Anonymous ID: 8516ab Jan. 19, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.7856644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6669


It was enforced when the clowns

Descended on Richmond after Charlottesville

For the Robert E Lee or whatever support / counter protest

Well…wait…. dunno if it was enforced, but local law enforcement was cautioning not to do it or it will be enforced

I imagine cops will give a warning and instruct to take off

All you bitching about cops selectively enforcing

How many of you fags regularly get pulled over for not using a turn indicator 50' before a turn?

Police have bigger things to look for and it is at their discretion, but if tomorrow is anything like Monument Ave and the Robert E Lee statue, very little will go unaddressed

Calm yer tits

And take some CBD oil

Shit is gonna be fine