Anonymous ID: eea407 Jan. 23, 2020, 11:20 p.m. No.7897078   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7120 >>7181 >>7392 >>7487 >>7783

Michael Moore a stand-in for Bernie Sanders in Iowa during Trump impeachment trial


IOWA CITY, Iowa — With Bernie Sanders stuck in Washington for President Trump's Senate impeachment trial, liberal filmmaker Michael Moore is camping out in Iowa to campaign for the Vermont senator's presidential bid.


With the Iowa caucuses looming on Feb. 3, Sanders, 78, has no in-person events scheduled through Sunday. Instead, top supporters speaking for him include Moore and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the firebrand Democratic freshman House member from New York. Both will make stops at two colleges on Thursday and Sunday. The two have campaigned for Sanders in the past.


In 2016, Moore accurately predicted that Trump would beat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the general election, citing anxiety from white, working-class voters. He has also said that Trump could win reelection should the Democrats not nominate a sufficiently progressive candidate.


The race for Iowa remains close, with a RealClearPolitics average of recent polls showing a number of the candidates within striking distance of each other. Recent surveys have Joe Biden leading at 21% support, Sanders at 17.3%, Elizabeth Warren at 16.7%, Pete Buttigieg at 16.3%, and Amy Klobuchar at 8.3%.


Democratic senators running for president have been hamstrung by the impeachment trial and are relying on backers to speak for them at Iowa events. On Sunday, Klobuchar will be hosting three events in the eastern portion of the state while Warren will hold two.


The senators announced the schedules earlier in the week in an effort to show Iowa voters that they remain committed to a last-minute push in the state despite the impeachment trial in the Senate handing a huge advantage to Buttigieg and Biden.

Anonymous ID: eea407 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:32 a.m. No.7897321   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7392 >>7487 >>7783

Barack Obama 'thinks Bernie Sanders is unfit to be the Democrat nominee to beat Trump and he may soon PUBLICLY denounce the socialist firebrand'


Obama is considering publicly rebuking Sanders, former president's friends say

Bernie Sanders is in a virtual tie with Biden in early primary state of Iowa

Obama has remained conspicuously silent, refusing to endorse Biden

But reports indicate he may consider socialist Sanders a bridge too far


Former President Barack Obama is growing concerned about avowed socialist Senator Bernie Sanders' rise in the primary polls, and may even speak out publicly against the Democratic candidate, according to a new report.


Obama, who has remained notably silent during the Democratic primary, could soon change that policy due to his concern over Sanders' increasingly far-out leftist proposals, friends and associates of the ex-president tell Fox Business Network.


Obama has told people in private that Sanders is both temperamentally and politically unfit to beat President Donald Trump in the 2020 general election, these people say.


Adding to Obama's reported concern is Sanders' 'strident' and 'confrontational' approach to politics, and his track record of shunning compromise in the Senate, according to Fox Business.


Obama is said to be concerned that Sanders' far-left proposals would alienate large segments of the Democratic base.


While it's unclear what Sanders proposals Obama might specifically abhor, his 'Medicare for All' policy would dismantle Obama's signature healthcare reforms, and according to some estimates would add $19 trillion to the national debt.


Other Sanders proposals include free college and student loan forgiveness, all funded by significant tax increases.


If Obama did speak out, it would be a sharp departure, in a campaign in which he has so far refused to endorse any candidate, including his former VP Joe Biden.


Obama did obliquely comment on 'Medicare for All', a proposal supported by Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren, in November.


'The average American doesn't think we have to completely tear down the system to remake it,' Obama told a gathering of Democratic donors, according to the New York Times.


It comes as Sanders surges in several national and early primary state polls.


The latest RCP polling average shows Biden just 3.7 points ahead of Sanders in Iowa, where caucuses will take place on February 3.


In New Hampshire, where Sanders has regional recognition, the Vermont senator is 4 points ahead of Biden in the latest polling average.


The latest national poll, from Emerson, shows Biden and Sanders neck and neck, with 30 percent and 27 percent respectively, and Warren in distant third with 13 percent.

Anonymous ID: eea407 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:38 a.m. No.7897341   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7352

New World Order Alert: George Soros to Start $1 Billion School to Fight Nationalists, Climate Change


American schools are turning our children into America=hating, fairy tale loving leftists right before our eyes.


The same thing is happening elsewhere in the world too.


But, the change is not happening quickly enough if you ask George Soros.


Soros dropped another bombshell in Davos this week.


