Anonymous ID: 725d98 March 25, 2018, 7:59 a.m. No.788003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8014 >>8205 >>8643 >>8652

From previous load and concerning adenechrome…



Research anon here…adenechrome would be a VERY powerful drug and would probably require injecting or vaping (as a previous anon pointed out..)…


You run by chemical mediators…adrenaline is what allows energy and increases in cognition..adrenaline is what they give for severe allergenic reactions as it causes things to quickly process thru your neurology…quick burn..quick energy…


But they also are harvesting from the pineal and in particular dopamine/serotonin..


Consider how you feel during a severe "fight or flight" exercise…the chemical mediators that create that feeling are what these choads are after…

Anonymous ID: 725d98 March 25, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.788559   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons…you will not believe this! It will cost you 30 minutes but will take you on a deep dive…but oh what a dive. Get ready to step out of the matrix in a big way. Ties into MK programming and what an anon posted earlier regarding they have been programming us for years.


This first video is from two experts on the anthropology of male/female…you know like you dig up a skeleton that is 2000 years old…how do you know if it is a male or female?


Background and forensics…



More background..Pitt and Jolie…



Joan Jett



Lucille Ball



James Dean
