Anonymous ID: 07627d Jan. 13, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.7802636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7801570 pb #9985


PDJT & Q have been telling us all along it’s about We, The People. They’re doing their part, yet they cannot do it without our help & the only way out of the Storm is though…but what does that mean?


As this anon points out, there are other patriots are already working toward rightfully reclaiming We, the People’s role as the apex sovereign over our public servants like the Constitution intended. While Judicial Watch & Project Veritas are outstanding in their areas of endeavor, there are other ways for regular folks to help take back what’s been usurped. If they’re willing to take a stand, then Tactical Civics has a plan that is right up their alley!


Since you magnificent anons know what can be accomplished towards a common goal when we’re united, all this anon requests is that you investigate the links below for yourself and pass them along to those in your circle of friends, family & acquaintances who want to do something.


Learn More at links below: (46 Essays – Read in any order)

Web Site: (22 Pages)

Web Site:

Article the First confirmation: