Anonymous ID: ca6f44 Jan. 13, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.7801553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1580 >>1867 >>1907 >>1980

The Schiff's had the first Boy Scout Headquarters then it closed and transferred to New Mexico. A huge ranch 140,000 acres (not that far from Epstein's or Tom Fords ranches) is called the Philmont Scout ranch. That ranch was recently mortgaged to foot the bill for sex abuse.


After the National Council moved its headquarters in 1979 from New Brunswick, New Jersey to Irving, Texas, the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico became the new home of the National Training Center.


When the Mortimer L. Schiff Scout Reservation was closed, Nassau County Council's (now called the Theodore Roosevelt Council) Camp Wauwepex in Wading River, New York was renamed as the John M. Schiff Scout Reservation, in honor of Mortimer's son, John.


Astronauts trained at Philmont Boy Scout ranch.

Anonymous ID: ca6f44 Jan. 13, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.7801867   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here is a long list of pedophile scout leaders from Philmont. Yikes.

Anonymous ID: ca6f44 Jan. 13, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.7801907   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7801553 And here is an even longer list.


This data­base con­tains in­form­a­tion on about 5,000 men and a hand­ful of wo­men who were ex­pelled from the Boy Scouts of Amer­ica between 1947 and Janu­ary 2005 on sus­pi­cion of sexu­al ab­use. The dots on the map in­dic­ate the loc­a­tion of troops con­nec­ted in some way to the ac­cused. The timeline be­low shows the volume of cases opened by year; however, an un­known num­ber of files were purged by the Scouts pri­or to the early 1990s. The data are de­rived from con­fid­en­tial Scout­ing files sub­mit­ted as evid­ence in court cases.

Anonymous ID: ca6f44 Jan. 13, 2020, 10:20 a.m. No.7801980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2033


New lawsuit against the Boy Scouts and now the Mormons are pulling out.


Last month, the Scouts confirmed it has designated its national properties, including the vast  Philmont Scout Ranch  in New Mexico, as collateral to help meet financial needs, including rising insurance costs related to sex abuse litigation.


There’s also another new blow: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — for decades the largest sponsor of Boy Scout troops — is pulling more than 400,000 young people out of the BSA and moving them into a new global program of its own. The move is expected to reduce the BSA’s youth membership from about 2.2 million to roughly 1.8 million — the first time since the World War II era that the figure will fall below 2 million.