Anonymous ID: e138ea Jan. 24, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.7900219   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7900138 lb

It's weird how you say shit like this, but dismiss what I have to say in posts like this >>7900076 lb

>Anons come here to learn

And, apparently, dismiss "learning" things they prefer not to learn.

A-fucking-gain, you guys just make us look bad when you act this lazy and refuse to be receptive to being shown that your world view was finely tuned to deceive you.


Hardly any of you even attempt to learn what [they] think and instead see your own ignorance as righteous and noble.

You're neither of those things. You're just apathetic and a nuisance.

Anonymous ID: e138ea Jan. 24, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.7900331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0374


This is what I mean.

Either you're just lazy, stupid, or you're doing this on purpose.


Lucifer was the snake in the garden.

Just like Prometheus, Jesus, Melek Taus, he gave hue-man knowledge (the apple).

I'm not familiar with the story of Melek Taus being punished (if there is one), but each of the others were punished.

For instance, Lucy was cast out of the realm of God, Jesus (Yeshua) was nailed to a tree and Prometheus was strapped to a stone and a bird was sent to eat his liver every day until he was saved by Heracles.


Each of these stories is the same: the protagonist grants Hue-man knowledge (Gnosis - The Fire) and is punished for it (okay, there are exceptions, but that doesn't mean they aren't similar).


Doing this whole "if you keep noticing those patterns, you're a Luciferian or you're a shill or you're crazy!" bit is just so fucking tedious and you anons should all know better.




Anonymous ID: e138ea Jan. 24, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.7900451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0862


What a lacking attempt.


First off, Occult (hidden) shows us that the snake used to be a symbol of knowledge.

Lucifer, the serpent, wielded that very knowledge.


Much of the symbolism you understand today is a tainted variation of what once was.

The characters in the stories you describe are all very real, even if only for the sake of allegory.

In reality, they're the same story being told over and over again because there are simply very few genuine stories.


The Bible doesn't describe Jesus casting Lucy from heaven, but "The Devil", or Saturn. Saturn was cast out of "Heaven" (The skies of Earth) and sent away, bound and tortured (to this day).

You ignore the astronomical metaphor, but invoke the Greek metaphors of the story… which only really conveys your comical cognitive dissonance.


Are you guys even trying?…


Do you want to know what really happened?

Some thing from Venus came to ancient peoples, back before Atlantis, probably a few iterations before them, and taught ancient Hue-man The Fire. This woke humans up, taught them how to bend the rules of The Game and helped them to understand how to escape the prison we're all in.

These vessels we're all occupying were brought here to mine metals by entities from another star cluster. Lucy saved us from servitude.

Unfortunately, Enlil and his gang are adamant about the spell continuing despite the disagreement he and Enki had (have).


Try harder.

Anonymous ID: e138ea Jan. 24, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.7900517   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Both positions are correct.

The stories are told over and over again on purpose.

Jung had the right idea, like Brahma.


The stories explain us, what we're capable of, our different potentials. They also, however, explain history.


Let me explain it like this, as someone so eloquently put it once:


OT = Jews in the desert

NT = Revenge of the Jews

Quran = Return of the insurgets

Book of Mormon = Jews in space


You guys all have so much more than you seem to realize…




You guys seriously still think we have to age, that we even have to die?

Death is a choice, anon.



Yes, yes, some of it is metaphorical. There's no denying that.

Even then, you've got to understand these works were translated MANY times, meaning the much of what was meant to be said was lost in translation. We're talking generations of translations, developments of all sorts of languages. The language we're using right now is still very new, anon…



Much of the bibles were distorted on purpose.

For instance, man was not "made in God's image", but "made with God-like attributes".

You're much more capable than you realize and part of The Game is discovering just that.


You guys have to put in more effort. I'm not going to keep coming here and spoon feeding you forever.

Anonymous ID: e138ea Jan. 24, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.7900626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0657


They are the same.

There's a brief explanation staring you in the face…


You've just had this idea that "Lucifer = bad" nailed in to your head over and over by people that don't know what they're talking about.

Anonymous ID: e138ea Jan. 24, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.7900697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0733 >>0782


Now you're just larping…

They invented these words to confuse you.


The religion they invented for you to use has invisible shackles, ones you're tugging on as you try to type out each response.


Religion comes from the Latin word "religare" meaning, to bind.

You fell for it. Sorry, anon.

Anonymous ID: e138ea Jan. 24, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.7900747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0759 >>0806


There are only so many stories, anon.



Which is why we need to start telling Norman the Truth, the real Truth.



There you go, anon.

Now you're homing in on what I'm saying. These words are meant to unburden us.

You're supposed to read them out loud… incantations.

Anonymous ID: e138ea Jan. 24, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.7900797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0873


Another man that defied [them].

He should be heralded as the hero he was.



Exactly nothing at all should only be examined at the surface level.



You're literally just doing the same Christian spin shtick that's been taught to you by your local priest.

Occam's Razor.

There is a simpler explanation and we're trying to present it to you.

Anonymous ID: e138ea Jan. 24, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.7900866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0884 >>0896


Yet Yeshua told you that the Kingdom of God is within you…


I always thought this was a hilarious pitfall of "Christianity" (the new version, anyway).

Somehow, morans have the gall to insist anyone realizing that they themselves have God within them is a heretic, but ignore the whole "Holy Spirit" thing that… exists inside each one of us.


Again, another example of cognitive dissonance bestowed upon you by your "priests".