Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 9:40 a.m. No.7801665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1760

Google – The Same Company that Actively Censors and Eliminates Conservative Content – Is Now in Control of Tens of Millions of US Health Care Records


It is a well known fact for those who seek to be informed that Google discriminates heavily against conservatives.


If you search Google for prominent conservative voices including: Mike Cernovich, Joe diGenova, Jack Posobiec or Gateway Pundit you will see hit pieces and biased attacks.


The Gateway Pundit is one of the largest, most accurate and most influential publishers in the country today.


But if you search Google for “Gateway Pundit” the first page is littered with negative articles and hit pieces. If you try other search engines like Duck Duck Go or Bing you get entirely different results. Google has deleted Gateway Pundit content from its search engine. And we aren’t the only ones being censored.


Google works overtime to hide conservative content and smear conservative publishers.


Last June Project Veritas released alarming undercover video, leaked documents, and testimony from a Google insider revealing the tech giant’s plans to meddle in US politics and “prevent a Trump situation in 2020.”


Repubicans in Congress and in the Trump administration are unwilling to take on these far left tech giants who are destroying free speech in America on a daily basis.


And it gets worse.

Google now has access to hundreds of millions of US health records.


Via the Wall Street Journal and Rachel Bovard— Google now has the ability to view or analyze tens of millions of patient health records in at least three-quarters of U.S. states, and won’t say what they’re doing with the data except that they “want to be helpful.”


This is the same company that DETESTS conservative Americans!

Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.7801673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Libya ceasefire talks in Moscow: Good progress made although not all sides signed the deal, Lavrov says


Negotiations in Moscow helped to achieve some progress in the Libyan peace process, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. However, not all parties signed the document.


The Libyan National Army (LNA) and the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) have agreed upon some ceasefire details, but they are still working on a document to elaborate upon some aspects of the ceasefire deal.


Some warring parties signed the agreement immediately, but General Khalifa Haftar, the LNA commander, wanted to wait until Tuesday morning to have more time to study the document.


The talks in Moscow, which involved the leaders of the major Libyan warring parties as well as foreign and defense ministers of both Russia and Turkey, lasted for more than six hours and were mostly focused on detailing the terms of the ceasefire regime. The draft document suggests that the hostilities would stop and all parties would observe the ceasefire without any preconditions. A commission is also to be established to determine the contact line between the GNA and the LNA.


Lavrov also made it clear that Russia and Turkey would further lend their support to all Libyan parties to help them implement the agreement reached in Moscow.


Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu also expressed hope that both sides would eventually commit to complying with the newly-reached agreement, paving the way for the start of political process in Libya.


According to Lavrov, the agreement was signed by Fayez al-Sarraj, the head of the UN-backed Tripoli-based Government of National Accord, and Khalid al-Mishri, the head of the High Council of State, an advisory body formed after the UN-backed 2015 talks, which is technically able to advise both the GNA and the Tobruk-based House of Representatives (HoR) aligned with Haftar’s LNA.


Aguila Saleh, the head of HoR, did not sign the document. However, Lavrov hopes the group will sign it on Tuesday.


Both leaders “view this document positively and just want some extra time, until tomorrow morning, to make a final decision about signing it,” the Russian minister told journalists. “I hope, this decision will be positive,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 9:43 a.m. No.7801688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Corrupt Obama DOJ Attorney John Carlin Did Not Tell FISA Court that Carter Page Had Previously Worked with FBI When Applying for Fraudulent Page FISA Warrant


Obama’s Head of the DOJ’s National Security Division, John Carlin, is in some real trouble. Not only did he lie to the FISA Court about FISA abuse but we determined that he must have been behind lying about Carter Page’s past enabling the Deep State to obtain the fraudulent Page FISA warrant on Page.


In January 2018 we reported comments Dan Bongino made about John Carlin on the Hannity Show on FOX News. Carlin oversaw the NSA surveillance program under Obama.


