Anonymous ID: 72a76d Jan. 23, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.7886763   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I hear your anger and reluctance, but this is a process and detaching from the EU is huge, albeit how much of an exit to be determined.


Britain is the largest buyer of German cars and with all the retrofitting bullshit thrust upon the EU by the 'global warming', CO2 is a pollutant fraud, together w/NIRP policy, Merkel's destructive open boarder shit and not consolidating the debt when the EU and Euro were formed other member States will also detach.


Indeed, the EU is in deep shit and if the Fed raises interest rates as the markets will force them too, EU budgets will be blown to high heaven.


We are looking at the systematic destruction of the old guard.