Anonymous ID: bef41d Jan. 26, 2020, 7:29 p.m. No.7926596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6618 >>6645 >>6665 >>6761 >>6943 >>7054

>>7926090 lb me

I was able to get the squawk code information from flightradar24. It doesn't show up in the downloadable CSV, but you can see here in the playback toward the end of the flight, the pilot seems to inexplicably, (at least from the info in the recordings in the below youtube link, which all seem legit) change the squawk from his assigned 0235 to 1200.


I know VASAviation recordings are cut to eliminate long periods of silence, so it would be difficult to line up flightradar24's data with that video directly.


Still, why he would presumably do this is really a mystery, given the clear circumstances. The track continues for about another four minutes after that happens.


Bizarre choice by the pilot? Did somebody accidentally kick the VFR button on the transponder? Partial equipment failure? Mode C radar jamming? Sabotage? If this flight data were faked, to coin an old phrase around here, sloppy job, Mossad? I don't know, it just isn't sitting right with me.