Anonymous ID: 478745 Jan. 31, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.7981112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1120 >>1183

>>7981043 lb

I found a thread last night, so far its looking very interesting.


It started with this video and I realized we aint dug shit on the postal service/postmaster general.


digging all over its definitely starting to turn up some spoopy things. I posted a couple other things about it in this thread

>>7980762 lb

>>7980695 lb


definitely seems like we need to scrape this subject

Anonymous ID: 478745 Jan. 31, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.7981135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1175



"October 26, 2017, Ardern does indeed become Prime Minister of NZ. postal votes (((Soros - Clark))) sway the result in her favour. Shortly thereafter she foolishly authorises GCSB to spy on Trump. Evidently she is too young and stupid to know that she's the fall guy."



Anonymous ID: 478745 Jan. 31, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.7981260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1270 >>1624 >>1796


Oh this postal shit is a HUGE dig.


Recurring theme here - the next layer of the onion has been peeled back.


< from the article >


POTUS- Universal Postal Union Pullout- NWO- Q Didn't Even Catch This One


November 5th, 2018 8:00am


The author asks that you read Part One to get a solid historical understanding of the situation in order to understand Part Two and why pulling out of the UPU is so important.



Part One


In 1871 The United States became a corporation with a new constitution. The original constitutional government was vacated, however it was never terminated. The new constitution had to be ratified by we the people according to the original constitution, it never was. The whole process occurred in secrecy.


February 21, 1871, the 41st Congress came to session. On this date the congress passed an act titled An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871.


Congress, under no constitutional authority, created a separate form of government, the District of Columbia. This new corporate government know as THE UNITED STATES was born. This was a construct of the British Crown and the Vatican.


There is a connection to be made here. In 1302 Pope Boniface VIII claimed control over the whole planet when he issued his infamous Papal Bull Unam Sanctam. This was the first express trust and made him essentially the king of the world.


America was the prize and by October 22nd 1871, the entire nation and everyone in it, was captured in a war where everyone and everything in this war was placed under the international jurisdiction of admiralty and maritime law of the sea, in a global warfare effort to control all commerce on planet earth.


This international jurisdiction of admiralty/ maritime law of the sea is the law of the monarch of Great Britain. Everyone and everything is recognized as a little boat, or vessel that is floating around in a “sea of space”, as vessels, and are therefore, and have been, captured in the Crown's global feudal system of commerce; i.e. the shipping, movement of everyone and everything on the planet. The time-lines (shipping-date-movements reflected in the bill of lading) working in conjunction with the entire operation were set up and are controlled by the Vatican’s Gregorian Calendar and the global position of the Post-Office of the Universal Postmaster General up in Bern Switzerland. This is all governed by the Universal Postal Union in Bern Switzerland.


This is the New World Order.



Anonymous ID: 478745 Jan. 31, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.7981270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1273 >>1350



Post Offices are international stations or hubs, connected by post roads and sea lanes to every Post Office on the globe. The Universal Postal Union is required to have and maintain treaties known as Postal Union Treaties with each national government to allow and maintain this international transport system within the borders and maritime jurisdictions of each country on earth.


All of the Post Offices of the monarchs and dictators of the world are registered with the UPU. Their wars are conducted through their Post Offices.


When a young man joins the US military he is registered at the Post Office.


The control of the shipping and movement of all cargoes and vessels, i.e. people, money, boats, planes, cars, military, anything requiring a title, registration, stamp or seal is handled by the Post Office. All in an effort to state the claim that they have captured and own everything on the planet, to include you and I.


The Constitution provides for each state of the Union as it's own nation-state. The 50 states together function as one entity for a list of stipulated international purposes, one of which is international/interstate trade, of which control is delegated to the federal government by the people. The federal government has and maintains a Postal Union Treaty with the UPU which applies throughout all 50 states. Our Constitution was founded to function at this high level and not an ounce more.


