Anonymous ID: 9201bf Jan. 25, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.7912765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2832 >>2865 >>2974

"You Think Americans Really Give A F**k About Ukraine?" - Pompeo Flips Out On NPR Reporter


Democrats' impeachment proceedings were completely overshadowed this week by the panic over the Wuhan coronavirus. Still, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is clearly tired of having his character repeatedly impugned by the Dems and the press claiming he hung one of his ambassadors out to dry after she purportedly resisted the administration's attempts to pressure Ukraine.


That frustration came to a head this week when, during a moment of pique, Secretary Pompeo launched into a rant and swore at NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly after she wheedled him about whether he had taken concrete steps to protect former Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch.


House Democrats last week released a trove of messages between Giuliani associate Lev Parnas and Connecticut Republican Congressional candidate Robert Hyde. The messages suggested that Yovanovitch might have been under surveillance before President Trump recalled her to Washington. One of the messages seems to reference a shadowy character able to "help" with Yovanovitch for "a price."


Kelly recounted the incident to her listeners (she is the host of "All Things Considered") while


After Kelly asked Pompeo to specify exactly what he had done or said to defend Yovanovitch, whom Pompeo's boss President Trump fired last year, Pompeo simply insisted that he had "done what's right" with regard to Yovanovitch, while becoming visibly annoyed.


Once the interview was over, Pompeo glared at Kelly for a minute, then left the room, telling an aide to bring Kelly into another room at the State Department without her recorder, so they could have more privacy.


Once inside, Pompeo launched into what Kelly described as an "expletive-laden rant", repeatedly using the "f-word." Pompeo complained about the questions about Ukraine, arguing that the interview was supposed to be about Iran.


"Do you think Americans give a f–k about Ukraine?" Pompeo allegedly said.


The outburst was followed by a ridiculous stunt: one of Pompeo's staffers pulled out a blank map and asked the reporter to identify Ukraine, which she did.


"People will hear about this," Pompeo vaguely warned.


Ironically, Pompeo is planning to travel to Kiev this week.


The questions came after Michael McKinley, a former senior adviser to Pompeo, told Congress that he resigned after the secretary apparently ignored his pleas for the department to show some support for Yovanovitch.


Listen to the interview here. A transcript can be found here.

Anonymous ID: 9201bf Jan. 25, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.7912788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Association of American Physicians & Surgeons Sues Rep. Adam Schiff For “Censoring Vaccine Debate”


The Facts: The Association of American Physicians & Surgeons is suing Rep. Adam Schiff for “censoring vaccine debate.”

Reflect On: Should information that creates and generates concern among the population about vaccines and vaccine safety be censored, even if it’s factual and not actually ‘fake news?’


Vaccines are a hot topic right now, and vaccine hesitancy is growing and quickly gaining momentum. The reality of vaccine hesitancy is no longer a secret, as many studies on the matter have been published. And it is no longer simply among concerned parents. This study published in the journal EbioMedicine discusses how practitioners in France are becoming increasingly hesitant to prescribe some controversial vaccines to their patients.


The World Health Organization believes vaccine hesitancy is one of the biggest threats to global health security. Professor Heidi Larson, a Professor of Anthropology and the Risk and Decision Scientist Director at the Vaccine Confidence Project, was one of many academics to speak at the World Health Organization’s recent Global Vaccine Safety Summit, where she explained why this is being considered a major problem:


The other thing that’s a trend, and an issue, is not just confidence in providers but confidence of health care providers. We have a very wobbly health professional frontline that is starting to question vaccines and the safety of vaccines. That’s a huge problem, because to this day any study I’ve seen–and we’re constantly looking on any studies in this space–still, the most trusted person on any study I’ve seen globally is the health care provider. And if we lose that, we’re in trouble.


Dissenting Professionals, Conflicting Statements


This type of hesitancy among health professionals has begun to spawn organizations looking for answers to their questions. ‘The Physicians for Informed Consent’ is one of multiple examples. It’s promising that doctors, scientists and health safety advocates that have come together to share resources about vaccines, and more importantly voice concerns that they have about certain vaccines and their safety.


