Anonymous ID: 6b24f3 Feb. 7, 2020, 10:06 a.m. No.8062706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2723 >>2792 >>2797 >>2910 >>2956


Excerpt from


Crowd Strike Connections


Mid-2015 we know the FBI contracted self-described Cyber security experts Crowd strike in what we are assured was an unrelated matter. The possible significance of this contact has been overlooked by most commentators. Crowd Strike in this context is not just any independent Cyber Security contractor, Co-Founder and CTO of CrowdStrike Dmitri Alperovitch is a non-resident senior fellow on the Atlantic Council.


The Atlantic Council is hawkish on Russia, previously publishing reports about topics like how the West can “get tougher” on Russia, how to “fight back Against Russian political warfare,” how to respond “to Russia’s Anti-Western Aggression.” The Atlantic Council is also funded by the “Open Society Initiative for Europe,” a program of leftist billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. The Open Society Initiative for Europe has written that they support, “initiatives that strengthen the protection of migrants and the politics of inclusion, giving the leading role and voice in advocating policies and social change to migrants and refugees, their descendants, and their allies in civil society.”


The Atlantic Council is also funded by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation.

Pinchuk is a Ukrainian billionaire who reportedly gave $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, and was invited to Clinton’s home for a dinner in 2012 while she was secretary of state, despite an earlier denial from a Clinton spokesperson suggesting that this dinner was “never on her schedule” during her time as Secretary.


Further, it’s worth pointing out that CrowdStrike received a capital injection of $100 million in 2015, led by Google Capital (since re-branded as CapitalG) . In GET TRUMP Part 2 we saw how close Google was to the Clinton campaign with Googles top two executives Eric Schmidt and Sheryl Sandberg among many other top Silicon Valley Tech and Social Media Giants in constant contact with John Podesta providing funding, research, advice, support and best wishes.


In April 2016, two months before the June report that alleged a Russian conspiracy, former President Barack Obama appointed Steven Chabinsky, the general counsel and chief risk officer for CrowdStrike, to the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity. CrowdStrike co-founder George Kurtz said at the time, “We wish Steve and the rest of the Commissioners every success in this important effort. Their dedicated and thoughtful leadership on these issues holds great potential for promoting innovation and the benefits of technology, while lowering the very real security risks we are facing today.”


So we are told that the FBI informed the DNC in September of 2015 that it had been the target of a serious computer hack by a known Russian adversary from Mid-2015, this hack we know had been carried out by a group based at Moscow University that were already well known to the FBI thanks to an earlier encounter at the DOJ back in 2014 when they had again been tipped off to by Dutch Intelligence.


Publicly available commentary from the DNC and MSM would lead us to believe that the DNC was unconcerned by this intrusion and subsequently failed to do anything following this credible warning of an attack on their servers until May 2016.

We have reason to believe that Crowd Strike had earlier been engaged by the DNC in December 2015 to investigate an internal dispute involving Bernie Sanders staffers obtaining unauthorised access to DNC data.


We know Bernie Sanders campaign Staffer Josh Wretsky had been sacked on the 20th of December 2015 following accusations from the DNC and Hillary Clinton Campaign of a system breach resulting in Bernie’s campaign gaining unauthorised access to DNC data. The DNC subsequently completely cut off the Sanders campaign from any access to DNC data. Remember Seth Rich was a young man working with access to the DNC data at this time, Seth who was latter gunned down on July 10, 2016, also happened to be a dedicated Bernie Sanders Supporter.


Crowd Strike a company that spruiks its wares as a premier Computer Data security player had access to the DNC servers from December 2015 and we are told were due to undertake an audit of the DNC network and produce a report on what they had found on April 29th 2016. But something changed!


We will get back to accusations and details of the various supposed Russian computer hacks later, but first it is important we offer some detail on what else was happening within the Presidential Primaries and the Clinton Campaign to add some context to what may have happened to change thinking and priorities along with the political narrative at the DNC.

Anonymous ID: 6b24f3 Feb. 7, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.8062723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2747 >>2792 >>2797 >>2910 >>2956




Excerpt from


Developing the Trump-Putin narrative


I want to introduce you to DR Evelyn Farkas a Member of Soros “Think Tanks” the Council on Foreign Relations and the Atlantic Council, a Senior foreign policy adviser to Hillary Clinton and a key indicator of the change of focus that occurred within the Clinton campaign at what we are learning is a pivotal moment, those eight formative weeks of the Campaign between January 24th and April 3rd 2016.


Just remember Farkas would become notable a year later for her statement,


“Um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods” when referring to the Obama administration’s illegal spying on Donald Trump and his campaign team.


Evelyn Farkas is a former Obama administration deputy secretary of defence — and now an MSNBC analyst. Appearing on air among her friends at MSNBC, she all but outed herself as a key source for the seminal New York Times story on the Obama administration’s efforts to subvert the incoming Trump administration.


On January 24, 2016 Politico published an article penned by Evelyn Farkas titled “What the Next President Must Do About Putin” it was billed as “An open letter from the Pentagon’s former key Russia expert on how to contain Moscow’s aggressive autocrat”.

What is interesting about this lengthy piece is not only does Politico fail to mention Farkas is working for the Hillary Clinton campaign, but of more significance is the fact it fails to mention anything about Donald Trump. Yet from the same sources only two months later we get a very different focus. The Trump Russia smear narrative has been conceived, and is born.


On April 3, 2016 Farkas launches the Trump Russia Smear campaign with her column in POLITICO titled “Trump and Putin, two liars separated at birth”, in a lengthy and comprehensive attempt to equate Donald Trump to the autocratic and villainous Putin, Farkas out does herself in painting the picture of Donald trump as Putin incarnate, thus the Trump Russian smear is borne.


Farkas resigned from her post as a Defence Department official in September 2015. Her knowledge of the underlying project at issue here may or may not be one person removed or was it first hand, though here I would emphasize Brzezinski’s introduction as well as Farkas’s use of the first personal singular and plural in her comments. According to Pentagon records, Dr. Farkas resigned in September of 2015. So a legitimate question for authorities is, how does this non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and former deputy assistant Secretary of Defence for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, gain knowledge of intelligence regarding members of Trump’s team and their relations with Russia, when she was the senior foreign policy advisor for Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton?