Anonymous ID: e1750a Jan. 13, 2020, 8:46 a.m. No.7801270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1277 >>1467

If there is any mystery surrounding Soleimani’s death it is why there was such a long delay, as he was known to be the hand fomenting mischief in Iraq for years. Respected and feared even by Iran’s religious leaders, he walked openly throughout Iraq while conferring with his disciples. As is known, the Middle East is afflicted with religious battles between the Sunni and Shia factions. Iran and Assad, the leader of Syria, are Shia. Saudi Arabia, a US ally, is Sunni. Hussein, the deposed leader of Iraq was Sunni. ISIS was formed from the remnants of his guard when Hussein was deposed by the US.


Where not discussed openly in the media, there have been secret End Times wars where factions wanting ultimate control of Planet Earth try to foment World War III, via various means. Instigating religious battles, as was attempted during the Notre Dame arson, is one approach. Creating a major war between Iran and the US is another. McCain was executed by the Tribunals for assisting ISIS. Though Obama gave lip service to repressing nuclear development by Iran, sending a bribe of over 1.5 billion annually to Iran, no nuclear inspection followed. The Obama shadow government whispered to Iran that the good times would return.


Meanwhile, ISIS appeared to be defeated, but despite Baghdadi’s death in October there were hints that it was regrouping. Baghdadi, an acknowledged leader of ISIS, was Sunni. But the attack on the Baghdad embassy in December was done by Hezbollah, who are Shia and an Iranian ally. Thus with Hezbollah attacking Israel, a US ally, and the US strongly allied with the Sunni Saudis, the battle lines were drawn.


Soleimani had convinced himself that he was invincible, actually believing the reassurances from Obama’s shadow government that President Trump was soon to be removed and business as usual would return. Even Pelosi, during her cooperation with coup attempts, felt the US Military would turn on President Trump. Where does this leave Iran? Iran does not want war with the US, nor do China and Russia wish to see this outcome. Meanwhile, where the head of the snake among both Sunni and Shia backed terrorists has been removed, peace in the Middle East will continue to be elusive.

Anonymous ID: e1750a Jan. 13, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.7801286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1361 >>1371 >>1467

Given that Obama was a CIA operation, groomed since a young adult to be the Obama born in Hawaii with a false Birth Certificate and destined to be President, what role does Iran have? Obama surrounded himself with Iran sympathizers. Valerie Jarrett was a constant presence. The anti-Trump sentiment of former FBI agents Strzok and Page is well known, but their Iran connects are less well known. They would have preferred the treasonous Hillary who was already allowing her Clinton Foundation to be used to launder Iranian funds.


Is this mere coincidence, as the assignment of John Kerry as Obama’s Secretary of State, despite his family connections to Iran’s elite? Obama was a CIA operation from the start, so appointing John Brennan, who was radicalized early in the Middle East, was no surprise. But why the Iran connection? A puzzling aspect of the secret wars going on just under the surface of today’s political landscape is the role of Satanism. We have detailed how the Bush/Clinton Cabal assisted N Korea and Iran in their nuclear endeavors, with the ultimate goal of triggering World War III during the End Times.


This is a Holy War, with many tentacles. President Trump and his Junta, and associates such as the UK Marines, are aggressively fighting this war on many fronts – pedophilia and blackmail of those caught in this net, money laundering of stolen funds, gun and drug running for profit and the promotion of terrorism, and human trafficking. The horror of rape and murder of toddlers during Moloch worship shows the depths to which those worshiping Satan will descend. What would lure those cooperating with this agenda?


At the heart of Satanism are highly Service-to-Self entities from other worlds who are answering the Call of those on Earth who are ambitious or enraged at their inability to progress in human society. As we have detailed, Service-to-Self entities thus called can only consult, but in so doing they promise results. Short term operations, such as marrying a rich spouse, can deliver results but soon such converts find themselves directed to work with others of like ilk in order to progress. The larger network of polished Satanists becomes convinced they are invincible.


The end goal of the Satanist overlords is to garner human souls for their ultimate destination – to become slaves on their prison planets. The Transformation of Earth is slowly turning the Earth into a planet for those in the Service-to-Others, with caring for others and sharing resources predominant. But the ambassadors from the Service-to-Self who have been active on Earth for the past few millennia, seek to garner a strong harvest by sowing despair and horror, thus turning young souls toward self-protection – selfishness. This battle is intense at this time, with Iran as a nuclear power capable of triggering World War III the current battleground.

