Anonymous ID: 8d8077 Jan. 25, 2020, 1:02 p.m. No.7913023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3048


IIR , the book " Forbidden Archeology " touches on this oil theory as it explores to explain how ancient artifacts have been found in coal that was never disturbed by man in this most recent epoch.

As Spock would say , Fascinating , Captain .

Anonymous ID: 8d8077 Jan. 25, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.7913095   🗄️.is 🔗kun


[ William Cooper ]: You see, the Mystery Schools speak to each other is symbology, in a symbolic language that they have learned to use over the millennium to hide their real secrets, their real intent, their real work, which has always been from the beginning to re-establish on this earth an ancient government ruled by a council of wise men, a benevolent despotism, a one-world, totalitarian, Socialist government. Don't ever forget that, folks. If you love being free, the New World Order Utopia is not for you and it certainly is not for me.


From MB , hour 20 , " 68th convocation of the ROSE CROSS ORDER "

Anonymous ID: 8d8077 Jan. 25, 2020, 1:26 p.m. No.7913195   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part of the Great Awakening is to learn their symbolic language….. Sun , Dawn, New Age, soul science, ect.

" LOVE " translates to $ money in their cabal speak.


[William Cooper]: You see, the Mystery Schools speak to each other is symbology, in a symbolic language that they have learned to use over the millennium to hide their real secrets, their real intent, their real work, which has always been from the beginning to re-establish on this earth an ancient government ruled by a council of wise men, a benevolent despotism, a one-world, totalitarian, Socialist government. Don't ever forget that, folks. If you love being free, the New World Order Utopia is not for you and it certainly is not for me.[William Cooper]: Continuing now from the book, entitled Fundamental Laws:, the publication of A Report of the 68th Convocation Of the Rose Cross Order, during which they admit the existence of the Illuminati; they admit the existence of the Order; they admit the existence of the Brotherhood; they admit that all these secret organizations, including Freemasonry, are all the same organization, all working towards the same goal. An incredible admission printed in their own publication, a hardbound book found up on a dusty shelf, way back in the rear corner of an old used bookstore. Such is the work of the Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence, CAJI.

Anonymous ID: 8d8077 Jan. 25, 2020, 1:41 p.m. No.7913290   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Soft driven , slow and mad , like some new language - Jim Morrison


[Quoting again from the book:] The American Constellation of thirteen stars set in the form of a double triangle was foretold by Merlin of King Arthur's Court, and the Philosophy of the Holy Grail and of Egypt's glory and Solomon's Temple, has been the Day star of every great American Statesman from Washington to Abraham Lincoln.[William Cooper]: Now, if you've been listing to this program, you know the Day star is a reference to Lucifer, the light bringer, the angel of light, the morning star…also known as the sun of the morning.