At this time the Post Office, in an act of global warfare, captured the entire world and all “vessels” in it, in an effort to command and control all commerce of planet earth (one of the functions of the US Constitution is to govern international commerce). Think contracts, people, money, cars, etc. Anything requiring a title, license, registration, birth certificate, social security number, these are all considered vessels in dry dock according to the new de facto British government now known as Washington DC. The law of the land (common law) was dead at this point. The law of the sea (civil law) became the new jurisdiction.


With the creation of the corporate government and the dismantling of the American Constitution, this new British federal government grew exponentially, subsequently rendering the States floundering powerlessly while keeping the population in the dark.


State power waned, our Republic became a Democracy and Socialism was on it's way.


This is where the sleazy conspirators get wicked with semantics. Pay close attention.


Before the Civil War, the office of United States Post Master was responsible for enforcing the Postal Union Treaty and for securing, maintaining, and operating the post roads, sea lanes, the post offices, and all the functions related to these. The key international role of interest here is that of the United States Post Master acting in his role as the "Trustee" of the Constitutional United States.

Anonymous ID: 478745 Jan. 31, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.7981273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1282



After the Civil War, the unofficial British corporate government established a corporate office called "The United States Postmaster General" to perform the day to day functions of the international office (previously called Post Master). As the corporation had no ability or authority to appoint the Land Trustee, the actual office of United States Post Master was vacated and remained so (as was the Constitution). Even though the functions mandated by the Postal Union Treaty were performed by the de facto Postmaster General, there was no Trustee to defend the jurisdiction of the Constitution overall.


In a court of law, defining the difference between Post Master and Postmaster can mean the difference between freedom and slavery. "Postmaster" is a semantic variation clouding the meaning of the true authority, "Post Master". In the end we got slavery.


The office of the de jure United States Post Master (Constitutional, land jurisdiction) was vacated after the Civil War and replaced by the de facto Postmaster (British Monarch/Vatican, sea jurisdiction). America has not had anyone officially functioning as the Land Trustee for the Constitutional United States ever since.


This means that all of the laws, codes and statutes of public justice, and the entities that enforce them, ATF, FBI, NSA,CIA, IRS etc., have all been unconstitutionally created by the de facto British run federal government (British Crown/Vatican) to enforce the rule of these civil laws.


For instance, the IRS claims they work for the United States Treasury. The United States Treasury (money) is under the jurisdiction of the United States Post Office and the Post Office is responsible for all branches of government. This new government took the power from the people and put it in the hands of the British/Vatican. This is where our federal income tax, property tax, court monetary restitution, etc. goes.


A private British federal contract government services corporation, known as the "Presidential Administration", illegally (according to our Constitution) continues to fraudulently enforce the provisions of these de facto federal services upon both the states, and we the people.


Every President since 1871 has known this truth yet they have kept quite and have collaborated with the Crown/Vatican to deplete America of it's natural resources and the life blood of it's people. Welcome to America!

Anonymous ID: 478745 Jan. 31, 2020, 1 p.m. No.7981282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1293 >>1294



Part two


In today's headline, October 2018


"US Threatens To Pull Out Of Universal Postal Union"


"The world’s third-oldest international organization, the Universal Postal Union (UPU), founded in 1874 in Bern, Switzerland, has been informed by Washington of the US withdrawal. The United States became, under the administration of President Ulysses Grant, a founding member of the UPU".


Under the guise of a postage war, these articles try to define the characteristics of Trumps disposition toward the UPU. Global Research for instance says; "The Trump administration, notably the rabidly-rightwing White House trade adviser, Peter Navarro, is upset over foreign government subsidies for certain postal authorities, most notably that of China, which reduces international parcel mailing costs to manufacturers and consumers. Rather than negotiate revised postal rates, through the auspices of the UPU, which was established to standardize the world’s postal system, Trump plans to leave the organization".


GR goes on to defile the Trump Administration for it's threat to leave the UPU.


