Anonymous ID: 2003d5 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:20 p.m. No.7971081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1086 >>1092 >>1162 >>1396 >>1710

Q & A Peach Mint Highlights: Thurs Jan 30 2020: page 3


some q's and answers were redundant. Didn't include stuff that was a complete rehash of previously made points.


Q: Sen from ID to POTUS team House mgrs: How many witnesses/clips/pgs of doc evidence have been presented in this [Senate] trial? 1:04 PST

A: Philbin: You've seen a lot of witnesses via slides. 17 witnesses, 192 vid clips, 28578 pages of docs submitted by Dems. You've seen the witnesses in the clips. House dems said they had an overwhelming case, everything "proven." We don't think that's true, but they've had sufficient evidence to make their case. Witnesses do not need to be live.


Q: Sen from AZ to POTUS team: Re Logan Act: will POTUS assure the public that private citizens will not be directed to conduct American foreign policy unless formally designated to do so? [obvious Rudy q]

A: Philbin: Ref to Giuliani. Rudy is just source of info, not conducting foreign policy; Uk officials asked for him as an info conduit. POTUS' policy is always to abide by the laws. Worth pointing out that many POTUS' have relied on trusted confidantes who were not actual gov't employees [gives examples].


Q: Sen from LA to Nadler and Philbin: If a POTUS asks for an investigation of a political rival under circumstances that objectively are in the national interest, should a POTUS be impeached if a majority of the House thinks he did it for the wrong reason?

A: Nadler: POTUS only wanted to smear a political rival. "That is so clear."

A: Philbin: No, the POTUS should not be impeached. Mixed-motive q again. Should he be impeached if there is some dispute about his motives? No. But House will have to show that the is NO legit basis for these investigations–"not a scintilla" of evidence. They know they can't get into a mixed-motive scenario.


Roberts now objects to specifying particular members of the teams


Q: Sen Durbin to House mgrs: Plz respond to POTUS' counsels to Sen Sinema's q:

A: Schiff: Philbin said Rudy was not conducting foreign policy. [S wants to say he WAS–a "startling admission"],


Q: Sen from AK to both parties: [Many actions are political.] Where is the line between permissable political actions and impeachable political actions?

A: Philbin: Motives of politicians are always somewhat political. Calling it "corrupt" when someone does something for a political advantage: if you start down that path, it's totally amorphous. Analyzing subjective motive–and using such motive as a basis for impeachment–is dangerous. The other party will always attribute bad motives.

A: Schiff. Public officials are always political animals.


Q: Sen Menendez to House mgrs: Re supposed Russian attack on 2020 elections: why should Americans be concerned about foreign interference? [also presumes POTUS wants it]

A:Crow: Let's outline the facts. None of the 17 witnesses thinks there's evidence to support the idea that it was Ukraine, not Russian that interference with 2016 election….more 'muh Russia'. Claims intel community has proven this.


Q: Sen from WI to both parties: Two hold-over NSC staffers were overheard saying they wanted to take out POTUS. One of them, Misko then joined Schiff's staff. What did your committee hire Shawn Misko and what role did he play in this investigation?

A: Schiff: "There have been a lot of attacks on my staff." It's a smear. ["shocked and appalled"–won't reveal anything leading to revealing id of whistleblower either–on and on about this]

A: Sekulow: Whistleblower issue is front and center; they are protected from retribution, but that doesn't guarantee them complete anonymity. We can't say it's not a relevant inquiry, about who was in communication with that person. 1:40 PST


Q: Sen from WA to House mgrs: If Presidents can ignore q's from Congress, how do we make sure any admin is following the law and acting "in the best interests of American families"?

A: Garcia: Allowing POTUS to resist Congressional subpoenas: if we ignore Article 2, this gives future Presidents the power to ignore Congressional requests for information.


Q: Sen from AK to POTUS team: Senate has same info House did [well not quite but close–ed]. If it was enough to impeach, why not enough for Senate trial?

A: Philbin: This evidence is not complete but if House says it is, should be sufficient….responding to the idea that POTUS was a pawn of Putin: Obviously not true. Many countries could try to interfere in elections. It's not a "binary world" (Russia or Ukraine).

