Anonymous ID: a3dcea Jan. 13, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.7801773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1808 >>1836

If this channel of communication ends, will you have done "your part" in the great awakening, or are you just a shit poster?


When you are old, tired, and looking back on your life, will you be proud of what you researched here?


Will your contributions be commendable, will your posts be "NOTABLE"???


8Kun may disappear at any moment, but this is an "IMAGE" board. Whatever you have said is saved in the will be researched and dissected by experts and academics for hundreds of years.


What we post, what we dig, what we discover, and what we discuss is captured in a raw image that can not be faked or disputed.




Our time to shine is coming.