Yep. was notable earlier.
They were paying him $90,000 PER MONTH salary plus living expenses plus etc. etc.
Yep. was notable earlier.
They were paying him $90,000 PER MONTH salary plus living expenses plus etc. etc.
Shillcon level 2?
Spouseanon read me a post yesterday or so (that's why I don't have the sauce) supposedly from halfchan. Don't know if we believe this or not.
But the source said they had worked at a US bio lab and developed some virus thingie. But put false descriptors on it. And it was stolen by Chinese researchers and taken to China. The descriptors made them believe it could be deployed against USA population (genetics). However that was a ruse and it was actually virulent against Chinese genetics.
So according to that post, which I don't know whether or not I believe, China hoisted on its own petard because they intended to release it against us and it backfired spectacularly.
It was written pretty well with the kind of sauce you'd expect a legit bio researcher to know. But could have been a larp.
Frankly I am sad to see human beings succumbing to disease. No matter where it happens.
So take that with a grain of salt, or whatever.
I missed that one.
> The seizure of the $900K shipped from China to the U.S. in $1 bills
Yes POTUS said don't worry. So I don't worry. Anon also takes certain steps at home to remain healthy and resist any kind of infection. We've gone over these steps before and I won't slide by repeating them now.