Anonymous ID: d06afa Jan. 25, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.7912641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2649 >>2674 >>2814 >>2974 >>3055 >>3156 >>3222 >>3228

Highlights from the Repubs' Open on Peach Mint: Cipollone, Purpura, Sekulow

Sat Jan 25 2020

i tried to make this as accurate as possible, to list main points, but it's ON THE FLY

all times are PST (caught it on local TV)

Z = Zelensky, Uk = Ukraine



Will focus on 2 points

Dems did not meet their burden of proof. (first point)

Today: we'll go thru their record of what they establ. in the House

Will reveal what was not done, not shown.

Facts not shown.

They're asking you not only to overturn elections results, but to remove POTUS from the ballot. (second point)

They didn't tell you what that would mean for the country.

They're asking you to doing something no Senate has ever done, and to do it wo/evidence.

Didn't talk about the transcript of the call.

Said many things that were not true.

They didn't tell you about "burden sharing," left out that entire discussion.

Emblematic of their approach.

[EXHIBIT: transcript on Ger/France]

[reads from transcript showing how Dems were not revealing the context–discussion re how Germany/France are not doing enough for Ukraine and US is doing much more]

You will hear about POTUS' strong record of confronting Russia and supporting Ukraine

One example [of Dems approach].


They come here and ask you to remove a President and tear up the ballots of the states.

Today we're going to confront them on the merits of their arguments.

They have the burden of proof–and they haven't met it.

If they were confident, why would they lock out [the opposition] from the process?

They hide evidence from you, they don't really believe in the merits of their case.

They're here to purpetrate massive interference in an election year.

Violates the sacred trust that the American people have placed in you.

The Amer people decide elections–and they have one in 9 mos.

Turns the lectern over to Michael Purpuro.


Purpuro (Deput Counsel to POTUS

[EXHIBIT: Schiff reading completely fake transcript]

Most important piece of evidence in the case: the actual transcript.

If that were the only evidence, that would be enough.

But it's far from the only evidence.

[summarizes poor Dem process in House]


Six key facts that will not change:

  1. NO LINK between investigations and security assistance

  2. Z has said: NO QUID PRO QUO

  3. Ukraine DID NOT KNOW security assistance was paused

  4. NONE of Dems witnesses was able to show #1

  5. Uk announces NO investigations and still received funds

  6. POTUS strenthened US support for Ukraine


Those are the facts.

Each one is enough to sink the Dem's case.

Establish that POTUS did absolutely nothing wrong.

Anonymous ID: d06afa Jan. 25, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.7912649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2655 >>2674 >>2814 >>2974 >>3055 >>3156 >>3222 >>3228


Highlights from the Repubs' Open on Peach Mint: Cipollone, Purpura, Sekulow

Purpura, con't.



Dems said their case is overwhelming, it's not.

[again stresses the fact that Dems withheld info]

"They have a very heavy burden of truth before you."

Re transcript: April 25, POTUS called Z to congratulate him on election

On July 25, POTUS called Z bc they'd won many seats.

July 25 call: He raised two issues: burden sharing and corruption 11:09

Since fall of Sov. Union, Uk has suffered from pervasive corruption

There's nothing wrong with asking a country to [investigate that]

Discussion of Javelin sales, which Z wanted to buy from US

Were not made avail. to Uk under previous admin.

Testimony of Morrison & Yovanovich not presented by Dems.

"Do us a favor" comment: NOT connected to Javelin sales.


Vindman's testimony: had "deep policy concerns"

But POTUS make policy, not V.

Gen. Kellogg was on the July 25 call: has "no concerns"

Jennifer Williams said she has concerns.

But she told no one of her concern–not for 2 months.

Tim Morrison reported the call coz worried about leaks, not bc anything was illegal.

[EXHIBIT: Morrison testimony]

Uk govt never raised concerns about the call.

[examples given like Volker etc–House mgrs didn't reveal, why not?]

