dear white hats, personal acquaintances of the enemy, and so forth:
we've been at this now since the summer of 2016.
will you people please start dropping real dirt on these people
so we can pressure them ourselves?
looking for compromising photographs, any subject-matter.
"enough is enough" (187 LCH Kabbalah).
"enough is enough" = 93 (Reverse Full Reduction EP) BOOM Thelema Agape
"enough is enough" = 57 (Reverse Full Reduction) BOOM 1 Tau
"enough is enough" =111 (Reverse Full Reduction EP) BOOM amongst other things we go full Nelson with one arm, one leg, one arsehole (not a lot of people know that).
"enough is enough" = 161 (Jewish Ordinal) BOOM we have a Tisha B'av sight gag
"enough is enough" = 420 (Reverse Francis Bacon) BOOM B'koach Ana
"enough is enough" = 2442 (Squares) BOOM back-to-front