head scratch
Great Awakening is when we realize that we are looking back on ourselves?
Looking Glass.. They've already lost!
head scratch
Great Awakening is when we realize that we are looking back on ourselves?
Looking Glass.. They've already lost!
"Those who know cannot sleep."
Linear Time is our prison..
Understanding another Reality without time's constraints would be trippy! kek
Such a shame people cannot open up on here and share shht..
I am sure this place is a wealth of compassion fun and laughs..
Imagine a world where we could?
Yeah.. Live in your agoraphobic freightened little existence.. kek
Cannot wait for transportors to come around.. We can Beam anywhere on the globe.
Can almost see the commercials on TV selling their "Apple 24 KaBillions" already.
Gotta watch this now…
Er, which one was it..
Old BOND.. Bold Teeth guy….
She had Braces. WAIT..
This was a Mandela Effect thing.. She had them then did not..
That is a Namefag?