At the summit, Dr. Martin Howell Friede, Coordinator of Initiative For Vaccine Research at the World Health Organization, brought up the issue of adjuvants, noting some of the problems with using adjuvants that do not have a proven track record of safety. Many people at the conference also emphasized the need for more safety testing and studies to address the concerns that are being made by vaccine safety advocates. Personally, I think this is encouraging. Science should never cease to question, and who wouldn’t want more safety studies and testing on medications that are being administered worldwide?

Anonymous ID: 9201bf Jan. 25, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.7912801   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Angelina Jolie teams up with BBC to fight fake news. Just don’t mention the BBC’s history, kids


Graham Dockery is an Irish journalist, commentator, and writer at RT. Previously based in Amsterdam, he wrote for DutchNews and a scatter of local and national newspapers.

The BBC has hired Angelina Jolie to teach kids how to spot fake news and make up their own minds on pressing issues. But given its own history of bias, is the BBC the right authority to lecture children on the real and the fake?


The venerable broadcaster will air a new series every Sunday at 11:30am - right after the morning cartoons – on BBC World News, and on YouTube and the BBC iPlayer in the UK. The series will use the reporting of the BBC World Service to illustrate how reporters sift fact from fiction, and help kids aged 13 and up to “distinguish the real from the false online,” in the words of BBC World Service Group Director Jamie Angus.


“I hope it will help children find the information and tools they need to make a difference on the issues that matter to them, drawing on the BBC World Service’s network of thousands of journalists and multiple language services around the world,” Jolie said in a statement this week.

Anonymous ID: 9201bf Jan. 25, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.7912829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2977 >>3158

US orders charter flight to evacuate citizens and diplomats from virus-stricken Wuhan


The United States is preparing to evacuate its diplomats and citizens from the Chinese city of Wuhan, according to a new report. Wuhan is the epicenter of a deadly coronavirus outbreak that has so far killed more than 40 people.


According to the Wall Street Journal’s sources, Washington is sending a charter flight to Wuhan on Sunday to bring home its consular staff situated in the city of 11 million people, as well as some or all of the roughly 1,000 Americans residing locally.


The operation was reportedly green-lit by the Chinese foreign ministry, following negotiations in recent days.


Chinese authorities have imposed travel restrictions on Wuhan and nearly 20 cities in Hubei Province, with nearly 50 million people quarantined. The virus — which causes severe flu-like symptoms — has killed at least 41 people since it first passed from animals to humans in December, reportedly at a food and animal market in Wuhan.


Chinese President Xi Jinping described the situation on Saturday as “grave.” Though doctors in Wuhan have managed to treat 38 victims of the infection, its spread has accelerated, and two academicpapers published on Friday found that it can be passed on by people showing no outward symptoms of infection.


Outside of China, the virus has spread to the US, Australia, France, and several Asian countries, including South Korea, Japan, and Thailand. Nearly every confirmed patient had traveled from Wuhan in recent weeks.


As the US reportedly gears up to fly its citizens home, Russia is also in talks with Beijing to evacuate any Russians in Hubei Province, RIA reported on Saturday. No Russians have thus far been infected with the virus, the report added.

Anonymous ID: 9201bf Jan. 25, 2020, 12:45 p.m. No.7912877   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Has this been vetted????


Do we have any Chinese speaking Anon's who can review the video if not^^^^?


Wuhan Doctor Says Government Not Telling Truth, Over 90,000 Infected


Translation: Dear friends, elders, I am ○○ I ’m still in the epidemic area of ​​Hankou, Wuhan, and I ’d like to report to you the current epidemic situation in Hubei and even the whole country.


There are now more than 90,000 person-times (Note: Infected person-times?) What is the chance of this virus being transmitted? After a person is infected, if he is not effectively isolated, Or if effective treatment is performed, he will infect 14 people around him, so this level is very large.


Now it ’s the time of the Chinese New Year family and friends, relatives, children, and children are all going to the house to reunite the family together for a reunion dinner The situation is special now. I hope you don’t go out.


Every year in the Spring Festival, as long as people are safe, everyone can be together anytime, anywhere Let me introduce you to the situation of medical supplies in Hubei Province At present, the entire medical system in Wuhan, which integrates the entire medical system in Hubei Province, has passed through our superiors.


The health and health committee (Note: these three words are uncertain) And various administrative departments The municipal government and the provincial government are initiating donations to the society through major media. This material is medical material. For example, the goggles I wear Wear disposable masks, wear disposable gloves, wear this gown, or even isolation pants. This material is extremely accurate. Our current medical staff must come back to the front line when they come down from the clinic. I am now equivalent to recording this video with everyone on the FireWire, in order to make everyone accurate. I stress again that during the Spring Festival holiday, don’t go out and stay in your own house, otherwise I’m desperately ahead Not just to keep my dad, my loved ones, healthy I hope everyone can understand, I also know that some relatives are not in the group, please see the news of me, call each other and inform It must be done. I hope everyone can raise awareness. This is a political task. And I ’m reporting very bad news.


This new type of coronavirus has undergone the second generation mutation In other words, in the first generation of mutation, we can treat it symptomatically. Then when the second-generation mutation occurs, this is terrible, and its chance of infection is not one person to one person, one person has the disease and infects 14 people around him. Then it is pour burst (note: these five characters are uncertain) I hope everyone remembers, don’t go out, don’t go out, don’t meet, don’t have dinner thank you all.

Anonymous ID: 9201bf Jan. 25, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.7912948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2971 >>2997

Seven Chinese Citizens With Viral Respiratory Illness Symptoms Hospitalised in Moscow


Seven Chinese citizens have been transported from a hotel in northern Moscow to an infectious diseases hospital on suspicion of carrying an acute viral respiratory illness, a representative for the Russian capital's emergency services said on Saturday.


“Seven Chinese citizens have been transferred from the Art Voykovskaya hotel to an infectious diseases hospital,” the representative said.


Tests are ongoing and medical personnel are awaiting the results of examinations, the representative stated.


Meanwhile, the Russian Health Ministry said that seven cases of coronavirus disease, one of which was lethal, were registered in the Chinese regions located along the Russian border.


Governments across the world are on high-alert amid an outbreak of a new form of viral coronavirus that originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan that was first reported in late December. According to the latest official data, more than 1,300 people have been infected, with 41 people dying as a result of contracting the virus.


The so-called Wuhan coronavirus belongs to the same family of coronaviruses that caused SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, which also originated in China in 2002 and resulted in the deaths of about 800 people all over the globe.


Are only Asian's getting sick???? Any report of non-Asian's getting it?

Anonymous ID: 9201bf Jan. 25, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.7913124   🗄️.is 🔗kun

7 States Move to Ban Males From Female Sports as Dems Work Overtime to Force Trans Agenda


In the early days of the 2020 legislative session, seven states have introduced bills to keep male students from entering and competing in female sports. New Hampshire, Arizona, Idaho, Washington, Georgia, Tennessee, and Missouri have taken steps to end the unfair practice of allowing males to compete against females in school sports. Several high-profile cases have highlighted the unfair advantage that males have against females, creating a firestorm surrounding this issue nationwide.


Eighteen states already prohibit males competing in female sports and if passed, the new legislation would bring that number to twenty-five. The American Conservative reported the controversy:


In high school sports, for example, there is no conclusive, federal policy for transgender inclusion, so each state—and even [county] and local jurisdiction—is making its own determinations. According to the pro-LGBT advocate group GLSEN, there are 18 states that have policies that prohibit transgender students to participate in high school athletics. According to, eight states including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, and Texas, say that a student’s sex, as recorded on their birth certificate, determines whether they play on women’s or men’s teams. This has of course been called discriminatory by trans advocates.


As usual, Democrat strategy when the states exercise their rightful authority to stop insane leftist ideas is to turn to the feds and lawsuits to force their will down our throats in the form of the Equality Act — passed by the House in 2019 but not voted on by the Senate. There is a case in front of the Supreme Court now that will have wide-reaching consequences based on the outcome of the question, "does the 1964 Civil Rights Act that prevents sex discrimination also include gender identity?" The justices seem to understand that their decision could lead to major societal upheaval.