Anonymous ID: e1750a Jan. 13, 2020, 8:50 a.m. No.7801301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1467

The Ukraine airliner that blew up in the sky only minutes after takeoff from Tehran was blown out of the sky by an Iran missile, by accident. The departure occurred shortly after the Iranian missile attack on US bases in Iraq. Standard procedure during such a missile attack is to be prepared for a counter-attack – to counter any missiles aimed at Tehran. These are heat seeking missiles and take down any object in the sky. This was the reason for an hour delay for the Ukraine plane’s departure.


When the defensive counter-attack missile shield was dropped, the OK for takeoff was given, but the Iranian procedure was imperfect. The accident was instantly recognized by the Iranians, but they are unlikely to ever admit guilt. There is deep discontent among the public in Iran, and discord in their military. Soleimani was feared and resented, as he kept hostilities with the US at a fever pitch, thus preventing the sanctions from being dropped. But despite discontent and discord, a change in leadership in Iran is unlikely.

Anonymous ID: e1750a Jan. 13, 2020, 9:01 a.m. No.7801367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1391 >>1401 >>1467

We addressed the pending demise of the banking industry a month ago, which Nancy called the Cash Crunch in a November, 2019 Newsletter. Is the banking industry prepared for their demise? They are used to the status quo, to the tools used to keep the financial industry profitable. These include preventing inflation so that bubbles do not burst into bankruptcies, all of which can disrupt the economy and industry and incidentally affect the jobs and profits of the banking industry.


The Earth, and her peoples and economies, are not in status quo times. This past year crop shortages struck worldwide, so easing the hunger in one country by importing goods from another is less and less possible. How will the people react? At first they will pay higher prices and then they will either learn to be more self-sufficient or starve. Thus, the banking industry will either learn to deal with less profit or face bankruptcy. As we detailed a month ago, a currency may be used as a medium of exchange, but banks and central banks will be out of business.


Would the Gold Standard stabilize currencies? Traditionally this practice was viewed as bringing stability and confidence, as a currency would be backed by Gold, thus many countries are stocking up on Gold. But the Gold Standard was abandoned by many during the Great Depression as it restricted stimulation of the economy. We predicted at the start of the ZetaTalk saga that a second Great Depression would grip the globe. The solution is the same now as then, damn the bankers profits, ignore the bankruptcies, and stimulate as needed. Either way, the Fed is dead.

Anonymous ID: e1750a Jan. 13, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.7801411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1434 >>1457 >>1467

How do banks fail, softly or with a hard crash? Politicians and the wealthy would prefer the system survive the coming passage of Nibiru, and thus will do all they can to disguise the distress that banks are experiencing. They hope for the common man to learn of Nibiru late, preferably during the Last Weeks, so they have no time to stop paying their mortgage, else foreclosures would increase. This is anticipated to be a temporary burden on the banks, though they can then auction the properties off.


We have long predicted banking failures going into the Pole Shift, due to a worldwide economic collapse from crop failures, earthquake damage to the infrastructure, insurance company bankruptcy, and consequent job loss with loss of income to the individual and to the GDP. Governments will at first respond by printing or producing more money, though fragile countries will be forced to declare bankruptcy. Weak banks will be closed to be absorbed by larger and stronger banks, but this process does have an end point.


Central Banks are at present pumping more liquidity into their banks. Banks make their money when the loans they make are paid back with interest, but if loan failures occur, or the public fails to make new loans, then the banks do not have their anticipated income. Fat cat bankers and their stockholders are distressed. By pumping liquidity, the banks have more funds to loan and more funds for their expenses. This process can continue until the Central Bank can no longer risk running the currency at its base into insolvency.


We have predicted that the world will go into the barter system as the Pole Shift approaches. As foreclosures increase, banks will find they do not have the resources to monitor these properties, and they will be repossessed by their former owners or by strangers. Stocks and bonds will lose their value, with the Stock Markets being considered a joke. Tricks like a negative interest rate are already considered a joke. Why would someone buy a bond when it will cost them money? A currency, such as the Yuan or US dollar, or Euro will continue to be used as a medium of exchange on the street and in shops, however.

Anonymous ID: e1750a Jan. 13, 2020, 9:10 a.m. No.7801449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1469 >>1733 >>1795

Greta’s campaign has indeed been planned and implemented by others from the start. She was chosen in part due to her Asperger’s syndrome which allows her to be fixated and inflexible. Her age, as a child, was deemed to protect her from attack. What is the goal of the Greta campaign? As we have often stated, the Global Warming fraud was designed to explain the Earth changes caused by the approach of Nibiru. When it became clear that the globe was not warming, but changing, the term was changed to be Climate Change.