Anonymous ID: 2003d5 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:21 p.m. No.7971086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1091 >>1092 >>1162 >>1396 >>1710


Q & A Peach Mint Highlights: Thurs Jan 30 2020: page 4


some q's and answers were redundant. Didn't include stuff that was a complete rehash of previously made points.


Q: Sen from VT to House mgrs: What would stop a POTUS from withholding aid to a city that does not endorse him [or some other partisan act]?

A:Jeffries: [quid pro quo again, then grandstanding not facts….totally redundant]


Q: Sen from LA to both parties, ideally mgr Lofgren: How would Lofgren respond to Jeffries ducking q on why she changed her view since 1996?

A: Cippolone: Agrees 100% with Lofgren 1996….addresses Schiff's saying he won't put up with people asking "who communicated with the whistleblower?"

A: Lofgren: During Clinton impeachment, compared what had been done with Nixon. Clinton lied but it was personal, not impeachable. Never thought we would be in a 3rd impeachment [but says nothing about it!].


Q: Sen from WV to POTUS team House mgrs: Have you ever been in any trial where you were not allowed to call witnesses, etc.?

A: Demings: "Truly baffles me" why not allowed.

A: Cippolone''': House mgrs ran this process in the House. And they didn't allow the Repubs to have any witnesses. Reminding us of Mueller investigation: LOT of stuff was produced. What did the House do? Wanted a do-over. When House doesn't like the outcome, they keep investigating. 2:15 PST


Q: Sen from UT to POTUS team House mgrs: Under the stds used here, wouldn't Obama have been subject to impeachment?

A: Cippolone: These stds are so lacking that any act might be impeachable. Current process is dangerous, especially in an election year.


Q: Sen from MI to both parties: Moar on receiving help from foreign nationals. How dangerous is this?

A: Philbin: a "thing of value" refers [mainly?] to violations of campaign contributions law. Not about information. Credible info is not prohibited.

A: Schiff: It WAS valuable [ignores legal def of "value" above]. Moar "muh Russia".


Q: Sen from SC to both parties: Why is the legal std for investigation Trump so much lower than the std for investigating Biden?

A: Schiff: IG found that investigation was sufficiently predicated. Does this justify POTUS' "embrace of Russian propaganda"? "The one does not follow from the other."

A: Sekulow: To Schiff: "You make so light of what the FBI did!" 2:30 PST


Q: Sen from IL to both parties: [about funds potentially expiring]

A: Philbim: OMB letter was encouraging DoD to get ready to obligating the funds: funds were released on time on Sept 11, and some funds didn't get out in time (but this happens every year).

A: Crow: Denies Philbin, says "here are the facts." [Makes it sound especially complicated/difficult.] "Every delay in combat matters." [said although it was for future funding, kek.]


Q: Sen from WY to POTUS team: Is it normal for POTUS to go direct to another leader when [usual] process has been unsuccessful in the past? 2:38 PST

A: Philbin: Yes. He is vested with that authority.


Q: Sen from MA to House mgrs: Re Chief Justice presiding over the Senate trial where Repubs have so far refused to allow witnesses/evidence: does this contribute to a loss of legitmacy in the Chief Justice/SCOTUS/Constitution?

A: Schiff: [sucks up to Roberts, then goes into story telling mode….]


Q: Sen from AL to POTUS team: House mgrs have stated that POTUS' actions constitute criminal bribery; can be reconciled with the McDonald case?

A: Philbin: House mgrs did not charge bribery in Article; they can't now charge it.


Q: Sen from VA to House mgrs: Claim that intell agys (etc) support "muh Russia." Ok for POTUS to accept info from Russia, China etc as long as he thinks it's credible?

A: Schiff: No….[tries to say what POTUS did was "akin" to bribery] POTUS conduct "violated our bribery laws, as it understood by the Framers."

Anonymous ID: 2003d5 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:21 p.m. No.7971091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1103 >>1396 >>1710


Q & A Peach Mint Highlights: Thurs Jan 30 2020: page 5


some q's and answers were redundant. Didn't include stuff that was a complete rehash of previously made points.


