Anonymous ID: 0d18d0 Feb. 9, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.8087295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7309

The attacks against 8kun occurred right after the massive cyber attack against Iran, and their failed sat. launch

=Coincidence? Retaliation~=

"They have deep pockets"

<Or we're up against a nation state who just revealed a brand new missile 'Thunder 500'. Curious where they got their latest funds from?


>Zarif speaks Chinese



>Iran’s government says that the country was subject to a “massive” cyber-attack on Saturday, describing it as ”the most extensive cyberattack against its infrastructure.”

>Iranian News Agency reports that hackers targeted millions of internet users and were able to interrupt the internet which “they targeted millions of sources and millions of destinations by SYN flood attack with 180 million PPS aiming to disturb Iran internet network”.

>The Iranian government also says that the attack affected several service providers in Iran, including two notable mobile operators and was defused by defense system called DEJFA or the ‘Domestic Digital Fortress’ isolation mechanism.

Anonymous ID: 0d18d0 Feb. 9, 2020, 7:05 p.m. No.8087309   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>When you cannot destroy/defeat the United States of America [or The Great Awakening] by attacking head on, you change tactics and deploy a 'KILL FROM WITHIN' [internal] operation.

Who hates Israel the most? 🤔

Who's dividing and conquering us by making individual state breads? 🤔

Who's pushing Generals off the index? 🤔

Why do they all look/feel the same? 🤔

Who got so good at automatically making breads? 🤔

Do you feel as if it's not worth posting? Like your efforts will enter a void? Is that manufactured? 🤔

If spammers kill forums, what are the long term consequences of their pressence? 🤔

Are there specific reasons why they chose their talking points, if they haven't changed them in over 2 years? 🤔

What's their true effect? 🤔

If flooding is allowed, are we expressing our free thoughts + opinions, or our manipulated frustrations? 🤔

As we know beyond doubt the IRGC (a foreign terrorist group) is behind these attacks, why are they protected by Free Speech laws? 🤔

Would you extend the Freedom of speech to a repeat offending child rapist, without a system of Law in place to keep them from luring children in chat rooms? 🤔

Where is our system of law that protects us from abuses of Free Speech? 🤔

If this board mirrors America and her glorious Free Speech, does this board mirror her glorious system of Law as well? 🤔

If they cannot control who posts here or what's shown to others, are there other ways to manipulate users to be as [self-]censored as they desire? 🤔

As we know the abusers on our board embed MKUltra tier subliminals in their pictures, is our ability to express ourselves without censorship intact? 🤔

If Q says there's a war on our minds, what would that war look like? 🤔

What spell of slumber are they referring to? 🤔

If they have the same access (You) do, does that censorship take place through images posted? Text written? 🤔

Does a lie, repeated often enough, become a 'truth'? 🤔

If this manipulation has run for awhile now, and it has, are we manipulated out of key positions? 🤔

Is the Baker a key position? 🤔

How important is this board? Is the world watching? 🤔


What's the IQ?

Iranian Question? 🤔

What's the IQ?


Is Iran omitted from shilling attacks? 🤔

Do the shills here deflect from mentioning problems caused by, as trump said, "The most prolific instigator of terrorism"? 🤔

Are they not the cause of instability in the middle east? 🤔

Do they contain the IRGC, a designated terrorist organization? 🤔

Did the IRGC infiltrate the MOS [C_A of Israel]? 🤔

Is the JQ tactical cover for the IQ?

Do they deliberately dodge the IQ? 🤔

Do they double down when we get near it? 🤔

Does fervent hatred for Israel, reveal the IRGC pressence? 🤔🤔🤔

Flak above the target.

AFLB's Questions~

Anonymous ID: 0d18d0 Feb. 9, 2020, 7:06 p.m. No.8087318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7333

The anti-5G narrative is Ch_nA propaganda aimed to secure the ownership of tomorrows infrastructure.


>I recall the observation of one of my classmates in arguing that it was China that posed the greatest threat. He said, “Russia wants to conquer the world.  We can deal with that. China wants to own the world.  That is going to be more challenging to deal with.”  There was a certain truth in that.

