Anonymous ID: 1b373e Jan. 30, 2020, 6:55 p.m. No.7973132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3235




This is about the second Constitution.


We no longer have a second constitution. We have been freed from that. Search second Constitution on



#7970507 at 2020-01-31 00:28:20 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #10201: Great Awakening Edition


All because we have a Second constitution, Trump got that eliminated. Queen has no power now.

#7758734 at 2020-01-09 04:48:15 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #9930: The hole is DEEP. The Clock in and DIG Deeper Edition

>>7758652 (Part 1)

>>7758677 (Part 2)

>>7758690 (Part 3)

>>7758705 (Part 4)

>>7758722 (Part 5)


Chapter 21 addresses competition policy. Article 21.1 requires each Party to maintain and enforce "national competition laws" which proscribe "anticompetitive business conduct". The Parties are to apply those laws to "all commercial activities in its territory." Article 21.4 requires each Party to adopt or maintain national consumer protection laws or regulations that proscribe fraudulent and deceptive commercial activities.


Chapter 24 addresses environmental laws. Article 24.3 requires each Party to ensure that its laws provide for high levels of environmental protection. Article 24.4 requires each Party to enforce its environmental laws. Article 24.9 requires each Party to control the production and use of substances which deplete or change the ozone layer [and on & on for 30 pages].


The Death of the Republican Form of Government


In a "republic", the sovereign power is exercised by representatives elected by the People.


Article IV, �4, US Constit., requires the United States to guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.


But the USMCA Treaty, time after time, delegates the exercise of sovereign power to various panels, Committees, Commissions, UN organizations, and others - not one of which is elected by the People.


Don't fall for the carrot dangled in your face!


The Treaty reportedly contains some tariff benefits to various industries in the United States such as the auto and dairy industries. Their profits (at least for a while) should increase as a result of the Treaty. And for that, We are to surrender our sovereignty to the globalists?!


The 1815 Free Trade Treaty between the United States and Great Britain


On Dec. 6, 1815, President James Madison sent this treaty to the Senate for ratification. It is two pages long. Unlike the USMCA Treaty, it doesn't set up a government over the United States and Great Britain-thus proving that trade treaties need not surrender our sovereignty. And Madison's treaty doesn't require a lawyer skilled in sniffing out dirty tricks to understand what it does.




In Federalist No. 22 (last para), Alexander Hamilton said that one of the problems with the Articles of Confederation (AOC), our first Constitution, was that it was never ratified by the PEOPLE. Because the only foundation for the AOC was the consent of state legislatures, questions had arisen concerning its validity.


This is why Art. VII of our Second constitution (the one we have now) provides for its ratification by Conventions held in each of the States. In support of the ratification method set forth in Art. VII, Hamilton wrote:


"…The fabric of American empire ought to rest on the solid basis of THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE. The streams of national power ought to flow immediately from that pure, original fountain of all legitimate authority." [caps are Hamilton's].


This is why our Constitution begins with, "WE THE PEOPLE". WE consented to it.