Dan Bongino: Sean, let me tell you something and I am willing to put my credibility behind this on your show tonight. Those messages aren’t lost. I absolutely believe this is some kind of canary trap to out leakers again… Make no mistake about this. Donald Trump was set up. This was a sting operation the entire time… Sean, don’t discount the name “John Carlin” within the DOJ. He knew what was going on here in conjunction with Sally Yates and this is the connection I think to the White House on this. Don’t discount that name. He left under very suspicious circumstances.


(Remember how angry all America loving patriots were at this time as we were uncovering the crimes of the Deep State while the corrupt Mueller investigation was going on – this really shows in the above video.)


Jeff Carlson at wrote the following about John Carlin in May 2018:


John Carlin was an Assistant Attorney General – and Head of the Department of Justice’s National Security Division (NSD).


On September 27, 2016, Carlin announced his resignation. He formally left the NSD on October 15, 2016. Carlin had been named Acting Assistant Attorney General in March 2013 and was confirmed in the spring of 2014.


Carlin had previously served as chief of staff to then-FBI Director Robert S. Mueller.


Carlin was replaced with Mary McCord – who would later accompany Acting Attorney General Sally Yates to see White House Counsel Don McGahn regarding General Michael Flynn.


Carlin announced his resignation exactly one day after he filed the Government’s proposed 2016 Section 702 certifications. His signature can be found on page 31.


Carlson went on to address the many actions that Carlin took going against the law to provide the FISA Court information that the FISA 702 process was not broken. However, at the same time audits of the area that Carlin oversaw showed massive irregularities, corruption and crimes. Carlin covered this up and did not report it to the FISA Court.


Irregularities were later provided to the Court after Admiral Mike Rogers performed audits of the FISA process and provided his results to the Court in October 2016, shortly after Carlin left the DOJ. Admiral Rogers is admired for later showing up unannounced at Trump Tower after the 2016 election and telling the President elect that the Trump Tower was being spied upon. The day after the Admiral’s visit to Trump Tower, the Trump transition team moved to one of Trump’s golf courses and out of Trump Tower.

Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 9:45 a.m. No.7801711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1843 >>1970

Pakistan court annuls ex-president Musharraf’s death sentence


Lahore High Court (LHC) has annulled the death sentence handed to former president Pervez Musharraf, ruling that a special court which found him guilty of high treason was unconstitutional, according to a government law officer.


Following the LHC ruling, the ex-president is now a “free man,” Ishtiaq A. Khan, Additional Attorney General of Pakistan, who represented the government in the case, told AFP. The whole process against Musharraf – including the creation of a special court – was deemed to be void.


LHC “has declared everything from the initiation of the complaint and its conclusion unconstitutional,” Khan said, as cited by Reuters.


Earlier in the day, Musharraf’s lawyer Azhar Siddique told the media outside the court that the judges have “nullified everything” against his client.

Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 9:46 a.m. No.7801720   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UkraineGate documentary shows Joe Biden’s ‘someone solid’ for Ukrainian General Prosecutor was anything but


Former US vice-president and White House hopeful Joe Biden “brazenly lied” about supporting anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine while actually hindering them, according to a new hard-hitting documentary film.


US President Donald Trump was impeached in the House of Representatives based on the narrative that he interfered in Ukrainian domestic affairs for personal political gain – but it was Biden himself who interfered while he was Barack Obama’s deputy, according to ‘UkraineGate: Inconvenient Facts.’


The documentary was produced by French investigative journalist Olivier Berruyer, founder of popular anti-corruption and economics blog Les Crises.

Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 9:53 a.m. No.7801769   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Injured Mexican Cartel Gunman Fled into Texas After Shootout that Left 8 Dead


PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Coahuila – A Los Zetas gunman fled to Texas after being shot multiple times during a fierce firefight with Mexican authorities this week. U.S. Border Patrol agents tracked and apprehended him before eventually giving medical assistance. The incident ultimately resulted in the deaths of eight cartel members.


The shootout took place on Thursday shortly after 3 p.m. when a group of Cartel Del Noreste (CDN) faction Los Zetas gunmen attacked a police checkpoint near the town of Guerrero and close to the banks of the Rio Grande, information provided to Breitbart Texas by the Coahuila Public Security Secretariat revealed.


