investigation into Flynn himself.


In fact, I suspect that's the investigation of who LEAKED that classified intelligence report on his calls with Kislyak.


Reminder to always check the archives! "Reread old crumbs", Q said

Anonymous ID: e195c6 Jan. 12, 2020, 4:41 p.m. No.7796030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6048


Hell, you can't make this shit up

Frank Giustra now sucking up to the Hollyweird celebrity fans MeAgain Markle and Prince Hapless

No way the Clintons or Clooneys or Oprah didn't have a hand in this

That video of Hapless, shilling Bob Iger to give MeAgain a voiceover gig, is hilarious. Oh, but they're going to "donate" to an "elephant charity". Sure. Suuuuure they are.

Anonymous ID: e195c6 Jan. 12, 2020, 4:53 p.m. No.7796120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6157

Pientka dig from continued…


#1387485 at 2018-05-12 23:08:24 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #1739: Knifeman Kerry Edition


SARA CARTER: Identity of the Second FBI Agent Who Ambushed General Flynn Revealed 'He Knows What McCabe's Role Was in All of It'


Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Friday stating Comey testified the FBI didn't think General Flynn lied.


Grassley also revealed Joe Pientka was the second FBI agent who joined Peter Strzok on January 24th, 2017 in an ambush style interview to take down General Flynn.


Grassley is demanding the FBI and DOJ produce the transcript of Flynn's intercepted calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak and the 302's by May 25th.


302's are reports FBI agents take to summarize an interview with a subject.


The newly unredacted portion of the House Intel report revealed Comey testified to House Intel members the FBI agents who ambushed Flynn did not detect any deception.


The report also revealed the illegal leak of Flynn's phone call with Kislyak is what allowed the FBI/DOJ to keep a counterintel operation open on General Flynn.


Chairman Grassley is now demanding answers from the FBI and DOJ.


In the last paragraph of Grassley's letter, he requests Special Agent Joe Pientka be available for a transcribed interview with Committee staff:


Accordingly, no later than May 25, 2018, please provide:

  1. The information requested in our February 15, 2017 letter, including the transcripts of the

reportedly intercepted calls and any FBI reports summarizing them; and

  1. The FBI agents' 302s memorializing their interview of Flynn and 1A supporting docs,

including the agents' notes.


In addition, please make Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview

with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested

documents. If you have any questions about this request please don't hesitate to contact Patrick

Davis of my staff at (202) 224-5225. Thanks for your prompt attention to this important issue.


Investigative reporter, Sara Carter says according to numerous law enforcement sources, neither Strzok or Pientka believed Flynn was lying during their interview with him, as reported.


Special Agent Joe Pientka and another "non-partisan" law enforcement officer who was present in the Flynn interview can reveal McCabe's role in all of it, says Sara Carter's sources:


Grassley requested that FBI Special Agent Joe Pientka, who was with Strzok during his White House interview on Jan. 24, 2017, be made available "for a transcribed interview with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested documents."


"There's a lot these agents can reveal about that day and what (former FBI Deputy Director Andrew) McCabe's role was in all of it," said a U.S. official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the matter. "McCabe was apparently trying to find a reason, any reason, to make it look like Flynn was lying. But the truth of the matter is - no one thought he lied, not even the agent that hated Trump."