Anonymous ID: cb1c9b Jan. 13, 2020, 9:24 a.m. No.7801544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1566

You OK man?


Q Baby no scared, you be alright too

Get out and see life for a lil bit


>You know whats up. Do you feel fear?


>How the weather for everyone? Is it normal? The blending of the season are here. Anon from last bread knows whats up…. Too many doulbes. Fear what is cming.. I would be very pissed off at both sides of this. I am.. Where do you live. It matters a lot. death is coming


>Fear this shit. Bigger than anything. None of these of those at the top are clean. Evil is being forced to clean itself up. They are planning most of you to die…..


>Trump is going to let so many people die. Get away from the coasts or you are going to have a bad time. All side of this game is planning on letting you die