Anonymous ID: 25715d Jan. 30, 2020, 8:02 a.m. No.7964910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967 >>5468



But do remember, that China is big

And the emperor lives far away…


Corruption in China has centuries of tradition behind it

So they also have a Deep State problem

And it seems to me that Xi is someone who wants China to be a good global citizen

But has a massive cleanup job to do.


Everything notable that happens in China

Is likely to be some kind of boomerang

That is being twisted to blowback on the Deep State Globalists among them.

Even Pompeo's statement which cranks up the pressure.

Anonymous ID: 25715d Jan. 30, 2020, 8:58 a.m. No.7965301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5393





Lizards are a creature found throughout Europe

(for that matter they are everywhere in North America too)

But few people ever notice them

Because they have a habit of hiding in plain sight

Under rocks

In wood piles

Country folk who spend a lot of time in the outdoors

Will know what I mean.


The cult of con artists

Used to spend a lot of time in the outdoors too

Wandering from town to town like gypsies

Looking for opportunities to steal

To cheat the bumpkins

To sell some miracle Snake Oil cures

But some of them

Did not wander

They stayed put, got to know the land

And the people in it

And when the rest of the gang came along next year

They shared their intel about choice targets

These folks who were everywhere

Hiding in plain sight

Thought of themselves as lizards

In the fullness of time

They managed to weasel their way into positions of power…