Anonymous ID: b9695c Jan. 24, 2020, 11:52 a.m. No.7901440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1487



It brings too many questions.


I'm in support of the Q movement, the anons, the Autists, and the regular working class person. Please remember that as you read & before you lash out.


How can so much defense be accepted 3 years into this Presidency? No offense has been forged other than low seated pawns in human trafficking.


I mentioned in the last bread, Trump has been endorsed for decades, to run for President. By the same people that are the loudest against him now. Up until less than 2 years prior to him running all the networks, talk show hosts, rappers, celebrities were his buddies. They cameo'd him on video and shows,appeared on his show, interviewed him on talk shows, went to dinners and fundraisers with him, took his donations. Trump was widely accepted and liked, even after he questioned Obama. The birth certificate issue was a swing point.


Trump was a billionaire, and as Q told us most CEOs and top business people are corrupt and in on the scam. He was business partners or borrowed from the elite 3 of Q's triangle of power. He has bloodline connection to the elite bloodline that all presidents sans 1 have, and is equal in line as HRC. He champions for the working class but his businesses have scammed working class people in the past. His development company constantly changes architects and design consultants walking away from the financial obligations in contracts, same holds for the contractors of the trades.


The generals asked him to run because they wanted to enact a military revolution after Obama, but felt the electoral route was better for Americans. The generals were so angry with Obama's treatment of them, and his support in 3 letter agencies being relied on, that they needed his regime along with HRC removed. They were willing to take the country by force if necessary, other than risk another corrupt government official being elected. Why? Isn't that the essence of the Deep State, that the unelected bureaucracy believes they know better than elected officials? Now remember that it's been reported that all generals and officers above the rank of Colonel are members of secret societies, by Bill Cooper, Kaye Griggs and others. So why would they side with the working class they despised since taking their oaths?


Maybe it's one faction fighting for power over another, with both having a similar agenda? Better to appear to support the people and use them to take over than to publicly fight a Deep State war that will expose what we've suspected for some time? The exposure is the key. Lindsay Graham and John McCain were joined at the hip for years, doesn't that scare anyone? Why would these generals go against their oaths? Why would Trump? Q says no deals but obviously some are working with Trump now. Do they plan to prosecute them after? Q says full exposure will hurt the USA and the world, which makes sense, but is it being slow played because of mistrust or the risk of not being able to hide behind the veil again, once winning is achieved?


I want to hope as well, that one person or a few are working to save us, so we can sit back out of harm's way and believe it'll all be perfect when done. CHANGE takes commitment and action by the person in the mirror. Q has done alot to show us the corruption, but it has also divided us. You have normies like sheep doing the same routine, believing the same news, and you have Q movement totally disregarding anything from the MSM and defensive of any question of the Q movement and their posts.


Their money is power. Their control is debt, interest and taxes. Shut down the machine and make the money valueless. We can strike and refuse to work and trade their currencies without hurting Q or the normies. If 50% of the population strikes, the world can change. We can demand respect of the classes, proper rules for jobs and business, demand less regulation, protection of rights, elimination of debt, tax system, etc.


Work towards a strike, stop fighting and arguing with each other and make real change. We are not the 500,000 they selected in the Georgia Guidestones, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21 etc. Make us live, stand together with the other 7.5 billion people who just want to work and raise their families in peace. Use this movement to start one for the working class, and if Q is really there for us, he'll help.