Gunmen rode in several vehicles to a police checkpoint and began shooting at the officers. Authorities fought off the attack and called for backup as dozens of state police and soldiers rushed to the scene. Initial information indicated four gunmen were killed. The officers seized several weapons and body armor with the CDN-Zetas logo. Coahuila authorities later revealed a total of eight gunmen died in the clash.


After the shootout, Coahuila authorities contacted U.S. Border Patrol agents, notifying them that at least one gunman fled across the Rio Grande. According to a Border Patrol statement, the agency deployed helicopters, multiple agents, and a special unit called BORTAC to search for the fleeing man. Authorities found foot signs and a trail of blood which led to a man with multiple gunshot injuries. After agents provided aid, they airlifted him to a hospital where he remains in custody.

Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.7801792   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Drug War-Addicted Cops Raid Hemp Farm, Bulldoze Struggling Farmer's Million Dollar Crop


Because government is the antithesis to freedom, industrial hemp has been banned nationwide since 1937 ostensibly due to the plant’s similarities to marijuana. Many have speculated that this move was also due to the fact that cannabis is in direct competition with the pharmaceutical industry by providing far safer alternative treatments as well as directly competing with the petrochemical industry. However, all this changed in December 2018 after President Donald Trump signed the Agriculture Improvement act of 2018, legalizing industrial hemp on a national scale.


Despite this move, law enforcement across the country continue to go after entirely legal businesses for selling this THC-free version of the cannabis plant. However, they are quickly being exposed for the tyrants that they are. Even the mainstream media—who have long suppressed and ignored the benefits of the hemp plant—are now forced to cover its benefits.


In spite of knowingly forging a name for themselves on the wrong side of history by prosecuting innocent farmers, tyrants in the enforcement class wage on. A struggling farmer in South Carolina just learned this the hard way when dozens of cops raided his farm and bulldozed his entire hemp crop, he says was worth several million dollars.


After hemp was legalized with the farm bill, John Pendarvis got to work plowing it into his fields last year. Unfortunately, his crop was in the path of hurricane Dorian last year and took a massive hit. The plants were flattened and the land was flooded so he was then forced to use land that wasn’t officially permitted for hemp by the state agriculture department.


According to WaPo, he called the agency to ask whether he should hire a crew to manually prop up the 25,000 plants. “They said, ‘Keep doing what you’re doing,’ ” he remembers. Days later a platoon of militarized police showed up and raided his farm, handcuffing and arresting him for illegal hemp cultivation on his own property. These hero public servants then bulldozed his crop.


“It must have been 30 of them coming from everywhere,” Pendarvis said. “Now it’s just all rotted up.”


As WaPo reports:


Pendarvis first ran into trouble after raising a first round of seedlings in a greenhouse in May and realizing that the water supply for his permitted field was insufficient. With a limited planting window, he utilized an adjacent field and another two acres in a field owned by a colleague 100 miles north.


He says he called the state agriculture department and was told to submit an amendment form. According to agency spokeswoman Eva Moore, he did not complete the form until after officials inspected his property. Weeks before the hurricane hit, they reported him to the law enforcement division that handles state-level drug crimes for willfully planting on an unpermitted field.


His attorney, state Sen. Brad Hutto (D), contends that Pendarvis was treated like a drug trafficker by the officers who showed up and that his crop was destroyed despite the South Carolina attorney general saying judicial review should first be sought in such cases. Citing pending litigation, the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division declined to comment on the case or its execution of hemp law.

Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 9:57 a.m. No.7801802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1826

Israeli Intel Helped the United States to Take Out Soleimani, Report Says


Israeli intelligence helped the United States to assassinate Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike in near Baghdad, NBC reported on Friday.


According to the report, informants at the Damascus international airport tipped off the CIA about the time Soleimani's plane took off for Baghdad, while Israel confirmed the intelligence provided to the Americans.


According to The New York Times, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo before Soleimani was assassinated, being the only leader in the region that was informed about the operation.


As the Cham Wings Airbus A320 carrying Soleimani landed outside the Iraqi capital, CIA agents at the Baghdad International Airport confirmed the exact location of the plane, the NBC report said.