Reader, after all we have just learned in Part 1 about this whole usurpation by Great Britain/Vatican, and the importance of the Constitutional de jure Post Master General, and how the unconstitutional de facto Postmaster General is raping and pillaging our national resources, one can conclude the UPU treaty as it stands is not an organization that is conducive to a prosperous future of America.


The UPU was founded in 1874, right after the Act of 1871 that rendered us without constitutional privileges and consequently left us to rot under control of the British Monarchy. President U. Grant help found the organization. US Inc is a founding member of the UPU. The UPU is under control of the Vatican and the British Crown.


Coincidentally, in 1873 the new congress of DC, the British federal government, demonetized silver. It was no longer considered money and inflation set in sending millions of Americans into foreclosure. Our monetary system has never recovered. Our dollar is only worth 3 cents compared to then.


The Post Master General is thee most important person in our deployment of the Constitution law of the land in America.


The UPU was created by the very people who seized our country.


The UPU is part of the United Nations organization known to be created by the Roman Vatican.


This whole thing is a Temporal construct. They own the British monarchy. They wanted control of our national finances and resources to included the blood sweat and tears of the American population just like they did in Europe, the Soviet Union, Africa, Middle East and Asia.


They got it.


"The UPU… managed to weather the Nazi occupation of Europe and North Africa. The belligerent nations of World War II continued to maintain membership". -GR


Of course they did. Looking at this from the mind of a sleepwalker this would be fine, it renders a sense of validity. From the mind of the woke, this is understood to be under complete control of the conspirators. The UPU didn't "weather" the storm. There was no storm. They created the whole situation the nations found themselves in. Of course the UPU would survive. This is how all world leaders, conspiring together, communicated with eachother, in secrecy.


Now POTUS wants out.


Maybe Trump is working for we the people. Our de jure government was designed to operate this way. To protect us.


Is there hope? Does POTUS recognized thee fundamental flaw of our nation, that we are without the foundational documents of our Republic, that we are vacated?


Is he trying to fix the system or is this just another dramatic act of meaningless nothingness?


I've been on the fence about Trump since 2017. With all of his ties to the Rothschilds, Russian oligarchs and other billionaire Zionists, I've been very leary to say the least. This makes me wonder though, could he really be working for us in the background?


If my haunch is right, this pulling out of the UPU will be a colossal win for America and subsequently the world.


The New World Order dies here.


Freedom at last!



Believe nothing, believe everything.


Stay mad!




> i notice he uses the Quantum grammar construct


Anonymous ID: 478745 Jan. 31, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.7981425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1442 >>1610 >>1759

New dig direction on P = C


>Who is the Master?


the Post Master?


A postmaster general, in many countries, is the chief executive officer of the postal service of that country, responsible for oversight over all other postmasters. The practice of having a government official responsible for overseeing the delivery of mail throughout the nation originated in England, where a Master of the Posts is mentioned in the King's Book of Payments, with a payment of £100 being authorised for Tuke as master of the posts in February 1512.[1] Belatedly, in 1517, he was officially appointed to the office of Governor of the King's Posts, a precursor to the office of Postmaster General of the United Kingdom, by Henry VIII.[2] In 1609 it was decreed that letters could only be carried and delivered by persons authorised by the postmaster general.[3]


there's Postmasters, and Postmaster General. seems maybe to be a "The Post Master" as well… still digging

>Through the years, changes to the Post Office have occurred. Initially the post office was a division of sorts of the Continental Congress and was directly under the position of the U.S. Presidency and controlled by the executive branch. Now however, the United States Postal Service and is an entity within itself, no longer under the control of the executive branch; yet much like previous decades the Postmaster General position remains greatly sought after and promises the fortunate designated individual a very comfortable salary.

Anonymous ID: 478745 Jan. 31, 2020, 1:20 p.m. No.7981507   🗄️.is 🔗kun



more 'postal' posts from the past…


>In regards to the Hell Fire Club, the Earl of Sandwich, Benjamin Franklin and Sir Francis Dashwood

were leaders in the Hell Fire Club and were also Post-Master Generals of the British postal Service,

All were Freemasons too. Their positions as Post-Master Generals allowed them total access to the mail, and allowed them to spy on the communications of the 18th century."


