Anonymous ID: 3a51d7 Jan. 19, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.7856487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6538 >>6558 >>6828 >>7002 >>7216

Syrian Militants Launch Drone Attack Against Hmeimim Base, Air Defence Repels Strike - Russian MoD


Unidentified militants launched an airstrike on Sunday targeting Russian Hmeimim airbase in Syria, using unmanned flying vehicles. Air defence systems successfully thwarted the attack which inflicted no damage for the military installation, the Russian Defence Ministry said.—russian-mod/

Anonymous ID: 3a51d7 Jan. 19, 2020, 1:07 p.m. No.7856497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6521 >>6558 >>6563 >>6828 >>6897

Lindsey Graham Unloads On Pelosi: She ‘May Pray Privately, But She’s Orchestrated The Trial Of Holy Hell’


Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham let loose Sunday on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, saying that she had “orchestrated the trial of holy hell” against President Donald Trump.


Graham sat down with “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace to discuss the upcoming impeachment trial and the possibility that witnesses would be called, and the topic of conversation turned to Speaker Pelosi.


Wallace began the segment by asking Graham about plans for the Senate trial, noting comments from several Republicans who had voiced the desire to get through it as quickly as possible. “How do you respond to the Democratic impeachment managers who say this is just a rush to get this over with?” he asked. (RELATED: ‘Salem Witches Got Better Deals’: Lindsey Graham Unloads On Pelosi Over Impeachment)


Graham immediately turned the argument on Speaker Pelosi, saying that he liked her but that she was not doing right by the president. “I like Nancy Pelosi. I have known her for years. She is a very religious person,” Graham said. “When it comes to Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi may pray privately, but she’s orchestrated the trial of holy hell.”


Graham then argued that from day one, Democrats had hit President Trump with one thing after another. “You took 48 days to impeach this president,” he said. “You did not allow him to call any witnesses. He could not have a lawyer present during the House Intel Committee. This has been a partisan railroad job. And you’re asking for fairness in the Senate? You violated every norm of what we do.”


Graham concluded by reminding Wallace that he had been the one who wanted former special counsel Robert Mueller to be allowed to do his job and had trusted him to do so in a fair manner. He added that the sooner the impeachment trial was over, the better it would be for the country. “This has been a political hit job. This is political revenge. What they’re doing to the presidency is a danger to the institution itself,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 3a51d7 Jan. 19, 2020, 1:09 p.m. No.7856514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6558

Syrian Jihadists Filmed Jet-Setting To Next Proxy War On Commercial Plane


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has continued warning that terrorist groups as well as a 'flood of refugees' will show up on Europe's shores if the Tripoli government were to fall to renegade General Khalifa Haftar, amid his continued offensive to control the Libyan capital. Erdogan's statement came a day before he heads to Berlin for a major peace conference which will attempt to halt the fighting.


And yet look who's sending actual jihadists into the already war-ravaged country on comfortable commercial jets:


Middle East media outlet Arab News describes the footage as follows:


A video has emerged showing dozens of what appear to be Syrian rebels on an Afriqiyah Airways plane headed to Libya where they will allegedly fight alongside the country’s Government of National Accord (GNA), Libyan newspaper Al-Shahid has claimed.


In the video, the men — three of whom were seen wearing military uniforms — are on their way to Libya where they will reportedly fight as mercenaries for the GNA’s militias.


The shocking video of what is supposed to be a "covert" Turkey-sponsored mission to bolster the Tripoli GNA government with both Syrian jihadist FSA mercenaries (and separately Turkish national troops) confirms new reporting in The Guardian this week.


According to the bombshell Guardian report:


Two thousand Syrian fighters have traveled from Turkey or will arrive imminently to fight on the battlefields of Libya, Syrian sources in all three countries have said, in an unprecedented development that threatens to further complicate the north African state’s intractable civil war.


The deployment came after Turkey agreed last month to come to the aid of the Libyan prime minister, Fayez al-Sarraj, who is backed by the UN, in the face of a months-long campaign by his rival, the warlord Khalifa Haftar.


This perhaps makes Erdogan's latest 'warning' appear something more like a 'threat' in which he's the one actually holding the trigger.


“Europe will encounter a fresh set of problems and threats if Libya’s legitimate government were to fall,” Erdogan said.


“Terrorist organisations such as ISIS [ISIL or Daesh] and al-Qaeda, which suffered a military defeat in Syria and Iraq, will find a fertile ground to get back on their feet,” he continued. “Keeping in mind that Europe is less interested in providing military support to Libya, the obvious choice is to work with Turkey, which has already promised military assistance,” Erdogan added.