Then, U.S. drones armed with four Hellfire missiles, moved into position in the Iraqi airspace, fully controlled by American forces.


In a bid to unravel the chain of events that led to Soleimani's killing, NBC interviewed two sources directly familiar with the details of the operation that took out the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force, as well as other senior officials who were informed about it.


Iraqi authorities are currently holding four people suspected of aiding the U.S. – two Baghdad airport employees and two Cham Wings airline workers, who are believed to be part of a broader network that provided information about Soleimani to the United States. The authorities suspect that the four informed the CIA about Soleimani's arrival in Iraq on the night he was killed.


In addition, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Friday that their country carried out a secret operation in Yemen that targeted, but failed to kill, an Iranian military official last week.


The strike was carried out on the same day that the United States struck Soleimani, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.


The timing could suggest that the United States had sought to take out a broader swathe of the Iranian military leadership when it killed Soleimani, citing an imminent threat from him.


The Pentagon declined comment on the failed strike in Yemen, first reported by the Washington Post.


U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that the United States killed Soleimani because "they were looking to blow up our embassy."


Trump said the United States also carried out the strike because of a rocket attack on a U.S. military base in Iraq by an Iran-backed militia in December that killed a U.S. contractor, which U.S. officials believe Soleimani had a role in orchestrating.


Asked about Trump's remarks on the plot to blow up the Baghdad embassy, a senior U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, noted Soleimani had orchestrated protests at the embassy and acknowledged there had been such plotting to blow up the embassy.


The official declined to provide details on the U.S. intelligence.

Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 9:59 a.m. No.7801819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump: Saudi paid $1bn to increase number of US troops in region


US President Donald Trump said that he made Saudi Arabia pay the US for the increased presence of American service personnel in the region as a result of the regional tensions.


In an interview with the American TV channel Fox News, Trump said: “Saudi Arabia is paying us for [our troops]. We have a very good relationship with Saudi Arabia.”


“I said, listen, you’re a very rich country. You want more troops? I’m going to send them to you, but you’ve got to pay us. They’re paying us. They’ve already deposited $1 billion in the bank.”


Last October the Pentagon said it approved the deployment of 3,000 additional soldiers and military equipment to Saudi Arabia after the country’s state-owned oil giant, Aramco, was subjected in September to a missile attack, for which Yemen’s Houthis claimed responsibility. The new military equipment included Patriot missiles, THAAD system and fighting planes.


Trump has repeatedly said he would force states to pay for US protection, often in reference to Gulf states. The region has seen unprecedented upheaval since Trump’s arrival to the Oval Office, with tensions between Saudi and Iran being at their peak and an ongoing nearly three year Arab boycott of Qatar.

Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 10:02 a.m. No.7801844   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Big Tech Firms Are Joining Trump’s All Out War Against Iran


Deleting messages of support for Iran may seem a petty, childish retaliation for opposing the Trump administration, but it has profound ramifications for freedom of access to information.


Silicon Valley giant Facebook announced Friday that it would be deleting all positive posts about recently assassinated Iranian general Qassem Soleimani on its platform and its subsidiary Instagram. The reason for this, it explained to CNN, was that the new U.S. sanctions made it illegal to promote any message supporting a person or group that the government describes as a terrorist organization. “We operate under U.S. sanctions laws, including those related to the U.S. government’s designation of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its leadership,” a Facebook spokesperson said. Instagram had already closed Soleimani’s account in April last year, following Trump’s designation of the IRGC as a terrorist group. Following the news Friday, Twitter suspended Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s account for “unusual activity.” It was later reopened.


Last week Trump threatened to wreak havoc and destruction on Iran, promising to destroy dozens of major Iranian cultural sites, recognized immediately by the international community as a major war crime and a crime against humanity. The president has backed away from open war, but also announced new “punishing” sanctions on the Islamic Republic


In the rush to comply with these new rules, big American companies have gone overboard. Paypal, for example, began blocking donations to alternative media website The Grayzone that mentioned “Iran” in the title or text. The Grayzone has been a rare source of pushback to the Trump administration’s plans for war in the region.


