Anonymous ID: 53a80f Feb. 9, 2020, 7:28 p.m. No.8087555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7729 >>7935 >>7992

>>8083408 pb, >>8087153 pb

tx anon for posting!

>Reid Hoffman bankrolling faulty Iowa app

'''This is the same guy referenced by Q in 2018 Dec. (Q 2635)

re Alabama Senate race scandal'''

Big digg last Dec, Jan, Feb.

Now here Hoffman is AGAIN!!


CAMPAIGN 2020 Billionaire Who Bankrolled Faulty App in Iowa Democrat Caucus Also Funded Sabotage Ops in 2017 Alabama Senate Race: Reid Hoffman

This Silicon Valley technocrat is notorious for funding shady political operations.


Big League Politics has reported about Acronym, the political organization that is behind Shadow Inc., the tech firm that made the faulty app that caused massive delays in reporting the Democrat results of the Iowa caucus.


Acronym is closely tied to South Bend, IN Mayor Pete Buttigieg and the failed campaign of Hillary Clinton, and it is funded by Silicon Valley oligarch Reid Hoffman. Hoffman has a history of funding shady social media operations, which makes it incomprehensible that a firm funded by him would be tasked with securing electoral integrity for the all-important Iowa caucus.


Hoffman, who founded the popular networking portal LinkedIn, has frequently funded campaigns to manipulate voters using technology. As the Democrats accuse the Russians of running disinfo ops to influence elections, one of their richest backers actually does it, gets caught doing it, receives with no repercussions, and is given an opportunity to do it yet again.

Hoffman’s top henchman is Dmitri Mehlhorn, who used to promote privatization of schools before he joined the dark side....



Hoffman ties into a giant disinfo network revolving around muh Russia and involving the DNC up to their necks. For more, see Information Warfare thread:


>>>/qrb/23087 for 3 months of diggs, very detailed.

Archive has a 3 page timeline of Alabama fuckery that has more info than anything I saw in the MSM.

Dig is still active bc network connections are not fully known.

Anonymous ID: 53a80f Feb. 9, 2020, 7:44 p.m. No.8087729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7935 >>7992


Moar on Reid Hoffman & Dmitri Mehlhorn

This is the SECOND TIME Hoffman has been involved in a failed Dem political project. Why do his projects fail?


Here is another article on Hoffman and Mehlhorn:

Group That Sabotaged Iowa Caucus Begun by Billionaire Backer of Alabama ‘False Flag’ Campaign


Mehlhorn excerpt:


Having fostered friendships with nationally known Silicon Valley oligarchs like right-wing libertarian Trump supporter Peter Thiel and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, is now making his name as a top sugar-daddy of the Democratic anti-Trump resistance.


Following Trump’s election in 2016, Hoffman plowed his money into an array of new Democrat-aligned social media groups through a funding hub he founded called Investing in US.


To run Investing in US on a day-to-day basis, Hoffman tapped Mehlhorn, a venture capitalist and political strategist used to walking the line between the corporate world and Democratic Party.


“There was no risk-capital or growth-capital arm of the resistance, and so that is what we’ve tried to build,” Mehlhorn told Vanity Fair. “Now, in terms of what that implies, that implies that we are backing founders, so people who we think have big, potentially game-changing ideas.”


Mehlhorn’s career path tracked closely with neoliberal party favorites like Buttigieg and Cory Booker. He studied at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, launched his career at McKinsey Associates, and became a leading advocate for school privatization as the chief operating officer of Michelle Rhee’s StudentsFirst.


Dmitri Mehlhorn


According to Mehlhorn’s bio, he sits on the board of American Prison Data Systems, a company that claims to reduce recidivism by giving prisoners tablets to study coding for five hours a day.


Mehlhorn is also an advisor to the Democratic group DigiDems, which Buttigieg’s 2020 presidential campaign paid $1540 for technology services.


In a 2018 Medium post, announcing the “founders” that Investing in US planned to back, Mehlhorn resorted to distinctly neoconservative talking points to emphasize the mission of his organization.


After quoting Ronald Reagan, he declared, “Trump and his movement, borrowing heavily from other authoritarian criminals such as Hugo Chavez and Vladimir Putin, promised to hollow out America’s principles in favor of his own personal enrichment.”


Pledging to “inoculate our politics and our economy against corruption, white nationalism, and mass deceit,” Mehlhorn announced major donations to “diverse groups” with names like Woke Vote, PushBlack, and an “anti-Nazi” organization known as Integrity for America.


Among the top recipients of support from Investing in US was McGowan’s Acronym, which Mehlhorn described merely as a “media group.”


As The Grayzone reported, Acronym has ballooned since its founding into a massive dark money operation, even launching a Super PAC dubbed Pacronym that has raked in money from hedge fund billionaires like Seth Klarman and Donald Sussman.