Anonymous ID: 25990c Jan. 13, 2020, 9:10 a.m. No.7801443   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Epstein's prostitution ring still up and running


Funny how YT still hasn't banned or shut down their account.

Anonymous ID: 25990c Jan. 13, 2020, 9:12 a.m. No.7801463   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1790

Epstein didnโ€™t fund himself. Was he head of a blackmail scheme or Treasurer of a pedophile club?


Jeffrey Epstein is not the only millionaire to have an island used to host pedophile partyโ€™s, nor is he the founder of the blackmail honeypot scheme. During the prohibition a blackmail operation run by the mafia was used to infiltrate to CIA and FBI.


North Fox Island was discovered in the late 70s during the investigation of four murdered children. They found child porn at the main suspects house that was traced back to the island. The suspect was Chris Busch, son of the GM CEO. Ironically Chris was suicided ( a very suspicious suicide) and no charges were ever filed the case remains unsolved.


The operations of North Fox Island were like a subscription service for child porn with over 300 contributors named. Owners of both islands are philanthropist and had many similar front companies established to launder money. Also both used private planes for discretion to fly in prominent members of society. Not much is known about where Epstein acquired his wealth, Sheldons was inherited from his Grandfather Russell Alger. Alger was a senator of Michigan and Secretary of War during the McKinley administration.


I think Epsteinโ€™s Island was more of a continuation of a North Fox than the blackmail operation. How long can they carry on a blackmail operation without people eventually catching on. They canโ€™t trick them into being a pedophile, they willingly attend these parties. Wouldnโ€™t people stop going to these parties if they are know to be honeypot traps? Itโ€™s also hard to blackmail someone for something that everyone seems to be okay with and already knows about. I donโ€™t even think the threat of going public would be effective because we all know it would just be called a conspiracy theory. In short the public is the only one not in the loop, who are they going to tell?


I think the alleged arrests of Jeffrey Epstein was orchestrated to look like they are doing something about it. When that new suit was filed they needed it to go away. Suicide looks like the go to method and perfect plan. What I see is an international pedo sex ring that has been in operation for a very long time. There are high levels of government in many countries involved and realistically there was never going to be a prosecution. Nobody was concerned about blackmail material, if any even exist, too many important members for that.

Anonymous ID: 25990c Jan. 13, 2020, 9:21 a.m. No.7801517   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1525 >>1535 >>1543 >>1574 >>1622 >>1669 >>1731 >>1885 >>1970

Is Trump Hustling the Deep State on Our Behalf?


I initially thought the "art of the deal" persona was a bunch of crap, but I have come to realize it may be very real. Trump understands that EVERYTHING is a negotiation. Negotiating and deal making constitutes every molecule of Trump's being and makes up his entire psychology. Trump is the quintessential negotiator. He negotiates every time he breathes. His entire life has been predicated on negotiating multi-million dollar deals over and over until it has just become second nature.


He understands thats how the world really works. You have your objectives and I have mine, and although they may be conflicting or even opposite, we have to meet in the middle and agree on a price. He has specialized in this process most of his life. Thats how every bit of foreign policy and lobbying and piece of legislation gets done.


He doesnt try to paint a utopian image and fool us into thinking that its not that way. And he doesnt pass value judgements on whether or not it should be that way. He just recognizes the TRUE realities of human nature that exist and through negotiation and deal making he navigates them.


He literally views everything through the spectre of negotiation. He's negotiating everybody and everything he comes in contact with at all times. It's his worldview. Its the Trump Social Theory. Just like Marxists view everything in the world through a class conflict paradigm, and feminists view everything in the world through a male dominance paradigm, and some racial theorists view everything in the world through a racial conflict/oppression paradigm, Trump views literally everything in the world through the DEAL paradigm.


On his first day at the white house, the REAL deep state handlers approached him and I imagine it went something like, "Mr. Trump we probably dont have to tell you this, you probably know we're in charge here, and all that draining of the swamp, ending foreign wars, fundamental reform, America 1st stuff you were promising isnt going to fly. We'll JFK you if we have to." Trump- "Let's meet halfway boys."

Anonymous ID: 25990c Jan. 13, 2020, 9:21 a.m. No.7801525   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1532 >>1543 >>1669 >>1731 >>1970


I dont know for sure who killed JFK. But it was obviously elements of the deep state. I have a general theory that he simply wasnt willing to negotiate on some deeply held belief. He wasnt willing to compromise on something. He wasnt willing to "play ball" as they say in American politics (and in the mob.)


It may have been a just and noble position. Some people say he wanted to eliminate the fed. Who knows. Either way, what i think happened is JFK defied the deep state on some key issue and instead of coming to a deal with them, he decided to take his case directly to the American people, bypassing the deep state completely. He overplayed his hand and underestimated his opponent. So he died. But what did that accomplish? Whatever he was standing up for or against surely happened, and now the deep state just hardens its shell and gets more removed from any oversight, and more belligerent.


But if you recognize the deep state as an inherent material reality of the American system, something that will be there whether we want it or not, you have to come to a decision point if you want to change it. Should you fight against it? Well that may be the inherently moral thing to do, but is it the best strategic thing to do? No. Because you cant beat it. You'll only anger it and become further removed from any chance of changing it in any way.


So whats the next best thing? It is said "If you cant beat em, join em" But actually the best option is if you cant beat them NEGOTIATE with them. In other words "play ball."


Establish your position firmly. In fact you EXAGGERATE your position loudly, then when you finally come to the table and they see your terms are actually reasonable, they are willing to come off their position that much more.


This is pure negotiation psychology at work. And its how things really happen and how things get done anytime humans are doing them. Trump understands this completely. I think the deep state actually respects him to a degree because he is the ultimate "ball player" so to speak. So much so, theres at least an argument to be made that Trump might be playing THEM.

Anonymous ID: 25990c Jan. 13, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.7801532   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1537 >>1669 >>1731 >>1970



He recognizes them as a reality that he has to navigate. And he does it through deal making. He understands the-neo cons and the military contractors and the DOD and the Pentagon industrial complex are going to maintain their strangleholds. They arent going anywhere. Through lobbyists and various other means, they will make sure one 5th of our GDP or 3.5 trillion dollars goes to them. You cant avoid that right now. That's an entrenched reality in the American system. So what can you do if you actually want to change that and end the wars and focus more on domestic spending? You dont try to defeat it head on. You do it slowly and incrementally through negotiations and making deals.


Not necessarily saying he is, but the argument could be made i think.


Just follow the logic. Like we said this 4 trillion for military is happening either every year either way. But what if we create a new branch of the military that focuses on space exploration, and lets divert a few billion of that bloated DOD budget over there. Then we'll declare the border an emergency situation which allows us to divert a few more billion there. See the pattern yet?


Its a win win. You guys get your way, which was going to happen anyway, and Trump moves the needle just a bit. Those billions that were bound for foreign military contractors in places we shouldnt be are now being used on our continent on our southern border, just like he campaigned on. Its a start in the right direction, eventhough im not huge on the wall, at least its being spent in this country and not being used to blow people up. And he may be just diverting funds from one part of the deep state to another, but it seems like some progress.


Trump came out loudly attacking opiates. He made the words "opiate crisis" a household term. So he vilifies big pharma publicly. Then he sits down at the table with them and he actually has reasonable terms they agree and small change actually happens. We have price ceilings and hospital price transparency coming for the first time in history. We have big pharma executives being prosecuted for the first time in history. He's vilified opiates to the extent demand has reduced for pharmaceutical production. Most of our presence in Afghanistan was centered around opium. He's driven down the global price just by tweeting about it.

Anonymous ID: 25990c Jan. 13, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.7801537   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1551 >>1610 >>1669



So he takes an outlandish brash position and sets unrealistic expectations in people's minds about what he wants. Then he actually brings them to the table and incremental small things that never would have happened actually get done.


Not only is Trump hustling the deep state, he's hustling Iran, Israel, Iraq and the entire mideast. He's hustling the the United nations, The EU, britain, democrats, the entire US and world media, and yes even the American public to a certain extent. He hustles everything and everyone he gets in contact with on a daily basis. He hustles Baron and Melania at home. But it may not be a bad thing or a bad hustle. He understands they are all material realities he must navigate ad deal with. He understands these are all forces of inertia that he as to flow with. He uses one's momentum against another. He has to capitulate all sides. He has to grease all wheels to move anything.


But to what end? His unquenchable ego? Could be. Or it could be a person actually secretly working to bring real change of the unmoveable elements of big pharma, big medicine, and big war The 3 biggest problems in the US? Or maybe both. Perhaps we can harness the power of that ego for good. Maybe his ego is so immense that he wants to be known as the dealmaker that made unmakeable deals happen. Perhaps we can use that ego as leverage to slowly and incrementally "deal" the deep state, not into submission, because they'll always be here, but at least into terms that are slightly more agreeable and more tenable for the world and for the American people. If thats the case im all for it.


I havent read any Q anon, but someone posted a quote from him that I think sums up quite well what could be going on in terms of Trumps relation to the deep state.


"If you're gonna wrassle the Devil, you gotta get in real close so you throw the fucker around."


And thats what could very well be happening. He cant move the unmoveable objects that are entrenched in America like the deep state, but he has to get close to them to shake their hand and make a deal.


Interesting angle to consider.

Anonymous ID: 25990c Jan. 13, 2020, 9:30 a.m. No.7801585   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Found at the top of r/conspiracy - controversial tab. Typical reddit faggots


I agree, it covers the plan very well. It's a reverse on Marxism and that's why they hate it so much. He's using their ratchet against them to turn things back the other way and no one sees it as they are to busy screaming about orange man bad!


Trust the plan.

Anonymous ID: 25990c Jan. 13, 2020, 9:31 a.m. No.7801592   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Only one good comment in there, from the OP:


Trump doesnt need a false flag for leverage like Bush did. Trump had all the excuse he needed to invade Iran when they missiled US bases last week. If he had any intention of full scale war it would have happened then. Trump's not a warrior, he's a dealer. You guys are misreadiing him. He talks all that shit in order to make a deal. he's bluffing. Shit talking is his leverage. Bush wasnt a negotiator he was a warmonger. Trumps end is a deal, Bush's end was war. Eventually you'll see the pattern after he bluffs a few more times. just watch.