>Now let me turn to a very concrete problem that confronts us today.  It is the pivotal nature of 5G technology and the threat arising from the Chinese drive to dominate this field.

>5G technology lies at the center of the technological and industrial world that is taking shape.  In essence, communications networks are not just for communications anymore. They are evolving into the central nervous system of the next generation of internet, called the "Industrial Internet," and the next generation of industrial systems that will depend on that infrastructure.  China has built up a lead in 5G, capturing 40 percent of the global 5G infrastructure market.  For the first time in history, the United States is not leading the next technology era.

>Much of the discussion on the dangers of allowing China to establish dominance in 5G has been focused on the immediate security concern of using communications networks that China can monitor and surveil.  That is, in fact, a monumental danger.  For that reason alone, we should mobilize to surmount China’s drive to dominate 5G. But the stakes are far higher than this.


In regards to the health risks involved with 5G, answer me this: Do you want Ch_nA modulating the frequencies, or America?

We can find a frequency that's neutral to the body, perhaps even beneficial.

Ch_nA can find one that's leathal.


Who do you trust?

Pompeo discusses China at the National Governors Association





>Worth 43 minutes of your time.


>Important to understand going forward.



Anonymous ID: 0d18d0 Feb. 9, 2020, 7:07 p.m. No.8087333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7504


CoronaVirus | The Leaked Bioweapon | OSINT


Current Highlights: The CCP is deliberately lying. It's worse than they'll ever admit.

The WHO is deliberately lying (They oversee the PSL4 Biolab this 'escaped' from). It's worse than they'll ever admit.

Watch carefully for the actions and priorities of communism are in full light (so far as we can see through the Great Firewall of China).

They're wielding apartment doors shut.

They're quarantining entire cities.

They're forcing people into testing new drugs.

Their official numbers are a calculated PR stunt.


This is a cull of the Chinese people.

Someone high up, perhaps Winnie the Xi himself knowing the totalitarian structure of communism, made this call.

They said yes, this is a good idea.

They're favoring long term survival over short term pain. Their objective of "owning the world" (their words) supersedes the loss of millions of Chinese people.

They let loose a bioweapon they engineered.

So they can continue subverting the rest of the world. All that stolen tech/info/land/governments is too important to lose.

#Chinese Billionaire "Guo Wengui" aka "Miles Kwok," says in #China;

-1200 bodies cremated daily

-more than 250 million people under quarantine

-1.5 million people confirmed to have #coronavirus

-more than 50,000 deaths to date

Data from shows a massive release of sulfur dioxide gas from the outskirts of Wuhan, commonly associated with the burning of organic matters. Levels are elevated, even compared with the rest of China.

[Note, while does use forecasted data, nullschool allows for real time data viewing:,31.45,3000/loc=114.123,30.929]

SO2 levels are outside the norm, especially considering the city has been a ghost town since quarantine.

Factories are closed.

Needed power levels are lower.

What's producing all that SO2?



Dr. Francis Boyle discusses the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China and the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory (BSL-4) from which he believes the infectious disease escaped. He believes the virus is potentially lethal and an offensive biological warfare weapon or dual-use biowarfare weapons agent genetically modified with gain of function properties, which is why the Chinese government originally tried to cover it up and is now taking drastic measures to contain it. The Wuhan BSL-4 lab is also a specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research lab and Dr. Boyle contends that the WHO knows full well what is occurring.

An infectious disease expert says that the true scale of the coronavirus isn’t being reported by Chinese officials and claims that around 50,000 new cases are emerging in the country daily.

Professor Neil Ferguson, director of the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London, says that the number of cases is ‘going up all the time’.

To put things into context, he said that only 10% of all infections in China are being detected at the current time.

He added that the rate of detection was better overseas, but even then only a quarter of infections were being discovered.



Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag


1) Seafood market not the source. 2) This RNA #coronavirus mutates really fast. 3) DNA has unusual middle segment never seen before in any coronavirus. 4) Not from recent mixing. 5) That mystery middle segment encodes protein responsible for entry into host cells


Propagation visuals, according to officially released confirmed cases.