Anonymous ID: 91a80a Jan. 13, 2020, 9:37 a.m. No.7801629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1637 >>1675 >>1750


>>7801047 (pb)

>it is possible the increase in cosmic rays due to the solar minimum may be the cause of the volcanic eruption


Thanks anon! The eruption of the Volcano in the Philippines provides a great opportunity to educate ourselves on what is really causing all these seemingly rapid Earth changes.


The Effects of the Current Solar minimum on Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Extreme Weather


Explanation: When the sun goes through a period of abnormally low solar activity, the magnetic field strength of the planets decrease. Because these magnetic fields act like planetary "force fields" they function to protect the planets from excess radiation whether from the sun (solar wind or a CME) or from cosmic rays originating from deep space. This increased radiation (19% increase of the next decade) impacting Earth is likely causing increases in earthquakes, volcanoes, and extreme weather.


The increase in earthquakes and volcanoes during the current solar minimum also throws a huge wrench into the Club of Rome/Rothschild implemented Global PsyOp known as "Man made Global Warming." This is because there is no way to blame man's burning of carbon (fossil fuels) on the increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity not only here on Earth but also on other planets in our solar system over the past decade. However, there is a wealth of growing empirical evidence suggesting that the solar minimum is the cause as well as the cause of increased extreme weather including increased WW tropical cyclonic activity. The increases in forest fires however, are more likely due to arson by those who have a vested interest in perpetuating the original global warming myth.


In fact, the name of the PsyOp was revised to "Man made Climate Change" because there is no real evidence for global warming since industrialization and, in fact, we now know that we are more likely to experience global cooling (mini ice age?) in the next couple of decades due to secondary climatic effects associated with to the solar minimum. Increased cosmic radiation hitting our atmosphere increases water vapor and cloud cover, but perhaps more importantly, increased volcanic activity puts more ash in the atmosphere thus reducing solar heating. As I recall, there is good evidence that previous ice ages came about following the eruption of large super volcanoes.


Suspicious0bservers is a great YouTube channel created by a citizen scientist who discuss these topics. He puts out a short and concise daily report but also makes great mini reviews on these topics.


CLIMATE FORCING | Our Future is Cold