Anonymous ID: a4a595 Jan. 13, 2020, 2:28 p.m. No.7803839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7801517 (pb)

Deals with this Scum?


Seriously anon? While you are right that he lives and breathes "The Deal" and that likely all of @POTUS' national and international public accomplishments are the result of his genius at negotiating, you are absolutely wrong to think that @POTUS uses the same approach when disposing of, not dealing with, the Deep State.


In the first instance, "The Deal" assumes rationality and at least a semblance of accepted moral behavior on the part of both parties. In fighting the Deep State Luciferian Pedovore Cabal, @POTUS and the Patriots are facing down the Greatest Evil the World has ever known. No hyperbole. There aren't any acceptable deals or "meeting halfway" with the largest group of unspeakably evil and genocidal psychopaths ever to have befouled the Earth. The "Art of the Deal" has long been replaced with "The Art of War" by the Patriots, anon. While there certainly has been plea dealing with the lower level minions, there are NO DEALS for the murderous pedophiles/pedovores AND for those who have aided and abetted.