Anonymous ID: 00b996 Jan. 29, 2020, 7:01 a.m. No.7953801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3824 >>3825

I did some digging yesterday on viruses in general with a focus on new viruses in populations with no immunity. It's not going to be as bad in the Western nations as it is in China due to less population density and better public health practices, but here are a few thoughts and nuggets.


1) The predictions on the spread of this virus have been pretty darn close. This is due to China being a homogenous population with no immunity. Easily predictable. Places with diverse populations like the USA are harder to predict. China's numbers will continue to go up until ~Feb. 6, which is 2 weeks after lockdown. Current graphic included, and Feb. 6 numbers will likely be close. After Feb. 6 we will see how effective lockdown and face masks are.


2) Everyone is right about this being worse than SARS or MERS with respect to it's transmissibility. It is much more so than either of the 2, almost on par with the low estimates of smallpox. MERS was no joke if you caught it with 40% mortality rate…but it was relatively hard to contract and came from camels before human to human occurred…seriously. Make of that what you will. SARS escaped from labs several times and was about 10% mortality. This one is harder to predict. If you go by the recovered vs. dead, the mortality is greater than 50%. The problem with that is commie numbers are unreliable. The CDC's guess is about 4% mortality. Canada puts it at 10%. So that is a wildcard right now. Most of the infected in Western nations are doing well, with the exception of a critical patient in France. We'll have to wait on that one.


3) For those of you thinking this is just like the flu or something…WRONG. Firstly, the flu mainly kills the very old or the very young. The median age of Corona deaths currently is 49 yo. And the most important thing is that this is a NEW virus. There is no immunity to this whatsoever worldwide and no vaccine…and it is airborne. Yes, it will spread quickly, likely world wide and more quickly than the flu once it gets to your neck of the woods. The thing is, most flu strains are catalogued and have been seen before. Meaning that the herd immunity is at least somewhat in effect. Again, this is brand new..think Indians (casino) and smallpox. What will the mortality rate be once it hits Western nations? Who knows…it won't be as bad as China…but still something to be alert for. Point being, it's here. And if history holds true, it will spread quickly. The wild cards are mortality rate and how the virus affects people of non-Asian origin.


4) I have already mentioned the points in our favor. So the likely most affected in the USA will be healthcare workers and anyone who is in contact with a lot of people in their daily life….so us incels should be OK.