Pres. Z also confirmed: no pressure, no link betw security assistance & an investigations

Dems claimed this was untrue–claimed to know what was in his mind.

(he "must" have felt pressure)

Call is not the only evidence of no QUID QUO PRO.

But Ukrainians weren't even aware aid was being paused.

[EXHIBITS showing testimony from House demonstrating this]

House mgrs didn't show you this–why not?

Aug 29, after Aug 28 Politico article mentioning the hold: that's when the Ukrainians asked about it.


Dems tried to muddy the water about this.


Re Sondland How did Sondland come to believe there was a link between sec assistance and aid?

[It was just his assumption.]

When POTUS was asked about this, he vehemently denied a link.

Volker testimony also supports.

end of Purpura stmt

Anonymous ID: d06afa Jan. 25, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.7912655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2814 >>2974 >>3022 >>3055 >>3156 >>3222 >>3228


Highlights from the Repubs' Open on Peach Mint: Cipollone, Purpura, Sekulow




Jay Sekulow:

House mgrs tried to go back to Mueller Report.

M Report: did not estab. that the campaign conspired w/Russian govt during 2016 election.

Schiff didn't like the fact that POTUS didn't blind trust info from intel agy's.

POTUS' disagreement: not an impeachable offense, and Schiff should know this.

FISA Court is near here. [reviews its purpose & also lack of justification for Carter Page FISA]

POTUS had reason to think intel was not reliable.

Today: we're correcting certain things [that Dems left out].

House mfgs for 23 hours: pushed the idea that there was either Russia or Uk in election, both not both.

May 4 2018 letter to Lutsenko: asked for cooperation in M investigation from 3 Senators. 11:48 PST

[discussion of meetings at the WH vs important mtgs held elsewhere; WH location doesn't matter]

Dems did not tell you about Dr. Fiona Hill's testimony, where she talked about imp. meetings elsewhere.

House Mgrs ignored this, evidence from their own hearings.

Impeachment process relies on the Dems reading other peoples' thoughts.


Re timing, Morrison testimony: was unclear whether Z election was going to be able to get rid of corruption.

What actually happens: POTUS has placed holds on aids many times due to concerns re corruption.

Afghanistan, S Korea, Central American countries, Lebanon, Pakistan.

[more examples from Hill's testimony re how this works.]

House Mgrs didn't discuss.


Hill: eliminating corruption in Uk = central goal for US

POTUS was very skeptical about corruption in Uk.

"I am not going to continue to go over and over and over again the evidence that they did not put before you."

The facts from THEIR hearing: establishes that POTUS WAS concerned about burden sharing.

What Z said: "We had a good phone, it was normal, we spoke about many things….nobody pushed me."

They think you can read minds but we rely on facts. 12:09 PST

end of Sekulow, Philbin next

Anonymous ID: d06afa Jan. 25, 2020, 1:02 p.m. No.7913022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3055 >>3107 >>3156 >>3222 >>3228


Highlights from the Repubs' Open on Peach Mint: Cipollone, Purpura, Sekulow



Patrick Philbin: 12:10 PST

Focus on "blanket defiance" by the Dems.

Dems said resistance to subpoena was not lawful, that's not true.

Didn't show Oct 18 letter, which showed why cmte subpoena's were invalid due to no vote on the Floor.

Every step taken by POTUS admin was supported by DOJ lawyers; they're explained in our Trial Memo.

"No negotiations, no attempt to accomodate": any false charge.

House Mgrs said admin never exerted "executive privilege". But that wasn't needed.

Why? Bc the subpoenas weren't authorized (no Full House vote). [Lists other problems]

[Lots more on why "no vote" making the subpoenas invalid; cites precedents]

In every other impeachment process, a Full House vote came first.

"Compulsory process" relies on that FH vote. 12:18 PST

House Dems skipped over that step completely; instead, there was just a presser from Pelosi announcing that Cmte would investigate.