Here’s more from Bloomberg:


Billionaire George Soros said he will commit $1 billion to start a global university to fight authoritarian governments and climate change, calling them twin challenges that threaten the survival of our civilization.


The Open Society University Network will offer an international platform for teaching and research, the 89-year-old said Thursday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The university will be launched through a partnership of the Soros-backed Central European University and Bard College.


“As a long-term strategy our best hope lies in access to quality education, specifically an education that reinforces the autonomy of the individual by cultivating critical thinking and emphasizing academic freedom,” Soros said.


In his speech and a follow-up question and answer session, Soros covered a wide-range of issues, including the “overheated” U.S. economy, the dominance of Facebook Inc. and the autocratic rule of Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi, Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump, who he called a “con man and the ultimate narcissist.”


“Taking into account the climate emergency and worldwide unrest, it’s not an exaggeration to say that 2020 and the next few years will determine not only the fate of Xi and Trump, but also the fate of the world,” he said.


Soros also once again criticized Facebook for its failure to police the social media network.


“There’s nothing to stop them, and I think there is a kind of informal mutual assistance operation or agreement developing between Trump and Facebook,” Soros said. “Facebook will work together to re-elect Trump and Trump will work to protect Facebook.

Anonymous ID: eea407 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:50 a.m. No.7897371   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7379

Trump Endorses Candidate Who Voted For Hillary in 2016, Told Trump To Drop Out of Race


President Donald Trump endorsed a candidate in a key House race on Thursday who previously considered leaving the Republican Party, told Trump to drop out in 2016, and who voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton.


Trump endorsed Carlos Gimenez on Thursday night in Florida’s 26th Congressional District, tweeting: “Carlos will win big, very exciting. Great for Florida, great for USA! He has my complete and total Endorsement!”


Trump’s decision to back Gimenez effectively means that he has turned his back on Irina Vilariño, a pro-Trump refugee from communist Cuba who came to the U.S. when she was a little girl and is a highly successful business owner.


In 2016, Gimenez told WFOR CBS4: “I’m not going to endorse anybody, but between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, I’m not voting for Donald Trump. Obviously, I must be voting for Hillary Clinton.”


“Donald Trump needs to step down,” Gimenez continued. “I don’t think he is viable as a presidential candidate.”


In 2016, Gimenez told WFOR CBS4: “I’m not going to endorse anybody, but between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, I’m not voting for Donald Trump. Obviously, I must be voting for Hillary Clinton.”


“Donald Trump needs to step down,” Gimenez continued. “I don’t think he is viable as a presidential candidate.”


“Look, I hold a nonpartisan position,” Gimenez responded. “And what bothers me is you somehow get labeled because you’re in a party.”


“I’m an independent thinker,” Gimenez continued. “I support Democrats and Republicans. I’m registered as a Republican right now. But I take my position as a nonpartisan very, very seriously.”


When he was asked about whether he would change his party affiliation, Gimenez said, “I may be. We’ll see about that.”


Vilariño, 43, is the co-owner of Las Vegas Cuban Cuisine restaurants, the first of which opened in 1984 after her family arrived in the U.S. after escaping communist Cuba and now has over a dozen restaurants in South Florida.


“Members of Vilariño’s family, including her father, were locked up as political prisoners in communist Cuba and, at just 4-years-old, Vilariño and her family arrived in Florida during the Mariel Boatlift, an event where a large number of Cubans escaped to the U.S. during 1980,” The Daily Wire reported. “Vilariño is challenging freshman Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL), who has voted with socialist Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) and Ilhan Omar (MN) 95% of the time while in Congress.”


“Vilariño — a party loyalist with a sharp-tongued presence on social media — provides an interesting contrast with [Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL)], who frequently broke with Trump and often kept the president at a distance while representing a district that is both majority-Hispanic and left-leaning,” The Miami Herald reported. “After Curbelo lost, Trump mocked him during a press conference and blamed his loss on his reluctance to embrace the president.”


In an exclusive interview with The Daily Wire last year, Vilariño said that she was inspired to run for office because she “began to fear that the same policies that wrecked my world in Cuba were beginning to take hold in the Democrat Party here.”


Vilariño said that the top issues for voters in that district were “the national debt, healthcare, and our environment.”


“The most important, I feel, is the national debt because if we do not address that, there will not be enough financial resources in the world to deal with the other two issues,” Vilariño added. “Strengthening the middle class is a priority. If Americans don’t feel they can make ends meet that allows socialists to tout their entitlement agenda. Once people get on that train it will be too difficult for them to get off of it.”


