Anonymous ID: 6312a4 Jan. 24, 2020, 2:48 a.m. No.7897648   🗄️.is 🔗kun

there has been a major "flu" virus at large in Los Angeles already –for at least a month.


Half the city including spouse anon is sick with a relapsing intestinal & respiratory infection. After four- 5 days the symptoms ameliorate and the patient returns to work only to relapse. No body anon knows (including self) has fully recovered from whatever this virus is.


if the illuminated pedovores are determined to to cull the human herd they cannot leave the introduction to chance. They can and have spread this disease far and wide before broadcasting the might all channels MSM ook about Chinese bat soup and etc.


It is not possible to quarantine a city of 7 million. The dramatic moves are made only to spread news of the sickness.


The 1916 Flu that killed about 3% of the population worldwide and left survivors with a lifetime of neurological pathology .That virus was recently sequenced.


anyone who takes the trouble could recreate that virus using CRISPR or other compiling and editing software and easily distribute it.


A spooky Wuhan Biosafety level 4 containment lab facility is not required. Any bio science undergrad can find the killer '16 viral sequence on line and use this to compile and run the virus:


CDC should have this data if they monitor ER visits. MSM would have this story if they chose to report it. They haven't reported it because they wanted to publicize it first for maximum Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. (FUD) the object of Information Operations.


Because we have no trusted networks (outside USG private nets) to distribute news that is important, real and true, we have no way to distribute important information affecting We the People.