Erdogan has long claimed Turkey's intervention in Libya is to "combat terrorism" — which for Ankara means defeating pro-Haftar forces.

Anonymous ID: 3a51d7 Jan. 19, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.7856530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6558 >>6828 >>7002 >>7216

Lavrov: Detailed docs agreed-on in Berlin for resolving Libya crisis include ceasefire, political process, economic reform


Russia’s top diplomat Sergey Lavrov has briefed the press after the Libyan peace and reconciliation talks in Berlin, convened in an attempt to end the years-long civil war in the country.


Participants of the Libyan peace summit have succeeded in agreeing on a set of detailed proposals aimed at overcoming the current crisis, which range from measures helping to maintain the ceasefire to recommendations on economic reforms and the political process, Lavrov told journalists, following the peace conference, which lasted some five hours.


It was on Russia’s initiative that the representatives of the two major warring factions in the Libyan civil war were invited to the talks in Berlin, Lavrov said, adding that it would eventually be up to Libyans themselves to engage in a genuine and meaningful dialogue that would eventually help Libya overcome its current crisis.


Moscow also advocated the idea of expanding the circle of the conference participants to include Libya’s regional neighbors, which was eventually accepted by other nations.


The conference in Berlin was tasked with reaching a lasting ceasefire between Prime Minister of the UN-backed Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA), Fayez al-Sarraj, and his rival Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, whose forces have been closing in on Tripoli in recent months.

Anonymous ID: 3a51d7 Jan. 19, 2020, 1:40 p.m. No.7856758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6810

Secret Wars, Forgotten Betrayals, Global Tyranny. Who Is Really in Charge of the U.S. Military?


“There is a kind of character in thy life, That to the observer doth thy history, fully unfold.”


– William Shakespeare


Once again we find ourselves in a situation of crisis, where the entire world holds its breath all at once and can only wait to see whether this volatile black cloud floating amongst us will breakout into a thunderstorm of nuclear war or harmlessly pass us by. The majority in the world seem to have the impression that this destructive fate totters back and forth at the whim of one man. It is only normal then, that during such times of crisis, we find ourselves trying to analyze and predict the thoughts and motives of just this one person. The assassination of Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, a true hero for his fellow countrymen and undeniably an essential key figure in combating terrorism in Southwest Asia, was a terrible crime, an abhorrently repugnant provocation. It was meant to cause an apoplectic fervour, it was meant to make us who desire peace, lose our minds in indignation. And therefore, that is exactly what we should not do.


In order to assess such situations, we cannot lose sight of the whole picture, and righteous indignation unfortunately causes the opposite to occur. Our focus becomes narrower and narrower to the point where we can only see or react moment to moment with what is right in front of our face. We are reduced to an obsession of twitter feeds, news blips and the doublespeak of ‘official government statements’.


Thus, before we may find firm ground to stand on regarding the situation of today, we must first have an understanding as to what caused the United States to enter into an endless campaign of regime-change warfare after WWII, or as former Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff Col. Prouty stated, three decades of the Indochina war.


An Internal Shifting of Chess Pieces in the Shadows


It is interesting timing that on Sept 2, 1945, the very day that WWII ended, Ho Chi Minh would announce the independence of Indochina. That on the very day that one of the most destructive wars to ever occur in history ended, another long war was declared at its doorstep. Churchill would announce his “Iron Curtain” against communism on March 5th, 1946, and there was no turning back at that point. The world had a mere 6 months to recover before it would be embroiled in another terrible war, except for the French, who would go to war against the Viet Minh opponents in French Indochina only days after WWII was over.


In a previous paper I wrote titled “On Churchill’s Sinews of Peace”, I went over a major re-organisation of the American government and its foreign intelligence bureau on the onset of Truman’s de facto presidency. Recall that there was an attempted military coup d’état, which was exposed by General Butler in a public address in 1933, against the Presidency of FDR who was only inaugurated that year. One could say that there was a very marked disapproval from shadowy corners for how Roosevelt would organise the government.


Cont. from im ages:

Former CIA Director Mike Pompeo was recorded at an unknown conference recently, but judging from the gross laughter of the audience it consists of wannabe CIA agents, where he admits that though West Points’ cadet motto is “You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do.”, his training under the CIA was the very opposite, stating “I was the CIA Director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. It was like we had entire training courses. (long pause) It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment.”


Thus, it should be no surprise to anyone in the world at this point in history, that the CIA holds no allegiance to any country. And it can be hardly expected that a President, who is actively under attack from all sides within his own country, is in a position to hold the CIA accountable for its past and future crimes.