Anonymous ID: 6ff49f Jan. 25, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.7912537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2579

Is the 'Mystery' Coronavirus in China Actually Pneumonic Plague?

China has had repeated outbreaks of Pneumonic Plague. Normally in remote areas, they QUARANTINE THE WHOLE CITY and it goes away. The most recent case of Pneumonic Plague in China was two patients at Chaoyang Hospital in Bejing in November 2019…


Wuhan coronavirus started in mid December 2019, by January 2020 Chinese authorities quarantined the entire city.


Pneumonic Plague is nearly 100% fatal.


Previous Pneumonic Plague Outbreaks in China

The People's Republic of China has eradicated the pneumonic plague from most parts of the country, but still reports occasional cases in remote Western areas where the disease is carried by rats and the marmots that live across the Himalayan plateau.


Outbreaks can be caused when a person eats an infected marmot or comes into contact with fleas carried by rats. A 2006 WHO report from an international meeting on plague cited a Chinese government disease expert as saying that most cases of the plague in China's northwest occur when hunters are contaminated while skinning infected animals.


The expert said at the time that due to the region's remoteness, the disease killed more than half the infected people. The report also said that since the 1990s, there was a rise in plague cases in humans—from fewer than 10 in the 1980s to nearly 100 cases in 1996 and 254 in 2000. In September 2008, two people in east Tibet died of pneumonic plague.


An outbreak of the disease in China began in August 2009 in Ziketan Town located in Qinghai Province. The town was sealed off and several people died as a result of the disease. According to spokesperson Vivian Tan of the WHO office in Beijing, "In cases like this [in August 2009], we encourage the authorities to identify cases, to investigate any suspicious symptoms among close contacts, and to treat confirmed cases as soon as possible. So far, they have done exactly that. There have been sporadic cases reported around the country in the last few years so the authorities do have the experience to deal with this."


In September 2010, five cases of pneumonic plague were reported in Tibet.


In July 2014, Chinese media reported one case found in Gansu.


In November 2019, two people, from the Chinese province of Inner Mongolia, were diagnosed with pneumonic plague. They are now receiving treatment in Beijing's Chaoyang District, and authorities have implemented preventative control measures.