Anonymous ID: 2bad98 Jan. 25, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.7912915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2962 >>3076


Anons should also trust our instincts. Why do so many American Goyim think that he's a traitor?


Robert David Steele has openly said so, that his MI6 sources told him that Jared is a closet homosexual involved with 2 NY Billionaire Jew sugar daddies.


Ben Fulford last week said that Javanka (Ivanka and Jared) is about to be fired.

Wait and see….


Ben Fulford reports what he's told by his inside contacts, some have come true, some not. But a recent one:


Fulford has been talking about rebuilding the eco-system of the planet, re-greening the deforestation, for most of last year.


Last week, POTUS announced at Davos that he supports the planting of a Trillion Trees. which corroborates what Ben Fulford has been posting.


Also Jared Kushner = New York Real Estate Billionaire Chabad 666 Zionist JEW. which means ISRAEL FIRST.


Before the Sayanim start Reeeeing, know that Defense Lawyers in pricy cases hire Jury Consultants to pick out Jurors who will find in their clients' favor.

It's called Clustering, when they examine each jurors background. Very expensive to hire jury consultants, why? because it works.


So keep an open mind, and use your Common Sense and Gut Intuition.