Last year Medea Benjamin traveled to Iran to catalog the effect of the already existing sanctions. She described a population of 80 million who had seen their savings wiped out as the value of the Iranian Rial had plummeted. “Sanctions are suffocating people’s life choices,” she explained, meeting women who could no longer attend foreign universities and men who could not afford to get married. The sanctions have also greatly increased poverty and homelessness and made it much harder for people to get lifesaving medical treatment, as foreign drugs are nearly impossible to come by. Nevertheless, Iranians were able to distinguish between citizens and government; the overwhelming message Benjamin received was “Americans good, Trump bad.”


While support for, or even knowledge of Soleimani may be very low in America, a 2019 study conducted by the University of Maryland found that “General Soleimani remains the most popular Iranian public figure,” with 59 percent of Iranians viewing him “very favorably” and over four in five of his country folk having a positive opinion of him overall. Instagram is extremely popular in Iran, with at least 24 million users as of early 2018– around a third of the entire population. That is why banning positive descriptions of Soleimani is such a far-reaching and problematic issue. While deleting messages of support for the government or suspending Khamenei’s account may seem a petty, childish retaliation for opposing the Trump administration, it actually has profound ramifications for freedom of access to information.

Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.7801864   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CONFIRMED, Trump White House used Swiss back channel to de-escalate Iran conflict


Cutting through the fiery comments, tweets and media propaganda, Trump worked diplomatic back channels to find a way out of a potential war scenario. This latest fact reported by the WSJ shows once again that the neocon wing of Trump’s administration manipulated the US President in his decision to take out Soleimani.

Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 10:06 a.m. No.7801878   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ISIS and Israel praise Trump’s assassination of Iranian top general Soleimani


Series of unfortunate events led to tragic downing of Ukrainian passenger plane in Iran.


Ten days have passed since US President Donald J. Trump ordered the assassination of Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force (IRCG) Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. Soleimani had just arrived at Baghdad International airport from Damascus at the invitation of Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi for a declared diplomatic peace mission to lessen tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia.


The White House was provided with important details from Israeli intelligence and carried out the airstrike without congressional support or knowledge and without providing a shred of evidence that Soleimani was planning attacks on American’s and US embassies.


The lie that was told to the American public (and by extension the world) by the Trump administration is that Soleimani was an imminent threat and was planning terror missions targeting American’s, US soldiers, and US embassies, and in order to thwart his plans the US had to act quickly and assassinate Iran’s top military official. During President Trump’s speech to the nation on Wednesday he accused Soleimani of directing recent attacks against US personnel in Iraq which injured four and killed one American.


In an interview with Fox News that aired on Thursday, Pompeo said “There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks that were being plotted by Qassem Soleimani,” He went on to say, “we don’t know precisely when, and we don’t know precisely where, but it was real.” Maybe it’s just me, but without having any specifics whatsoever Pompeo’s statements do not make Soleimani sound like a “real” threat, if anything this solidifies the notion that the White House used a lie that lacks any evidential backing to bring us inches away from war with a nuclear regional power.


Iraqi Prime Minister Abdul-Mahdi called the assassination of Soleimani and al-Muhandis an act of aggression against Iraq and the Iraqi people, and a flagrant violation of Iraqi sovereignty, and stated it was a dangerous escalation. Since then US troops have been asked to leave Iraq but the request has fallen on deaf ears. Iraq does not want to become a battlefield for war between the United States and Iran.


Lt. General Soleimani was an instrumental figure in the fight against Daesh in Syria and Iraq and saved countless Christian and Muslim lives by thwarting missions that put their civilian lives in danger. However, as is the case in many of Washington’s manufactured pretexts used to justify unwarranted wars and invasions, heroes are vilified and terrorists (along with their sponsors) are revered.

Anonymous ID: 93e58f Jan. 13, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.7801897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1906

In their own words


CHABAD Rabbi says Trump has 4 tasks, that "are his Job"


Start at 14:45


  1. Assist the Jewish people to get Israel back, Jerusalem, Golan, Jordan Valley…..


  1. Protect the Jewish people from Anti-Semites,


  1. Raise America back to Morale law, NOAHIDE LAWS.


  1. Make Israel Great Again, not America.