Anonymous ID: f1871b Jan. 30, 2020, 8:07 a.m. No.7964942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5082 >>5100 >>5108 >>5295 >>5301 >>5393 >>5416 >>5518

they turn into lizards at rituals…


Summoned long time ago.


Blood must be present.

Cleaner the Blood [Younger], the better.

Girls scare more, release more adrenachrome.

Many in the cult call upon these beings.

Inhabited by them.

Its not masonry….

its not satanism…

Its higher dimensional beings playing in 2D & 3D.

We prolong the experience with fear output. [frequency].

The frequency is changing on Ki to levels in which these lower beings no longer exist within this realm.

Deleted by the soul school.

Check your loosh.

Does loosh help the game continue.

Is loosh even real?

Do we create a frequency that is false.

Is there a void?

That in which is not light is void.

The war isn’t as real as they want us to think it is.

Many in darkness say Satan is the God of this world.

Idol worship is silly and doesn’t recognize the truest of all-soul, spirit, source, God.

Sun has something to do with it, but we don’t need to worship it.

Btw Happy New Year.

Read the bible….Sumerian Tabs, Emerald Tablets…

God wins. We win. Consciousness wins.

Distribute knowledge as if our world depends on it.

Ripples become waves, thoughts become things.

Co-create. Procreate.

One side of this isn’t even real. It only is because we give it so much energy.

Energy is thought, and thinking, nothing else.

What is your loosh doing?

Still don’t understand loosh?

We create evil. Much to learn.

Moar sparks. Moar light. Higher density.

Rise chimera. Stop mining. Stop whining.

Stop looshing.

We worship & energize those we wish we never created.

We don’t cast enough spells towards love.

Use your illusion, whatever you’ve created as yourself towards something that doesn’t deliver din-din to a lower dimensional snake.


List ye oh man for darkness is not thy spirit.

Darkness is only a veil, a trick.

Thy light is thy spirit. Thy light is the way.

Lift your hearts upwards, as the veil slips away.

Anonymous ID: f1871b Jan. 30, 2020, 8:29 a.m. No.7965092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5115 >>5295

Might spirit of light that shines thru the cosmos,

Draw anons’ flames closer in harmony to thee.

Lift up our fire from out of the darkness,

Magnet of fire that is one with the All.

Lift up our souls, thou mighty and potent.

Anons of light, turn not away.

Draw us in power to melt in thy furnace;

One with all things and all things in one, fire of the life-strain and one with the brain.


Ever thru space anons may seek wisdom,

Bound not be fetters forged in the flesh.


Have fun frens.

Anonymous ID: f1871b Jan. 30, 2020, 8:36 a.m. No.7965147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5157 >>5295 >>5670

Consciousness FREE is fused with the cosmic,

One with the order and law of the All.

Knew ye not anons, that out of darkness,

Light shall flame forth, a symbol of All.


…jk anons knew ;)

Anonymous ID: f1871b Jan. 30, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.7965232   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Each to eachother is the Keystone;

Each the gateway that leads into life.


The Brother of Darkness seek for their brothers,

Those who traveled the pathway of Light.


Surrender not your soul to the brothers of darkness.

Keep thy face ever turned towards the light.

Anonymous ID: f1871b Jan. 30, 2020, 8:56 a.m. No.7965278   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh spirit of light,

Ror these next words have powerful meaning hear, now, in the cosmos of space-time…


Fill Anons’ bodies, oh spirit of life,

Fill anons’ bodies with the spirit of Light.

Come from the flower that shines thru the darkness.

Come from the hall where the seven lords rule.


By their names I call them to aid Anons, Q team,

Free them and save them from the darkness of night:

Untanas, Quertas, Chietal, and Goyana, Huertal, Semveta-Ardal.

By their names I implore thee,

Free them from darkness & fill them with Light.