Vilariño has attended numerous political events with Trump and has defended him a couple of times during appearances she made on CNN. Vilariño also had far out raised the other Republicans that were running in the district.


Gimenez tweet and response from POTUS 1/23:

Anonymous ID: eea407 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:54 a.m. No.7897379   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7392 >>7487 >>7783



Reposting with edits/correction:


Trump Endorses Candidate Who Voted For Hillary in 2016, Suggested Trump To Drop Out of Race


President Donald Trump endorsed a candidate in a key House race on Thursday who previously considered leaving the Republican Party, told Trump to drop out in 2016, and who voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton.


Trump endorsed Carlos Gimenez on Thursday night in Florida’s 26th Congressional District, tweeting: “Carlos will win big, very exciting. Great for Florida, great for USA! He has my complete and total Endorsement!”


Trump’s decision to back Gimenez effectively means that he has turned his back on Irina Vilariño, a pro-Trump refugee from communist Cuba who came to the U.S. when she was a little girl and is a highly successful business owner.


In 2016, Gimenez told WFOR CBS4: “I’m not going to endorse anybody, but between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, I’m not voting for Donald Trump. Obviously, I must be voting for Hillary Clinton.”


“Donald Trump needs to step down,” Gimenez continued. “I don’t think he is viable as a presidential candidate.”


“Look, I hold a nonpartisan position,” Gimenez responded. “And what bothers me is you somehow get labeled because you’re in a party.”


“I’m an independent thinker,” Gimenez continued. “I support Democrats and Republicans. I’m registered as a Republican right now. But I take my position as a nonpartisan very, very seriously.”


When he was asked about whether he would change his party affiliation, Gimenez said, “I may be. We’ll see about that.”


Vilariño, 43, is the co-owner of Las Vegas Cuban Cuisine restaurants, the first of which opened in 1984 after her family arrived in the U.S. after escaping communist Cuba and now has over a dozen restaurants in South Florida.


“Members of Vilariño’s family, including her father, were locked up as political prisoners in communist Cuba and, at just 4-years-old, Vilariño and her family arrived in Florida during the Mariel Boatlift, an event where a large number of Cubans escaped to the U.S. during 1980,” The Daily Wire reported. “Vilariño is challenging freshman Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL), who has voted with socialist Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) and Ilhan Omar (MN) 95% of the time while in Congress.”


“Vilariño — a party loyalist with a sharp-tongued presence on social media — provides an interesting contrast with [Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL)], who frequently broke with Trump and often kept the president at a distance while representing a district that is both majority-Hispanic and left-leaning,” The Miami Herald reported. “After Curbelo lost, Trump mocked him during a press conference and blamed his loss on his reluctance to embrace the president.”


In an exclusive interview with The Daily Wire last year, Vilariño said that she was inspired to run for office because she “began to fear that the same policies that wrecked my world in Cuba were beginning to take hold in the Democrat Party here.”


Vilariño said that the top issues for voters in that district were “the national debt, healthcare, and our environment.”


“The most important, I feel, is the national debt because if we do not address that, there will not be enough financial resources in the world to deal with the other two issues,” Vilariño added. “Strengthening the middle class is a priority. If Americans don’t feel they can make ends meet that allows socialists to tout their entitlement agenda. Once people get on that train it will be too difficult for them to get off of it.”


Vilariño has attended numerous political events with Trump and has defended him a couple of times during appearances she made on CNN. Vilariño also had far out raised the other Republicans that were running in the district.


Gimenez tweet and response from POTUS 1/23:

Anonymous ID: eea407 Jan. 24, 2020, 2 a.m. No.7897571   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7577

21 State Attorneys General write letter condemning impeachment: House Dems turned 'reject' the impeachment articles


Four of the Republican state attorneys general who sent a blistering letter to the Senate rebuking the impeachment of President Trump appeared on “Fox & Friends” on Thursday, saying that “it's tearing at the threads of our democracy.”


Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge made the statement on Thursday adding that the attorneys general sent the letter to send a message to the Senate “that this is a constitutionally legally flawed argument.”


The attorneys general of 21 states asserted in the letter submitted to the Senate Wednesday morning and obtained by Fox News that Trump’s impeachment "establishes a dangerous historical precedent" and South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson reiterated that point on “Fox & Friends” on Thursday.


“To the Democrats out there that are cheering this impeachment and cheering for witnesses and everything, you are creating a very dangerous precedent that I promise will come back to haunt you,” Wilson told host Brian Kilmeade. “This is a precedent that will basically subjugate the presidency of the United States to the whims of the opposition party for every future Congress for here and ever more.”