Founding Fathers: were concerned about a partisan impeachment–that's why a full vote is req'd BEFORE investigation.

Thus: ALL the subsequent cmte subpoenas were invalid.


Next: due process argument

Nadler said he sent a letter to POTUS' counsel and they refused to participate.

But here is what actually happened.

Due process means the right to confront your accusers, call your own witnesses, have your own counsel.

These were denied.

They claimed POTUS would have due process in third round of hearings.

But what they offered was non-specific (as to what rights POTUS' team would have).

POTUS asked specific q's about fact witnesses, right to cross examine by POTUS lawyers, right to call witnesses.

Nadler didn't respond.

Dec 4: hearing with law professors

Dec 5: Pelosi announced conclusion of process–directed Nadler to draft Articles of Impeachment.

After end of day on Dec 5: no plans for other hearings.

POTUS was given a choice: whether to participate in a pre-determined process wo/plans to hear from fact witnesses or not.

[That's why there was no participation] 12:27


Very fast process: 71 days (total = 78).

During 71 of 78, POTUS was "locked out." Why? Why no cross examination of witnesses allowed?

Because Dems didn't want the truth.


One last point: re whistleblower "who we haven't heard that much about, who started all of this."

We know from a letter from Inspector Gen'l of Intel Community sent, that he thought the whistleblower had political bias. We don't know what it was, bc he testified in House Cmtes in an Exec Session. Transcript still secret; not transmitted to the House Judiciary Cmte; we haven't seen it.

You would think they would want to find out something about the one making the complaint.

But they didn't want to know about political bias of the whistleblower.

First they wanted to hear "unfiltered" testimony of whistleblower; but they he said not necessary (coz transcript).

Schiff said they had not spoken to him–but in early Oct, was clear that they HAD spoken to him.

At that point, became critical to shut down any inquiry. 12:33 PST


So Schiff "ensured that there wasn't any inquiry."

And Schiff has been the same one talking in front of the Senate.

[Clip showing Schiff lying about evidence of POTUS campaign collusion w/Russia, Mar 2017]

Mueller report showed this wasn't true.

[CONCLUSION: Schiff not credible.]


Cipollone returns:

You know who else didn't show up in [Nadler's] Judiciary Cmte?

Chairman Schiff. "Another good question you should think about."

Dems want you to cancel an election over Uk. 12:38 PST

Apr 21: POTUS invites Z to WH.

May 29: another invitation

July 25: a third invitation

Z proposes meeting in Poland on Sept 1. Didn't happen. Why? Because of the hurricane in the US. So VP went.

Why didn't the Dems tell you that?

Dems didn't tell you a lot of facts.

They claimed that POTUS' lawyers wouldn't talk about the facts.

That's all we've done today. Ask yourself:

Who doesn't want to talk about the facts?

"Impeachment shouldn't be a shell game. They should give you the facts."

Anonymous ID: d06afa Jan. 25, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.7913107   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Patrick Philbin on the whistleblower

I slowed way down to get the details on this one.

Really nails Schiff to the cross.

And they are only warming up, kek.

Dems much have exploded to hear him brooch this topic.

Didn't mention the name tho.

Or anything about Laura I's investigation.

Not yet!!

Anonymous ID: d06afa Jan. 25, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.7913121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3133 >>3214


good thing they finished.

no more typing.

added in Phibin, his testimony is explosive.

if too long, could drop all the names, just didn't want to leave him out if listed coz his is by far the most damaging testimony.

Anonymous ID: d06afa Jan. 25, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.7913161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3189


>Most 'nightshift' memes are saturated with subliminal shit

symbolism is everywhere, deal with it

>hivemind attacked when asleep

this is life–to withstand 'attacks' you focus on positive goals, remaining neutral, non-engaged

but some of what u fear is ur own shit

not an outer attack

symbols help up deal with that in dreams, art, etc

u can't run from yr own darkness

has to be looked at first

then we can be balanced