Anonymous ID: 185ab0 Jan. 25, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.7912754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just riffing here, Anons, but I have been contemplating the deep state's coded language for a while now, and I just want to throw a few thought out. First, that NPR broad was needling Pompeo today, and she asked about "concrete steps". I know we dug on that word "concrete" in the past, but might it be a friend/foe query, or an activation word followed by something else in the question/statement? Of course, it could just be zeitgeist, like everyone now saying "I feel like..(x)" rather than "I think …(x)". Or maybe they are one and the same?

Anonymous ID: 185ab0 Jan. 25, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.7912821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2913

Second, with a bit of amateur crypto background, I keep coming back to the notion of "one time pads" used in espionage to code a clandestine message for transmission. It's a quasi random list of characters for substitution upon receipt, but the random number list can never be re-used to be cryptologically "safe". My idea here is that our "work" on this forum is really just creating a collective (I hate that word) hive mind to generate a one-time like data stream, but the shills are injecting repeatable content to reduce hive-mind randomness. Operators in the field only have to communicate a bread number to identify the one-time pad to be used, all the while shills and "filtered" are trying to crack it (in real time). I dunno, just had a bowl. If worthwhile, archive.