The side benefit of this fraud was that the establishment could collect money from corporations and individuals by charging them for their Carbon Footprint. Now there were dual reasons for resisting the truth about Climate Change – the cover-up over Nibiru and the profits from Carbon Footprint taxes. Greta’s sponsors are not her real sponsors, but act as a buffer for those behind the campaign. They want the Carbon Footprint profits to not only continue but increase. Thus Greta will continue to be promoted.

Anonymous ID: e1750a Jan. 13, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.7801536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1610 >>1733

China’s involvement in the development of Africa is not colonization, as was done in the past by European countries. Colonization was a top-down takeover of a country, such that the country was owned and operated by the colonial power. They set the laws, plundered the resources, and suppressed rebellion brutally if need be. The cold hand of colonial occupation was only stopped because it became difficult for European countries to maintain their grip after two World Wars had depleted their strength.


Does China have an expansionist agenda in Africa? Obviously. China has 1.4 billion people, and thus with only 6.3% of the globe’s land mass China has struggled with starvation in the past. Africa also has 1.3 billion people but has 20% of the globe’s land mass. Despite vast deserts, Africa has natural resources and land that lays idle. China’s leaders are obviously aware of and respect the ZetaTalk predictions on the coming Pole Shift and resulting new geography, as the placement of their inland Ghost Cities shows. Africa will be solidly above the waves and will have a temperate climate throughout.


At present, China is acting as an engineering or construction firm, offering services for hire, or establishing businesses in Africa while employing Chinese expertise. These are standard business practices throughout the globe. How might this change as the Earth changes progress? We have predicted that Europe will migrate toward Africa after the Pole Shift, because Europe will become a series of islands. We have predicted that the lands to the west of India will likewise migrate toward Africa, to escape the brutal cold of the new S Pole at India. China will have established a foothold in Africa, and will migrate some of its populace before the Pole Shift, thus gaining the advantage.


Is China repressive? It is practical. China’s population doubled between 1950 and 1979 when they imposed the one-child policy. They were dealing with starvation throughout the country. Is it better to have the citizens starve? The Hong Kong riots were incited by money laundering factions resisting arrest. Those in the west who lecture about civil rights cluck over the social credit system. But China does not have race riots or a draconian divide between the social classes as does India with its caste system and the West where the 1% has vast wealth.


Xi and the committees who control China are faced with the coming Earth changes, where the majority of their populace must be relocated from the flooded coastlines or frigid lands in southern China near India. They must prioritize which resident to move first, and are choosing to sculpt the spiritual orientation of their new Ghost Cities to be caring and helpful to others, rather than self-focused. By this they are ensuring survival of their citizens. Or is it better to have bullies and the indolent hamper the progress of these fledgling cities.

Anonymous ID: e1750a Jan. 13, 2020, 9:38 a.m. No.7801647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1733

Are the elite of the world practicing Satanism? Worshiping Moloch? Sacrificing children and drinking their blood? Engaging in pedophilia as part of these practices? To what end? The answer will surprise you. First, let’s look at the many signs that these practices abound. Hillary Clinton has long been rumored to be into Witchcraft in Hollywood, traveling there as First Lady when Bill was President. Her campaign manager Podesta was clearly into Spirit Cooking practices, as are many in Hollywood.

Is John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s former Campaign Manager, involved in occult rituals? Yes. Satanic rituals are nothing new, as entities operating in the Service-to-Self promise rewards they cannot deliver to those who participate. Human sacrifice, particularly of the innocent, is encouraged, as is child sexual abuse. Two things are delivered to those in the Service-to-Self who give such counsel – the soul of the practitioner who becomes less empathetic and inclines to power lust by their actions, and the soul of the victim who feels helpless and abandoned. Hillary chose Podesta as both are of a like mind. They lust after power, and felt their past practices placed them with a sure path to the White House.


The odd rituals and rumored practices at the Bohemian Grove annual meets and the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale include US politicians such as Bush and Kerry.

Anonymous ID: e1750a Jan. 13, 2020, 9:40 a.m. No.7801667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1674 >>1684 >>1705 >>1733 >>1807

What of the Sign of the Horns, flashed in the past by then President Bush and recently during Macron’s visit to the White House. Prince Harry has also flashed this sign when meeting Melania Trump. Do European royalty only flash this sign when meeting the Trump family? The Sign of the Horns has different meanings depending upon how held. When the fingers are down this is to dispel bad spirits. When up or to the side, it is a curse. But apparently when the thumb is held out, it is an “I Love You” signal. So what is European royalty trying to say to the Trump Administration?

Anonymous ID: e1750a Jan. 13, 2020, 9:42 a.m. No.7801676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1733

Then there is the issue of all the symbolism surrounding the Vatican, most of which are remnants of paganism but some represent the worship of Satan, or Moloch the god who requires the sacrifice of children. It is the rampant pedophilia within the church that is giving Pope Francis a headache these days, with the entire hierarchy of 34 Bishops in Chile resigning en mass. Per the Zetas, Francis is an innocent in all this.

