Anonymous ID: 75fb68 Jan. 23, 2020, 11:50 p.m. No.7897191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7232 >>7242


Remember that time last year when she and a large group of the Dems went to Israel to "pledge their allegiance to Israel"?


Once the Jew Octopus control of our country is removed, what a different world we'll be living in.


Q's 3 sided /_\ :


House of Saud = Crypto Jews?

Rothschilds = Jews

Soros - Jews


I've seen anons in the past post the history of the Saudi family.

That area throughout history was called Arabia.

Then this one family took over and named the country after themselves.

The anons historical photos and history show that the House of Saud were Jews.

Take the towels off their heads, and look at their noses… I mean, faces.

Anonymous ID: 75fb68 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:37 a.m. No.7897340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7365 >>7411


Larry Silverstein collected 7 $Billion Dollars from the insurance settlement because he sued the insurance company for DOUBLE the insured amount, claiming that because 2 planes hit, that he should be paid for 2 attacks.


Meanwhile, Jewish Judge Hellerstein denied any lawsuits filed by the families of the victims from going to court.


Silverstein got: $7 Billion Dollars

(and free demolition of the asbestos Twin Towers which would have cost millions for him to remove)


9/11 Victims and their Families got $0.


Imagine when the Jewish MSM is taken down, and EVERY AMERICAN KNOWs THE TRUTH ABOUT 9/11…….