Q: Sen from OK to POTUS team: Will House mgrs ever see the Trial is fair?

A: Sekulow. The answer is no. They will not agree it is fair. If goes to witnesses and docs, is will go on [indefinitely] and when the Senate says it must be brought to an end, the House mgrs will say it was unfair. Fruit of the Poisonous Tree: "that process was so tainted." The taint gets worse over time, not better. There HAVE been witnesses, btw. Will only be enough if they get a conviction, has been going on for 3 years. They said "overwhelming" "proved" 63 times. 3:03 PST


Q: Sen from DE to House mgrs: Was the process of holding aid to Uk really normal?

A: Crow: Didn't adhere to process for doing a hold. Subpoena Bolton.


Q: Sen from NC to both parties: HRC/DNC hired a fo spy to work with Russian contacts to build a dossier of opposition research against Trump; by the House mgrs' standard, would the Steele Dossier be considered a violation of the law/an impeachable offense?

A: Jeffries. The analogy is not application. Real issue is the avoidance of facts. Says everything present by other side is a CONSPIRACY THEORY…."All you offer us are conspiracy theories?"

A: Sekulow. "I guess you can buy your foreign opposition research and it's ok. So let me debunk the conspiracy." [Goes on to state facts about Steele Dossier etc. Great job: It is not a conspiracy that" XYZ]. "Not a conspiracy theory, just the facts."


Q: Sen from WI to both parties: Re Jennifer Williams docs; why not completely declassified?

A: Philbin: Doesn't have all the info but may have to do with a ref to a conversation with a head of State; usual rule is that such conversations are classified.

A: Schiff: [encourages Senators to read and implies to viewers that there is some "wrong" reason that it was classified]


Q: Sen from TN to House mgrs: Compare procedures in this impeachment to those used in previous ones.

A: Lofgren: Nixon started off partisan but became nonpartisan later. Clinton: more partisan, remained so. Trump: she expected more bi-partisanship but has been "disappointed." Bolton is willing to testify; might help the Senators come together. [KEK]


Q: Sen Schumer to House mgrs: Why do you think the process won't be too long if we have witnesses?

A: Schiff: Just one week for depositions and Senate could go on with its business during that time; always, use Roberts to make rulings. Would be a "reasonable accommodation."


Q: Sen from McConnell to POTUS team: Plz respond on bipartisanship and to responses by House mgrs about any previous q:

A: Philbin: In Nixon inquiry, only 4 voted again. Many Dems joined Repubs to vote for. In Trump, not so–all Repubs voted against along with 2 Dems. Addresses issue of "value" of foreign contributions: only applies to $ not info. Dems theory posits an abuse of power in which no laws were broken. Based on Dems' theory of subjective motives. "That is a theory that is infinitely malleable. It provides no real standard at all."


Q: Sen from DE to both parties: Would any witnesses called [by the Repubs?] have firsthand knowledge of the charges against POTUS?

A: Schiff: [construing 'relevancy' very narrowly here, says Biden is not a relevant witness.] How about Mulvaney, Pompeo, Head of OMB? They don't want Roberts to adjudicate bc they want witnesses that ] are irrelevant.

A: Sekulow: [Attacks Schiff's idea that certain witnesses–like the Bidens–are "irrelevant."] Irony: we can call anyone we want as long as these are the witnesses THEYwant! 3:39 PST

Anonymous ID: 2003d5 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:32 p.m. No.7971182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1233


sorry fren,

no do mojo

so much moar fun listening to

Schitty Shifty Schiff Shank Shokin


no other bakers here?

hmm…prime time, too

i did show up and grab notes

last night for mid bread

then eyes went

can't be on computer 24/7

will try to make it tonite

bakering is great


Anonymous ID: 2003d5 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:37 p.m. No.7971262   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Schiff just keeps push Roberts on the Senate

taking advantage of the perception that he is supremely ethical

when he knows the truth

and most of them do too

Anonymous ID: 2003d5 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:43 p.m. No.7971326   🗄️.is 🔗kun


notsa not lotsa?

oh well.

have a good one,


last night of Q and A

lookin' good too

big fail for dems

curling into muh russia

like fetal position

lose lose lose
