Anonymous ID: 36b987 Jan. 19, 2020, 1:21 p.m. No.7856610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6691 >>6710

>>7856394 PB

of course they won't

but hey just give Q credit for wanting you to stay home and do nothing

it's not like normies couldn't understand that the law was being enforced, after being shown the law has been on the books and was done for public safety.

no no

that is only for the MSM and the violent liberals of USA

couch potato = coached pussies= loss of freedom

welcome mat has been extended for the OWO, and yet here you sit, hopping doing the same thing today as you did yesterday, is going to change tomorrow

hope your comfy, won't be for long, so take a mental picture, cause that's all your going to have.

a memory of when you had a choice and did nothing

and they will remind you of this constantly, as it was your permission to conform to their desires.

Anonymous ID: 36b987 Jan. 19, 2020, 2:04 p.m. No.7856927   🗄️.is 🔗kun


asking man or religion for direction of your beliefs is a huge mistake.

you should seek wisdom and understanding

know that all are sinners and fall short of his glory

Would God need an intermediary?

to answer yes is to suggest God is fallible

maybe start with the puzzle

trinity = /_\

courtroom = /_\

who is really in control

to the victor goes the spoils ( and recorded history)

the bible will only put layers of misunderstanding between you and your creator

seek him in your mind heart and soul OOPS

did I just reveal another /_\

Anonymous ID: 36b987 Jan. 19, 2020, 2:32 p.m. No.7857138   🗄️.is 🔗kun


job well done

only problem is, he is only getting away with this because they were in the wrong and knew it, it was being filmed and they knew it, and saw him struggle to get dressed, with a spouse present.


I have to deal with crooked sheriffs all of the time (land rich with fish and game) and I will lecture them for hour or more with a camera on them documenting how many times they tried this shit before, calling them names and disrespecting the shit out of them because they are no better than a trespasser that is armed and should be dealt with as such. love it when the wife is present, they turn into little kids paying attention.

identifying the fed gov guy was most important though, the capitol police was the tool for the fed to show, just an intimidation routine. far to normal in this country.


sad part is Q and anons want you to stay home and refuse to stand up to your rights for fear and intimidation, no better in IMO