Might Trump's purple tie tonight have been for Iran?
Gamergate was the real wakeup
If you knew how the OT teaches elevation represents power/influence, you might realize knowledge brings these today, and subsequently, that the rapture is "in spiritual meaning" a rise of the same - such as we have seen here the last two years.
I believe there's another ancient force awakening about 3 to 4 years from now too.
I like what the ancient sages thought of the number seven.
They considered it "undefined," because the first six days of creation
began and ended, but the seventh only began.
We should call the next bread Coasting in Neutral Edition.
There will also be a fourth element, which is when the real truth about religious history starts taking shape.
That will be a doozy.
The 10K bread went in one hour today.
This one may take over three.