Once again the emigmatic Q shows his insights and accuracy. It is May, and the Pope is murmuring about resigning. It was early April that Q predicted a “terrible May” for the Pope. What would the issue be? The rampant pedophilia in the Catholic church was in the past hidden from the public as the Church threatened the victims and paid them for silence. Then there was a period of time where these practices were exposed in the media, with many priests being expelled. Past practices haunt those still in charge of the Church, and even the innocent are tainted by what others have done.


Though rumored, whispered, there are practices far worse than flashing or wearing insignia, far worse than pedophilia. It is the worship of Moloch, which requires the sadistic murder of children during rape, then eating them and drinking their blood. Is there any truth to the rumors? Per the Zetas, yes. Why is this done? Because the ultimate plans of the New World Order crowd will visit such pain on most of mankind. Per the enigmatic Q, knowledge of these practices and goals was the primary reason Trump ran for the presidency.

Anonymous ID: e1750a Jan. 13, 2020, 9:45 a.m. No.7801709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1733 >>1745

Human sacrifice is found throughout mankind’s history and in cultures around the world. This is an extension of trying to appease whatever God has been angered by whatever means possible. Attacking a scapegoat, such as burning a witch at the stake, emerges from fear and anger at circumstances the community cannot explain. If the volcano is restless, throw virgins into the volcano. In ancient Judeo-Christian times, sacrificing a lamb was commonplace, as was worship of the Golden Calf. If the lamb was not sufficient, the first born child was considered.


But the current spate of rumored Satanic worship is not fed by trying to deflect misfortune or appease a vengeful god. Moloch has lived into the current times as a way to harden those who are casting their lot with the Service-to-Self. There can be no act that will extinguish empathy faster than the sadistic murder of a child, especially if this murder is during the process of rape. Domination, complete control over others, and the ascendance of one’s own sexual pleasure seem to prevail, while any empathy is eliminated.


Thus when setting out to control the world in the Aftertime, after the Pole Shift, the New World Order crowd did more than plan for World War III. They needed hardened Service-to-Self captains in their ranks, who could smile and laugh in the cameras while ushering in the worst circumstances for innocents. The regular practice of child sacrifice, which did and does occur among this crowd, ensured that none of them had drifted toward empathy and regret. Those who did so were themselves sacrificed by assassination.

Anonymous ID: e1750a Jan. 13, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.7801967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tribunals Timeline

Over this past year we have had hints of US Military Tribunals. Dunford’s marines landed at Langley on November 20, 2017 and confiscated their files, in a lawful snatch of intel, and almost simultaneously Hillary and McCain wore ankle boots signaling they were under House Arrest. McCain later showed up wearing his boot on the wrong foot. Then, in apparent good health, he suddenly died of cancer and had a closed casket funeral. Q implied he was executed for treason, and Q called his moment of death to the minute a month earlier. On December 21, 2017 President Trump wrote an Executive Order (EO) stating that funds involved in human rights abuses could be confiscated. What does Trump’s Executive Order mean? It means that all Hillary funds, laundered through the Clinton Foundation, will be confiscated. None of these matters will be in the press, per se. On March 1, 2018 Trump issued another EO clarifying that both civil and military courts were valid, and allowing civilian courts and lawyers to be used to augment military staff during military Tribunals. It also alluded to the current law allowing Martial Law to be declared during times of National Emergency. There was an odd delay in this EO to January 1, 2019 but what did occur were multiple subpoenas served during the Bush 41 funeral on December 5, 2018. How to take those under House Arrest out of circulation? How to inform the public? Trials await, and this latest EO by Trump allows them to proceed according to Military Law. Between March 1, 2018 and January 1, 2019 Trump won a solid Republican Senate, to guard against impeachment. Kavanaugh was confirmed to solidify a favorable SCOTUS. Barr was confirmed as the new Attorney General, and declared he would only release that portion of Mueller’s pending report he deemed appropriate. Because the government shutdown lasted over 31 days, Trump can now legally dismiss members of the entrenched Deep State, and restricted rehiring of these individuals via yet another EO on January 17, 2019. Then, due to the illegal immigrate crisis at the Southern border, Trump declared a National Emergency in yet another EO on Feb 15, 2019. Where are we now? Tribunals are openly discussed. Senator Graham confirmed the legality of Tribunals during the Kavanaugh hearings. And apparently Trey Gowdy can now talk openly about Tribunals, as he did on a recent Fox News show with Maria Bartiromo. Is the public being educated?