Anonymous ID: 7766b6 Jan. 25, 2020, 1:44 p.m. No.7913319   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7912736 (lb) Kushner linked to Peek

>>7912774 (lb) Kushner extorts Qatar (Leaks to press)

>>7912793 (lb) Kushners (religion first) dig Joshua

>>7912817 (lb) Kushner and Cohen worked with Millian (Source for Steele Dossier) Kushner suggested Manafort (plant) to Trump


Still need more evidence?


Kushners 302's being held up by DOJ


Kushners trip to Israel abruptly cancelled.


Kushner told to replace his phone because he's using WhatsApp


Why would Joshua Kushner be hanging out with Jeff Bezos and Lloyd Blankfein on Geffens yacht? Passing intel from Jared?