Anonymous ID: d5d00f Jan. 23, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.7886855   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7878417 pb

As of this morning, (Jan 23) total confirmed deaths worldwide are at 17. Don't believe the B.S. that is being spewed about massive death rates.

FACT: 17 deaths worldwide do not amount to enough to confirm any virus did anything, that's a number so low it is statistical chatter.


Top two rumors: China is freaking out, has quarantined two cities and is doing aerial spraying.


The other rumor: Wuhan, where the outbreak was supposedly started, has a level 4 bio lab which was doing research on the world's top pathogens.


I know this stuff is being said but am still calling bunk on this, once you get past hype and rumor, the numbers do not add up.

he coronavirus scam could be used as a front for a crack down in the United States. "They sent all the guards and troops out for the corona virus, not to quell civil unrest, and the ouster of Trump and/or gun grab had nothing to do with it". Granted, the impeachment started out OK but in some way, either guns, impeachment, or a vaccine is part of this coronavirus scam, and perhaps all 3. My tentative guess is Trump won't be impeached, but remember who he's up against.

Never let a good crisis go to waste - as long as people believe there is one. HEADS UP FOLKS. This may be a little bit too forward thinking here, but they would not be pushing an idiotic virus like this one without a reason. The only question is, what is that reason?



Corona virus mutating

Just like all viruses, that's why they claim a new flu vaccine is needed every year. How about that debunk? Let's see where they take this stage show. Now a red headline on what was once "drudge" again. Don't forget: The coronavirus is ONLY THE COMMON COLD. They can't say "cold virus" because that's not spooky enough. Hey folks, the cold is going around in China.

Coronavirus only gets 1 mention on Drudge today, in middle of page

Here's why: Because somehow, overnight, people figured out it was the common cold and "9 deaths" from seasonal ailments simply does not stack up. The 440 cases quoted on Drudge is actually likely instead 200 million because coronavirus is everywhere and everyone has already had it multiple times. 100 million equates to one out of 50 people have the cold. That's probably about right.

Diez en Punto, (by far the best newscast, perhaps in North America) stated that there have thus far been 446 cases of Coronavirus TOTAL in the ENTIRE world and that no one anywhere has died. This is proof of a scare psy op, and I can prove it.

FACT: "Corona Virus" is what causes the common cold. Therefore, there are millions and millions and millions of cases, but for their "outbreak model" they are hoaxing people making them think this is something unique by stating low numbers and praying for people to be ROCK STUPID.

Why trumpet 446 "confirmed cases" when there are obviously millions out there? Why trumpet 446 cases with zero dead? Why? Because it "showed up in China first", just like "swine flu" and H1N1? Here's a new education: All of the big scares have come out of China and all, (including coronavirus now) are proven hoaxes, hoax busted right here, on this site. QUESTION: WHY CHINA? Why is China ground zero for this crap? The social credit score? The one place where they can push it with instant penalization of dissenters? Probably something in that ball park.

I am officially declaring the "corona virus" outbreak a HOAX. FACT: in the city where I sit, with a population of 1.5 million, there are at least 3, 000 cases of "corona virus" because it is SO DAMN COMMON. This is not an outbreak, it is a medical scare scam.

A medical scare scam launched by a first year medical student or someone else who thinks "coronavirus" sounds spooky. YES. IT SOUNDS SPOOKY. Spookier than bird flu at least! Maybe that will work. NOT.
