Anonymous ID: 73d54b Jan. 30, 2020, 8:56 a.m. No.7965276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5300 >>5508 >>5657

Latest; nearly 12 noon eastern. Will attempt to post text & return to attach images. We'll see...


UPDATE: The Web Inspector notes image upload issues? These images are all .png... Screen cap of Web Inspector included.



Been attempting a file since 7:30 AM eastern. Is there a regional issue in New England?

These failing file attempts are cycling at a 7 min average time frame.


File attempt number 34! (this one is text only)

Note: Still looping at approx. 7 min before fail.


Note: On another device, a text file uploaded.


Is the issue centered around image upload?


I can do this all day. Not gonna stop until this gets posted or 8kun shuts down!

If the system is under or has been attacked, I'd rather it was shut down than try to work with this nonsense! A little transparency would be welcome. What's the deal here?


Okay. Here we go again, Bread No. 5 & no posts thus far!

Only the Server took too long BS!


From some way back Bread.


Don't eat the shit commercial food stuffs like GM corn. Certainly, our POTUS is lacking in his concept of "good" foods. Look at what he fed the footballers - siliconized synthetic swill!

Hey, we all have our foibles, doesn't make you a bad person. He just desperately needs some advisors that are intone with the realities of life. They are in extremely short supply in DC & such circuits.


The market is flooded with Dent Corn!


Sweeteners, feeds (don't forget about fish farms using corn pellets for feed), everything from medicines to a host of lubricants, & inedibles' used in manufacturing.


Look for organic or "Flint Corn".

Ninety+ percent of commercial corn grown is GM & resides within the effort at the planned obsolesce of humanity! We make them sick & they run to our Big Pharma, medical complex' an outgrowth of our Petro-chemical ops., & the Robber Barons win again!