“As a prosecutor, I never went to trial without a complete and full investigation,” he continued.


“The Democrats had an opportunity to interview all the witnesses, the president invoked executive privilege, which nowhere in the articles of impeachment did they mention, they omit that completely and if they thought that the president had violated the law and they didn’t want to use executive privilege, they could have taken him to court and sued him on that, they didn’t do that, but they wanted to rush this to get him into the Senate and then go on a witch hunt at that point.”


In the letter, the Republican attorneys general urged the chamber conducting Trump's trial to "reject" the impeachment articles and picked apart the articles themselves.


The letter accuses House Democrats of impeaching Trump as a politically motivated response to the 2016 election and warned that it poses a threat to the 2020 election as well.


“From day one this was about Democrats being upset about the president's victory and this has been an impeachment march where the engine has been gassed up and a vehicle has been searched for to fill in the gap,” Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill said on Thursday.


“[The] problem is, [it is] difficult to find the crime and so they continue to use these theories like corrupt motive suggesting that the president can do things legitimately legally, but if he has a corrupt motive as determined by Congress, well then we can go after him from an impeachment standpoint.”


Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said on Thursday that House Democrats “turned the Senate into like a kangaroo court.”


“What we did yesterday in the letter that we sent to the Senate was basically explain to both the Senate and the American people that in any other court of law around this country, these articles could not be had,” Landry said. “You could not take this case in front of any judge and convict anyone based upon evidence that the House Democrats have presented to the Senate.”

Anonymous ID: eea407 Jan. 24, 2020, 2:02 a.m. No.7897577   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Reposting AGAIN, with correction:


21 State Attorneys General write letter condemning impeachment: House Dems turned Senate into 'kangaroo court'' and urge Senate GOP to reject' the impeachment articles


Four of the Republican state attorneys general who sent a blistering letter to the Senate rebuking the impeachment of President Trump appeared on “Fox & Friends” on Thursday, saying that “it's tearing at the threads of our democracy.”


Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge made the statement on Thursday adding that the attorneys general sent the letter to send a message to the Senate “that this is a constitutionally legally flawed argument.”


The attorneys general of 21 states asserted in the letter submitted to the Senate Wednesday morning and obtained by Fox News that Trump’s impeachment "establishes a dangerous historical precedent" and South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson reiterated that point on “Fox & Friends” on Thursday.


“To the Democrats out there that are cheering this impeachment and cheering for witnesses and everything, you are creating a very dangerous precedent that I promise will come back to haunt you,” Wilson told host Brian Kilmeade. “This is a precedent that will basically subjugate the presidency of the United States to the whims of the opposition party for every future Congress for here and ever more.”


“As a prosecutor, I never went to trial without a complete and full investigation,” he continued.


“The Democrats had an opportunity to interview all the witnesses, the president invoked executive privilege, which nowhere in the articles of impeachment did they mention, they omit that completely and if they thought that the president had violated the law and they didn’t want to use executive privilege, they could have taken him to court and sued him on that, they didn’t do that, but they wanted to rush this to get him into the Senate and then go on a witch hunt at that point.”


In the letter, the Republican attorneys general urged the chamber conducting Trump's trial to "reject" the impeachment articles and picked apart the articles themselves.


The letter accuses House Democrats of impeaching Trump as a politically motivated response to the 2016 election and warned that it poses a threat to the 2020 election as well.


“From day one this was about Democrats being upset about the president's victory and this has been an impeachment march where the engine has been gassed up and a vehicle has been searched for to fill in the gap,” Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill said on Thursday.


“[The] problem is, [it is] difficult to find the crime and so they continue to use these theories like corrupt motive suggesting that the president can do things legitimately legally, but if he has a corrupt motive as determined by Congress, well then we can go after him from an impeachment standpoint.”


Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said on Thursday that House Democrats “turned the Senate into like a kangaroo court.”


“What we did yesterday in the letter that we sent to the Senate was basically explain to both the Senate and the American people that in any other court of law around this country, these articles could not be had,” Landry said. “You could not take this case in front of any judge and convict anyone based upon evidence that the House Democrats have presented to the Senate.”

Anonymous ID: eea407 Jan. 24, 2020, 3:32 a.m. No.7897753   🗄️.is đź”—kun

FOX & Friends. Turning into a rah-rah-rah show. I enjoyed it much better when it was business & politics but 'light'. Now it appears they're trying to be more upbeat, jovial, fun stuff,…more like the other networks. I'm not impressed.