Anonymous ID: c71711 Jan. 23, 2020, 11:17 p.m. No.7897066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7072

>>7896979 (pb)

Hint: Vatican Loan of 1833.

Why would Q post this?

Hint: P = C

Why would Q post this?


P is the other side of the coin, to Communism.


When a "Jew" like Gorka cuts someone off for talking about British Disinformation they are inflating it.


Don Jr also toured with Charlie Kirk, who comes from the Zionism Lobby.


Zionism is the 20th century implementation of the Coin. Put all Jews in ONE place in order to prevent Liberty from manifesting worldwide.


As they plotted a Nuclear World Order, Americans created MEN OF GOD.


Who would murder Jews and work with supposedly Jewish people to put Jews in one place?


You think Soros is a Jew, too, right?


You see how this works?

Oh, there's that word you hate:



You only know "WAR" -- and hate that Individuals WAKE UP when the Liberty and Trust in God MANIFESTS FROM WITHIN as soon as ONE WORKS.


Real FUNNY, right?

Checkmate was on June 15th, 2015:


"The best social program is a job."


Wanna play a game?

Anonymous ID: c71711 Jan. 23, 2020, 11:24 p.m. No.7897092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7101


Vatican created a market outside of USA that became Wall Street. America's Liberty has been a threat to controlling innovation; preventing Christians from trading with another creates another layer of Christians that serve the Vatican's control over innovation.

Convenient that Jews could lend "with interest" and Christians couldn't, right?

Now go outside and lend to someone and you can observe the machinations of P –

To act against your self-interest, conditioned to OBEY.