Whats an FPPO?
The White House passes along an FPPO updated call time of 5pm.
Whats an FPPO?
The White House passes along an FPPO updated call time of 5pm.
>Whats an FPPO?
For Planning Purposes Only
per Washington Post 'reporter' @DavidNakamura:
WH passes along info about Potus arrival back from Davos that is labeled FPPO in pool report – For Planning Purposes Only. (The not for public reporting.) But this automated Twitter feed not affiliated with WH correspondents' assoc. put it out in public.
These people are SICK!
We, THE PEOPLE, are the CURE.
Adolf Hitler’s ‘last living relative’ convicted of pedophilia
By Yaron Steinbuch
September 5, 2019
A man claiming to be Adolf Hitler’s last living relative has been convicted of pedophilia for kissing a 13-year-old girl, according to a report.
Romano-Luka Hitler, 69, who lives in the town of Görlitz in eastern Germany,…
>Adolf Hitler’s ‘last living relative’
>Romano-Luka Hitler
>Is he wearing a yamika?
This better shows what is on his hear:
2-minute YouTube
Video of Romano-Lukas Hitler who claims a direct family relationship
The real descendant? Romano-Lukas Hitler - November 6th, 2015
69,597 views • Nov 6, 2015
NEWS Deutschland GmbH
Görlitz - This is what all of Saxony is talking about now: In Görlitz there is a man with a name that once shook the world: Hitler!