Blanket anon ID: ab3619 Feb. 7, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.8062820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2860 >>2864 >>2866 >>2905 >>2929 >>2930 >>2934 >>2960

This is the first time I post with a name. I have researched decades, always feeling something was being hidden, and wanting to know what. I have read the Old and New Testaments of the bible, the Quran, The Torah and some of the Talmud. I also read the book of Enoch and other scriptures held from the bible. I've researched and read books from Albert Pike that are the staples of secret societies and religions. Sought all disenfranchised works from members who have left these fraternities. When I first started my research the internet did not exist, you needed to seek out books from sources that did not know their content or were not afraid to share secrets that were supposed to remain such. Amazon came along and I was able to find books much easier, and discovered that used books contained notes and thoughts of other like minded people. I'd highly recommend all 3 parts of Scarlett and the Beast. Soon after blogs, PDFs, libraries made reading online possible. What I learned throughout all this time is deception was real. History, political office was controlled and faith had been corrupted, all with a long master plan in mind.


Greater knowledge of the truth is out there if you continue to look, but I have yet to find the full knowledge of truth. The only real truth is the Most High Father of Creation. I do not use the terms god or lord anymore, because I believe the scriptures have purposely been used to misguide us. Through exclusion and translations many of the teachings are hidden from us to lead us astray. You learn to collect all perceptions of each story to discover the truth in the middle ground of issues and disputes with age. All three religions started with the same omnipresent Creator. All books are not modified the same, so you can find missing pieces. Jesus is the path to The Most High Father and both Christian and Muslims believe him to be the Messiah that will grant salvation to the sinners and the pure of heart before the last coming of man. Wrap yourself in the blanket of faith (your faith) before the day of reckoning arrives. His arrival will be too late prove yourself.


Truths to this have been shared by both sides, because it is the rule. You need to look and you can find him (truth) no matter how much deception or evil clouds your path.


Agenda 2030, the new post the Q posted from Tucker C, the green new deal, the deficit, the fairytale banking system of imaginary money creation are out there to research, as Anons know. Even the lazy normies are made aware thru tv shows like Colony, Scandal, Designated Survivor, etc.

The plan was and is to cripple the USA in debt, play on the sympathies of the good for their family tree's transgressions, steal the gold they commanded collected as collateral to their phony money, and use that gold to pay for drugs to cloud your faith and minds, while creating crime and evil thoughts. They flood you with porn and lowered morals of Hollywood and the music industry. Create divide in family units thru talk shows, financial turmoil, and changed views on marriage and abortion. Sites online that promote affairs and adultry. A banking system of usury (interest).

The plan was to call in the debt, seize the lands and resources as collateral and move you to controlled cities. If they can not disarm you to control this path to make the USA a 3rd world country, they will make it 4th or 5th world, thru drugs, criminals etc. A place where you all kill each other. They prey on our sinful traits of jealousy, greed, envy, gluttony.


Understand and wrap yourself in the blanket of faith before you pray for justice. When that time comes there may be no blankets left