Anonymous ID: c52d4a Jan. 23, 2020, 11:48 p.m. No.7897186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7198 >>7215 >>7221

Yuko Lanham's 16July2019 Instagram photo is BEST Match to Castle clean.


Anons should acknowledge this fact and give credit where it is due.


sauces link


Note that photos posted to twitter by White House Photos @photowhitehouse claim William Moon took the Castle clean photo; however, the angle of Moon's photos do not match.


(Remember, Be careful who you follow.)


>>7890326 (pb 10097)

>Photographer Yuko Lanham should get credit for "Castle clean" photo

>>7890561 (pb 10097)

>Agree, Insta link checks out, account from the Daily Veteran posted July 16, 2019.

>Yuko Lanham should get the credit


So, please give Yuko Lanham of The Asahi Shimbun photo credit for Castle clean.