>Now, the government has announced a new program in which they hope people will voluntarily give their fingerprints. As the public has become more aware of such privacy concerns, it seems strange that on Friday, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced a new partnership with the United States postal Service where customers can voluntarily provide them with their fingerprints while you're at the post office.

Anonymous ID: 478745 Jan. 31, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.7981761   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"The Internet's Most Comprehensive Source of U.S. Political Biography

>(or, The Web Site that Tells Where the Dead Politicians are Buried)

Created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum"

Anonymous ID: 478745 Jan. 31, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.7981826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

highly interesting considering we know the distance they will go for deception:

(also, for coincidence sake, just a couple night shifts ago we were discussing the aether, last night I was hit with inspiration about "Quintessence" which is also the aether/"5th essence/element" its on )


December 12th, 2019 6:00am

10 Proofs Albert Einstein Was a Complete Fraud


Albert Einstein was a complete moron. He was only a hero to the Zionists. They used him, put his name on fictitious papers they wrote which were in complete support of their Kabbalah, quantum physics and Big Bang - black hole theory BS in order to create the faced that humanity was a blip in time and space with no connection to God. The theory is, without the support of a creator, people would then be forced to rely on government. This would finally result in the One World Order. A world order that they and their cronies would control.


Here is a list of Einstein fraud:


1) 1700~ Newton predicts the deflection of light around the sun. Einstein plagiarized this in his 1911 prediction, without citing Newton.


2) 1878~ James Maxwell in Scotland publishes Special Theory of Relativity in Encyclopedia Britannica which Einstein publishes as his own in 1905 without citing Maxwell.


3) 1887~ Michelson-Morley experiment suggests there is no aether, an observation made by Einstein in his 1905 papers, with no cites to Michelson or Morley.


Baron ~ All of these blokes are wrong about this. Aether is the God element they have been hiding from us. All the old books predating the1930's include aether as the fifth element. Aether has been stricken from all contemperary school books.


4) 1898~ Paul Gerber in Germany published the exact equations in Annalen der Physik which Einstein published 17 yrs later in 1915 as his "perihelion motion of Mercury" w/ no cites to Gerber, claiming that he was "in the dark" He confesses under pressure to his crime in 1920


5) 1900~ Max Planck and Wilhelm Wien of Germany develop the quantum theory which Einstein plagiarized as his "Light Quantum" paper in 1905, citing neither Planck nor Wien.


6) 1903~ Olinto de Pretto publishes E=mc^2 in Atte, a scientific magazine known to be read by Einstein, which he later claimed as his own work and which he failed to cite de Pretto.


7) 1905~ Albert published 4 "groundbreaking" essays in the field of theoretical physics and quantum mechanics in Annalen der Physik, gaining him a Ph.D. from the University of Zurich and worldwide support from the Zionists. Rumor has it his wife did all the math.


8) 1915~ Einstein presents his paper and publishes the General Theory of Relativity based on the mathematics of Marcel Grossmann and Berhard Riemann. Again, he does not cite these men.


9) 1919~ Zionists using the London Times begins the j3w disinformation campaign heralding Einstein as a "genius".


10) 1999~Time Magazine put Einstein on the front cover as "person of the century". Guess who owns Time? The Rothschilds.

He was an enemy foreign agent, a Nazi. He was so stupid he wasn't even consulted during the development of the atom bomb (Manhattan Project) which employed 130k people.


Reader, Albert Einstein is a cartoon character. His persona is a complete fabrication. He was a known Nazi sexual deviant. These are the tactics of the Illuminati. This is text book art of deception. They create fictitious characters and elevate them under false pretenses to arrive at their true agenda.


Believe nothing, believe everything


Stay vigilant!


:Baron- T3